
ECO. 362—-10-5-2021 (Online Discussion Quiz 6—Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals 10-17)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are people-centered and planet-sensitive.  They are universal, applying to all countries while recognizing different realities and capabilities.  The goals are not independent from each other; they need to be implemented in an integrated manner.

From what you learnt about the goals 10 to 17, do you think they are achievable in Nigeria within the time frame allotted? If yes, how? if no why? Clearly discuss them one after the the other and explain your points lucidly!

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    Name : Nkwocha Ikechukwu Bonaventure
    Reg no: 2017/249530
    Dept: Economics
    A continuation on the SDGs from 10-17
    Goal 10: reduce inequality within and among countries
    To ensure by 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin or economic or other status
    With Nigeria as our case study and staring within the country, this goal is not achievable within the time frame because the wealthy in the country is more concerned on how to improve its wealth and among countries, no country will wait for the other to come and meet it intense of growth and mind you the rate the Nigeria in growing economically by 2030 the inequality will still be there.
    Goal 11: make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030 Provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport system for all, improve road safety, notably by expanding public transport with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situation women, children, person with disability and older persons.
    With Nigeria as our focus on this discussion, within the time frame given and from what we have at hand that is 9 years is not achievable for Nigeria, we can improve but corruption will go a long way to slow it down and mind you government institutions plays a key roles.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    To ensure that by 2030, halver per capita global food waste t the retail and consumer levels and reduce losses along production chains, including post – harvest losses. For Nigeria, we are still fighting on maintaining a production chain that will vary with the population then we can look into how to sustain it, mind you people have to eat before the talk about sustainability. So in Nigeria we are still far below target and with the time frame is not achievable
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change an its impacts
    By 2030 to implement the commitment undertaken by developed country parties to the United
    Nation frame work convention on climate change to a goal o mobilizing jointly
    Nigeria citizens are still battling hunger as the major population is in poverty don’t consider the
    discussion on climate change and its government is not acting up, just look at the agreement they
    had to clean up Ogoni land in Portharcourt and till now nothing have being done.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
    By 2030, prevent and significant reduce marine pollution of all kind, in particular from based
    activities including marine debris and nutrition pollution.
    The Nigeria citizens (poor masses) depend on this natural resources and the government are not
    even using it well even with the information they have.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
    Degradation and halt biodiversity loss

    By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland
    As we know that this goal are linked up and starting from the goal 1 poverty, country like Nigeria that majority of its citizens are still under hunger because bad governance not because the resources are not there, in Nigerian with the time frame this is not achievable because its citizen use this things as means of survival and no knowledge on it sustainability at large.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related and death rates everywhere
    In Nigeria inclusive society is not achievable within the time frame because I believe we need moral reorientation because religion and ethnicity have divided us and the government not even playing their own role. For example country where the president appoint ministers from one zone and forget others. For Nigeria within the time frame its not achievable
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership
    For Sustainable Development finance Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support.
    This will help Nigeria with countries like china line of development
    Nigeria can do better but our political processes is drawing us back and we have to start asking for a change as this change will transcend to development (the right people in power)

  2. Avatar Chukwudi Christopher says:

    The SDGs are quite dependent on each other, to that effect below are the SDGs 10-17 below;
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries- This is quite achievable though not full attained. This is imperative in order to bridge the gap between the rich and poor/handicap people as well as between the rich and poor nations of the world.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable- This has been achieved since people live in peace with and amongst those from same or different ethnic, social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns- This is achievable through imbibing conservative lifestyles into the citizens of a society and country at large.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts- This is achievable sine NIMET and other meteorological agencies have been working to combat climate destroying activities like deforestation and Bush burning etc.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- This is way achieved since manufacturing companies are made to internalize the marginal damage done to the society in form of monetary payments of the marginal social cost.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This has been achieved by a number of ways such as the planting of trees, conservation of wildlife, zero or minimal bush burning practices etc in order to make ecosystem inhabitable.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies to sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and institutions at all levels- This is achieved if there is establishment of accountable institutions and agencies to promote peace coexistence in and among countries of the world.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This achievable through peace missions and advocacy, strong peace implementation or execution agencies.

  3. Avatar Michael Iloba says:

    Reduced Inequality(Goal 10): Income inequality has increased rapidly everywhere In the world in the last decade. These widening disparities requires sound policies to empower lower income earners, and promote economic inclusion of all regardless of race, sex and ethnicity. Our politicians are too selfish to enact policies that we reduce Inequalities as they want to maintain control over it people ad lord over them. Reducing Inequality is not a goal they strive to achieve.

    Sustainable cities and communities(Goal 11): sustainable development cannot e achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces. Making cities sustainable means creating career ad business opportunities, safe ad affordable housing, ad building resilient societies ad economies. The country is not investing enough In public transportation and not doing close to anywhere to improving urban planning and management In a inclusive ad participatory way.

    Responsible consumption and production(Goal 12): the efficient used of shared natural resources ad the way we dispose toxic waste ad pollutant, are important target to achieve these goal. Encouraging industries, business ad consumers to reduce ad recycle waste is equally important. A large share of the world is consuming far too little to meet their basic need.

    Climate Action(Goal 13): The annual average economic losses from climate-related disasters are in the hundreds of billions of dollars. This is not to mention the human impact of geo-physical disasters, which are 91 percent climate-related, and which between 1998 and 2017 killed 1.3 million people, and left 4.4 billion injured. The goal aims to mobilize US$100 billion annually by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. The Nigeria government does not have the resource to pursue low-carbon development and most importantly have little or no interest in pursuing climate action goals.

    Life below water(Goal 14): the Nigeria government has continuously show that they do not care about live below the water as seen in the niger delta, unless it satisfy their ow gain which is their pocket. They do little or nothing to manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification.
    Life on Land (Goal 15): Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security. Every year, 13 million hectares of forests are lost, while the persistent degradation of drylands has led to the desertification of 3.6 billion hectares, disproportionately affecting poor communities.

    Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Goal 16): We cannot hope for sustainable development without peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law. The Nigeria government has always disregarded the law; it has two set of law for the rich and the poor. Institutions are weak I carrying out their duties as they are at the mercy of government of the day ad influential Nigerians.

    Partnerships for the Goals( Goal 17): The world is more interconnected than ever. Improving access to technology and knowledge is an important way to share ideas and foster innovation. Coordinating policies to help developing countries manage their debt, as well as promoting investment for the least developed, is vital for sustainable growth and development.

    Because of Nigeria government lackadaisical attitude and their disregard for log term goal, oly interested I what they ca achieve ow ad their selfish interest that does ot align with that of the state SDG goals 10 -17 are not achievable in Nigeria within the time frame allotted.

  4. Avatar Assi Kaetti Marian says:

    Name: Assi Kaetti Marian
    REG NUMBER: 2017/241454

    Sustainable Development Goals 10-17
    10) REDUCE INEQUALITY WITHIN AND AMONG COUNTRIES It’s an old story: the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. The divide has never been starker. We can and must adopt policies that create opportunity for everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Income inequality is a global problem that requires global solutions. That means improving the regulation of financial markets and institutions, sending development aid where it is most needed and helping people migrate safely so they can pursue opportunities. Together, we can now change the direction of the old story of inequality.

    11) MAKE CITIES AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS INCLUSIVE, SAFE, RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE If you’re like most people, you live in a city. More than half the world’s population now lives in cities, and that figure will go to about two-thirds of humanity by the year 2050. Cities are getting bigger. In 1990 there were ten “mega-cities” with 10 million inhabitants or more. In 2014, there were 28 mega-cities, home to 453 million people. Incredible, huh? A lot of people love cities; they’re centers of culture and business and life. The thing is, they’re also often centers of extreme poverty. To make cities sustainable for all, we can create good, affordable public housing. We can upgrade slum settlements. We can invest in public transport, create green spaces, and get a broader range of people involved in urban planning decisions. That way, we can keep the things we love about cities, and change the things we don’t.

    12) ENSURE SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS Some people use a lot of stuff, and some people use very little—in fact, a big share of the world population is consuming too little to meet even their basic needs. Instead, we can have a world where everybody gets what they need to survive and thrive. And we can consume in a way that preserves our natural resources so that our children can enjoy them, and their children and their children after that. The hard part is how to achieve that goal. We can manage our natural resources more efficiently and dispose of toxic waste better. Cut per capita food waste in half globally. Get businesses and consumers to reduce and recycle waste. And help countries that have typically not consumed a lot to move towards more responsible consumption patterns.

    13) TAKE URGENT ACTION TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS Every country in the world is seeing the drastic effects of climate change, some more than others. On average, the annual losses just from earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones and flooding count in the hundreds of billions of dollars. We can reduce the loss of life and property by helping more vulnerable regions—such as land-locked countries and island states—become more resilient. It is still possible, with the political will and technological measures, to limit the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels— and thus avoid the worst effects of climate change. The Sustainable Development Goals lay out a way for countries to work together to meet this urgent challenge.

    14) CONSERVE AND SUSTAINABLY USE THE OCEANS, SEAS AND MARINE RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The oceans make human life possible. Their temperature, their chemistry, their currents, their life forms. For one thing, more than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal diversity for their livelihoods. But today we are seeing nearly a third of the world’s fish stocks overexploited. That’s not a sustainable way of life. Even people who live nowhere near the ocean can’t live without it. Oceans absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide that humans produce; but we’re producing more carbon dioxide than ever before and that makes the oceans more acidic—26% more, since the start of the industrial revolution. Our trash doesn’t help either—13,000 pieces of plastic litter on every square kilometre of ocean. Sounds bad, right? Don’t despair! The Sustainable Development Goals indicate targets for managing and protecting life below water.

    15) PROTECT, RESTORE AND PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE USE OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS, SUSTAINABLY MANAGE FORESTS, COMBAT DESERTIFICATION, AND HALT AND REVERSE LAND DEGRADATION AND HALT BIODIVERSITY LOSS Humans and other animals rely on other forms of life on land for food, clean air, clean water, and as a means of combatting climate change. Plant life makes up 80% of the human diet. Forests, which cover 30% of the Earth’s surface, help keep the air and water clean and the Earth’s climate in balance. That’s not to mention they’re home to millions of animal species. But the land and life on it are in trouble. Arable land is disappearing 30 to 35 times faster than it has historically. Deserts are spreading. Animal breeds are going extinct. We can turn these trends around. Fortunately, the Sustainable Development Goals aim to conserve and restore the use of terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, drylands and mountains by 2030.

    16) PROMOTE PEACEFUL AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, PROVIDE ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL AND BUILD EFFECTIVE, ACCOUNTABLE AND INCLUSIVE INSTITUTIONS AT ALL LEVELS How can a country develop—how can people eat and teach and learn and work and raise families—without peace? And how can a country have peace without justice, without human rights, without government based on the rule of law? Some parts of the world enjoy relative peace and justice, and may come to take it for granted. Other parts seem to be plagued by armed conflict, crime, torture and exploitation, all of which hinders their development. The goal of peace and justice is one for all countries to strive towards. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to reduce all forms of violence and propose that governments and communities find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. That means strengthening the rule of law, reducing the flow of illicit arms, and bringing developing countries more into the center of institutions of global governance.

    17) STRENGTHEN THE MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND REVITALIZE THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Sustainable Development Goals are pretty big to-do list, don’t you think? In fact, it’s so big, you may just want to throw your hands up in the air. “Forget it! Can’t be done! Why even try!” But we’ve got a lot going for us. The world is more interconnected today than ever before, thanks to the internet, travel and global institutions. There’s a growing consensus about the need to work together to stop climate change. And the Sustainable Development Goals are no small matter either. 193 countries agreed on these goals. Pretty incredible, isn’t it? 193 countries agreeing on anything? The final goal lays out a way for nations to work together to achieve all the other Goals.

  5. Avatar Igbokwe Cynthia Esther says:

    The 10-17 Sustainable Development Goals are listed below
    10) Reducing Inequality-this is not achievable because women in mosey cases still face gender inequality and due to this can’t attain some position
    11) Sustainable Cities and Communities- this is not achievable because most communities still lack basic amenities needed
    12) Responsible Consumption and Production-This is not achievable with the time frame given because there is not enough infrastructure for production of processed materials.
    13) Climate Action-this is not achievable because the government has never taking into cognisance our geographical nature talk more of checking the climate to ensure sustainable existence.
    14) Life Below Waterthis is not achievable because Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatic habitat
    15) Life On Land-this is not achievable because It has not been heard that Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatic habitat.
    16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions-this is not achievable because the race of corruption is
    17) Partnerships for the Goals-this is not achievable because ther has been several involvement of foreign trade but this hasn’t been any change in the economy

  6. In my opinion Nigeria cannot achieve goal 10 to 17 and this is why: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are people-centered and planet-sensitive. They are universal, applying to all countries while recognizing different realities and capabilities. The goals are not independent from each other; they need to be implemented in an integrated manner.

    Since this goals are not independent from each other and are to be implemented in an integrated manner, Nigeria as a nation has a long way to go because the first goal which says “end poverty in all forms everywhere” haven’t even been achieved in Nigeria.

    If one of the fundamental goals that will lay a strong foundation to achieving other goals has not been achieved yet in Nigeria, how then is it possible for Nigeria to achieve subsequent goals within the allocated time? It is not logically possible.

  7. Avatar Ezeamaku Chukwuemeka Victor says:

    Name: Ezeamaku Chukwuemeka Victor
    Reg no: 2017/243370
    Dept: Economics
    The remaining 10-17 SDGs are: (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    10; Reducing inequality: Economic inequality and the fight among Economic classes is almost as old as economic principle, for sustainable development the gap between different economic class has to be bridge through inclusive economic principle the provides opportunities for everyone to get ahead regardless of social standing .

    11; sustainable cities and communities: To have sustainable cites we must have forward thinking city planning, cities are complex organism that attract people with the promise of higher economic value and over population and congestion is a problem every city ends up dealing with proper city planning solves that.
    12; Responsible consumption and production: Responsible consumerism and production ethics by producers is necessary is raising a healthy population and environment.
    13; Climate action: Before 2030 Nigeria can take definitive actions as regards climate and the threat of global warming, we can plant more trees and cut down excessive use of carbon.
    14; Life below water: The Earth is made up of 70% water and the water bodies in our territories are yet to be explored fully and taken proper advantage of, it is something that must be done.
    15; Life on land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest,combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This would be achievable if Planting of trees is encouraged. Also afforestation and biodiversity conservation should be encouraged.
    16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions: The bedrock of every progressive society, Strong institutions protect democracy which is by nature very very fragile, they uphold the tenets of society and promote justice which is a core requirement for peace.

    17; partnership for achievement of this goals: Global and continental partnership with like minded countries will be a formative part of our move into a more desirable society

  8. Avatar Okagbue chisom says:

    Okagbue Chisom E
    Eco 362

    From goal 10 to 17 focused mainly on what we call the 5P
    People,planet,peace,partnership and prosperity. Analyzing this goals individually and how feasible it is in Nigeria
    Goal 10: Talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and is actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can now have a say in some matters concerning the economy. Although we haven’t gotten to the full peak of equality but there’s hope for better improvement
    Goal 11: Individuals personally have a role to play as they have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually can only be achieved in Nigeria if penalties and sanctions are placed on defaulters,awareness created about the importance of a clean and idle ecosystem
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored which we need to revisit
    Goal 13: This goal is about our climate change. There is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Cars that are not fit to be on the road should be banned,companies that emit harmful substances taxed heavily then our climate would change for the better
    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has done nothing significant in this aspect as people still pollute the water even the government putting the lives before water at harms way
    Goal 15: This talks about protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, also obey the laws which they put in place a most of this pollution are done by people linked to the government then we might be on our way to solving the problem
    Goal 16: This goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.
    Goal 17: This last goal is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens and is willing to extend more hands for partnership to become a better country.

  9. Avatar Okagbue chisom says:

    Okagbue Chisom E
    Eco 362

    The 17 SDGs
    1.Poverty in all its forms
    2.Eliminate extreme hunger
    3.Healthy and quality lives
    4.Inclusive education
    5.Gender equality
    7. Sustainable energy
    8.Inclusive employment
    9.Innovation, inventions and industrialisation
    10.Reduce inequalities within and among countries
    11.Inclusive habitats; cities and human settlements
    12.sustainable consumption and production
    13.Climate change and global warming
    14. Oceans, seas and marine
    15.Terrestial habitat
    16.Peaceful and inclusive environment
    17.Revitalize partnership

    From goal 10 to 17 focused mainly on why we call the 5P
    People,planet,peace,partnership and prosperity. Analyzing this goals individually and how feasible it is in Nigeria
    Goal 10: Talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and is actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can now have a say in some matters concerning the economy. Although we haven’t gotten to the full peak of equality but there’s hope for better improvement
    Goal 11: Individuals personally have a role to play as they have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually can only be achieved in Nigeria if penalties and sanctions are placed on defaulters,awareness created about the importance of a clean and idle ecosystem
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored which we need to revisit
    Goal 13: This goal is about our climate change. There is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Cars that are not fit to be on the road should be banned,companies that emit harmful substances taxed heavily then our climate would change for the better
    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has done nothing significant in this aspect as people still pollute the water even the government putting the lives before water at harms way
    Goal 15: This talks about protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, also obey the laws which they put in place a most of this pollution are done by people linked to the government then we might be on our way to solving the problem
    Goal 16: This goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.
    Goal 17: This last goal is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens and is willing to extend more hands for partnership to become a better country.

  10. Avatar Igbokwe Cynthia Esther says:

    The 10-17 Sustainable development goals are:
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations.this is not achievable due to the breach between the rich and the poor. And most decisions taking by the leaders are biased
    Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable.the cities are not sustainable because basic infrastructure are not always provided in most places which has made the means of human settlement not substainable for dwelling
    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption-this goal is not achievable because ur leaders are corrupt and all self centered most of the leader do not have the citizens at hand and therefore embezzling foods meant to be shared
    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change – this could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by to reduce the emission of co2 by large industries and reduce deforestation
    Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development- this goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce over exploitation and these laws are respected
    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification – achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources , for every tree that is cut down two should be planted in place
    Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- this is achievable if we learn to look past tribalism and nepotism
    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development-this goal is achievable because Nigeria has her own in world trade organization

  11. Eke promise chinaza
    Economic Economic
    Development Economic
    Eco 372

    Sustainable Development Goals and Nigeria is about how Nigeria is implementing the Sustainable Development Goals within the thirty-six states and its Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of seventeen global goals designed as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. Each of the 17 goals is expected to be achieved by 2030 in every country around the world.
    In 2017, Nigeria was among 44 member countries of the United Nations that presented its Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of the SDGs at High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. In 2020, Nigeria was ranked 160 on the 2020 world’s SDG Index. The government affirmed that Nigeria’s current development priorities and objectives are focused on achieving the SDGs.

  12. Avatar Igboka Chizoba Edna (2017/249512) says:

    Name: Igboka Chizoba Edna
    Reg number: 2017/249512
    The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are planets sensitive and people-centered, this is because they place critical importance to issues that concern people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Goals 10-17 would aid us understand this better. They are discussed below:
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries- This goal is quite achievable if all countries of the world can change their view of superiority complex. If all rich countries of the world see other disadvantaged countries of the world as special with zero segregation. Hence a world sensitization on nation-equality is paramount.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.] Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.[63] Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.

  13. Avatar Igboka Chizoba Edna (2017/249512) says:

    Name: Igboka Chizoba Edna
    Reg number: 2017/249512
    The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are planets sensitive and people-centered, this is because they place critical importance to issues that concern people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Goals 10-17 would aid us understand this better. They are discussed below:
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries- This goal is quite achievable if all countries of the world can change their view of superiority complex. If all rich countries of the world see other disadvantaged countries of the world as special with zero segregation. Hence a world sensitization on nation-equality is paramount.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable- This is achievable if people’s opinions of what the society should look like is taken into consideration. Also the human habitats should be made safe from all forms of natural and man-made dangers.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns- Due to over consumption and natural resource depletion and extinction, there is need for us to conserve these resources as well as enable their replaceability.
    Goal 13: Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts- All human activities that encourage climate change and ecosystem destruction such as deforestation, wildlife overuse, bush burning should be discouraged.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- This is also intertwined with goal 12 above, there is need to discourage all human activities that destroy the sea cleanness and a heavy fine should be attached to prosecute defaulting citizens.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest,combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This would be achievable if Planting of trees is encouraged. Also afforestation and biodiversity conservation should be encouraged.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable institutions at all levels- The justice system should one that is independent of the preceding government’s intrusion. There should be justice for all irrespective of social, economic or political status.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This is achievable if policy execution and implementation agencies and institutions do what is right by following the laid down rules without fear or favour.

  14. Avatar MBAH CHIEBONAM says:

    REG NO: 2017/249525

    Goal 10: Reduced Inequality
    Goal 11: sustainable cities and communities
    Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    Goal 13: Climate Action
    Goal 14: life Below Water
    Goal 15: Life on Land
    Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    Goal 17: Partnership to Achieve the Goal

    Goal 10 is not achievable in Nigeria given the time frame because there are no policies or programs that is geared towards bridging the gap between the haves and haves not, the rich and the poor and so, the inequality gap keeps widening over time and by 2030, this gap would have widened beyond what the goal can handle.
    Goal 11 can be achieved only if an active strong security system is built and enforced in the country both in the slum and city areas. The government should provide adequate infrastructure and security that will enable the people to live sustainably.
    Goal 12 is very much possible as it involves mostly individual efforts. If legislation can be put in place to ensure that people don’t err, even better because people cannot be trusted to do the right things even when it benefits them in the long run. Also in production, firms should be monitored in order to ensure they dispose their waste properly, make use of renewable energy and recycle where possible.
    Goal 13 is not achievable reason being that climate change is a vital aspect to consider during production due to the emission of carbon dioxide that is harmful to the environment.
    Goal 14 incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. This goal is obviously not achievable in Nigeria due to the high rate of corruption and less valve based on aquatic life.
    Goal 15 is achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources but in Nigeria, though there are forest guards, their duties are misplaced. secondly we cut down trees without replanting. You can barely find a forest in Nigeria.
    Goal 16 takes Gods Grace to be achieved because Nigeria is not a safe place to be right now. The high rate of insecurity and injustice in Nigeria is alarming and nobody seems to care. How can there be peace in a nation where innocent blood is been shed on a daily basis?
    Goal 17 cannot be attained if goal 16 is not taken care of. Therefore is not achievable in Nigeria.

  15. Avatar Bright Anayo says:

    Name: Anayo Bright Udochukwu
    Reg Number: 2017/249482
    Department: Economics
    Foremost to analysis the sustainable developments goals from ten to seventh it is good to know that this SDGs are mainly incorporated in other to effect the sustainability of green housing which is good for heathy living and to avoid another natural disasters such as pandemic and epidemic diseases.

    Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries: This is aim at avoiding inferiority complex among countries and in other to live in peace and promote business transactions.

    Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable:

    Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns: How will the world be if there is increase in population without increase in production of goods and services, also equipments that makes human activities easy.

    Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts: This policy is aim at combating the increase in air pollution which ahs a negative influence on the atomossphere.

    Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development:

    Goal 15. Protect restore promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco systems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt bio diversity loss.

    Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels.

    Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revetalize the global paternership for sustainable development: When the global patenership is revetalize. Thus, this will go a long way making the world a better place again; via trade balance, comparative and absolute advantage.

  16. Avatar Arinze miracle ozioma says:

    Arinze miracle ozioma

    Goal 10: reduce inequality-
    This goal can be achieved in Nigeria if women are given the opportunity to come out in the society and participate as actively as the men. Also if there are women empowerment schemes that will help train women in different skills and help the start up business then the inequality hap will be reduced.

    Goal 11: make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe and sustainable-
    Yes, this goal is feasible but with heavy involvement of the government. The government has to invest in the rural areas so as to reduce the rural-urban migration. Also the government should provide adequate infrastructure and security that will enable the people to live sustainably.

    Goal 12: ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns-
    Sustainable production patterns can be achieved through the improvement in technology or technological advancement which will increase production and make production efficient at a lower cost.
    Sustainable consumption patterns can be achieved by making investment that will increase an individuals welfare and income.

    Goal13: take urgent action climate change and it’s impact-
    This goal can be achieved or can be feasible if the government will take appropriate actions or measures that will reduce the level of deforestation and bush burning which releases carbon monoxide into the air and causes global warming.

    Goal14: conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    The above sustainable development goal can be achieved if proper measures are taken to stop the pollution of oceans and seas and allow the fishermen to fish sustainably. In a way that the upcoming generations will still have enough off these resources to survive on.

    Goal15: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss-
    This goal might not be achieved in Nigeria. Reason being that the government do not see the importance of the terrestrial ecosystem and the negative impact of biodiversity loss.
    Goal 16: promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels –
    This goal can be achieved when there is an infallible judicial system which will ensure that everyone gets Justice without disregarding the poor. Necessary security measures should also be put in place to ensure peace.

    Goal 17 : strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development –
    This goal can be achieved if policies which have already been made can be put into action to achieve this goal and make necessary partnership with other countries.

  17. Avatar Okwuchie Amos says:

    REG. NO: 2017/249562
    EMAIL: okwuchieamos@gmail. com.

    Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries. This goal is not achievable considering the tempo of inequality existing among countries now. Also checking the insecurities existing in many developing countries now, l think this goal is still far from achievable.

    Goal 11. Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: This goal is achievable if the government can embark on home to home or street to street sensitization on the need to make this aforementioned come to reality.

    Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern. This goal is achievable but depends on the focus of the government, if we depend on one sector of the economy we may not achieve this. But if we can diversify our production pattern, and consume our locally made good, this goal can be achieved.

    Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact. This goal is achievable. We can do this by planting tree. A policy should be made to back it up e.g one man one one tree.
    Again, most activities that causes climate change should be discouraged entirely.

    Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the ocean,seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This goal is achievable, holding other factors constant, if government should ban or restrict firm from polluting water bodies through depositing their waste in them. They should know that these deposited trash in the water kills the living animal there in.

    Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification and halt and revers land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. This is achievable if we try to embark on afforestation, avoid indiscriminate bush burning and overgrazing. If we can do this among others, l assure you that this goal is realisable.

    Goal 16.Promote peaceful, inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. This goal can be possibly achieved in a country free from disorder, threat and insecurities. But it is not achievable in this kind of country. The country should be restructured or operate a cofederal system of government where there will be loose union at the center and each region can decamp if they want as the constitution may stipulate.

    Goal 17. Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership of sustainable development.. This is achievable if government should make all the institutions saddled with this role more effective in order to efficiently deliver on this goal

  18. Avatar Abiazia Rufus Chidiebube (2017/243371) Economics says:

    Name: Abiazia Rufus Chidiebube
    Reg: 2017/243371
    Dept: Economics

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

    We need new policy frameworks and solutions that give economies every chance to drive growth that is inclusive and not limited to small elites. This means looking beyond redistribution to other levers that promote broad-based increases in living standards; for example, entrepreneurship, well-functioning financial systems and the upholding of ethical values in business and public spheres.

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

    A truly smart city needs multiple layers of intelligence – smart, transparent governance which devolves power to the city; a smart economy which promotes job creation and formalizes the informal; smart environmental management through the creation of intelligent infrastructure and a circular use of resources; and smart planning which creates dense, walkable, inclusive urban spaces.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

    Let’s move on from a DUD (dig, use and dump) model, which pollutes nature and wastes money. We can constantly reuse resources and turn linear supply chains into value-adding closed loops. Less a DUD and more a circular economy. Technology and the internet of things can drive this. Governments can help too, by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and pricing natural resources right.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

    It starts with Paris. An ambitious global climate agreement will accelerate climate action and low-carbon growth. Putting a value on reducing carbon will help. Then, we must move the mindset from carbon compliance to “carbon positive” solutions. There are many cost-saving, value-creating, low-carbon innovations which will make your life and your business better.

    Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use Oceans

    Healthy oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. They are suffering. We must 1) recognize the problem; 2) form new partnerships for fishing, acidification, waste, marine transport; 3) forge new forms of regional and global governance to manage our blue commons.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

    This is a big one. Critical solutions include: sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning with satellite observation; ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people; sorting land tenure and enforcing law, including for trafficking endangered species.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

    Over 4 billion people, in almost all countries of the world, lack access to justice. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that foster peaceful societies. Crowdsourcing platforms, such as http://www.ipaidabribe.com, for example, offer a brilliant way of raising awareness and fostering broad-based support for systemic change.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

    The SDGs say “what” to do, now we must figure out “how”. We need new alliances like those described above that tap the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. We need new models of using limited public money to draw in more private finance. There is room for us all to hack and innovate across every SDG, at large or small scales. We must.
    To achieve the SDGs within the remaining time frame, there is a need for specific interventions driven by a sustained political will. Also, human welfare and human capital development should be prioritized as they have the ability to fast track development.

    Top of these, strategic and effective poverty alleviation programmes should be developed to increase the ability of citizens to access balanced diets, to escape multidimensional poverty, to benefit from quality inclusive education and to avail every citizen their rights to universal health coverage.

  19. Avatar Omeke Anslem Francisco says:

    Omeke Anslem Francisco

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    Goal 11: Make cities and Han settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Yes, this goal can be achieved and its achievement is already in progress. This can be done by increasing security in the nation, encouraging time to time environmental sanitation. safeguarding the human rights of its citizens, etc.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This can be achieved. Ensuring sustainable consumption can be done by reducing the sale of tin products as too much consumption of this could have serious health consequences later on. More of fresh products should be supplied to consumers to avoid this. For sustained production, higher wages could stimulate higher production. Also, use of advanced tecahnogies like machines could also boost production in the economy and sustain it.

    Goal 13: Climate action; There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than in 1990. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if we do not act.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the ocean,sea and marine resources for sustainable development;This can be done by preventing and reducing marine pollution to enhance sustainable use of oceans by implementing laws guiding them.

    Goal 15: Protect,restore and promote, sustainable use of terrestrial , ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat, desertification and halt and reserve land degredation and halt bio- diversity;This is difficult to be achieved because over the past years government have been non challant abt it and it can be achieved by increasing financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level. This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This is achievable if policy execution and implementation agencies and institutions do what is right by following the laid down rules without fear or favour. In summary, using Nigeria as a case study. It is achievable given the time frame and total adherence to the lay down rules of the state (country).


    Ugwoke Emmanuel Ifeanyi

    Below are the17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) : The discussion is on goals10- 17.

    Goal 10:
    The goal here is all about reducing inequality:
    Nigeria has started this move already. Thus is actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. I hereby afirm that the goal can be achieved before the give time.
    Goal 11:
    Here we disscuss about building sustainable communities and cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe:
    People have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean at all times as this habit would make the safe. This might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, beacuse of the high rate of environmental pollution in the country and our nature of littering our environments with dirt.
    Goal 12:
    Here emphasis is laid in good consumption and production pattern:
    Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but they are still lagging behind. This issue has been addressed in the past but has not yet been fully achieved. As such we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    Goal 13:
    Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts:
    This can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled and also the rate of deforestation
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates or comits such negative externality.

    Goal 14:
    Conservative, sustainable and Regulated use of marine resources for sustainable development:
    This can be achieved if Government can make policies to ensure the oceans, seas and marine are not polluted. If they are kept safe safe, it will give room for fishermen and other depertment that require sea resourses to harvest very healthy and fresh fishes and other sea creatures which will in turn increase their income, thereby reducing poverty in the country.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss:
    We can achieve this if we abstain from continous killing of wild life with considaring their going into extinction, Stop sporadic and unregulated cutting down of trees. These can be managed by implimenting policies that will curtail the killing of wildlife and providing regulatory bodies to monitor the cutting down of trees, so thaf we can benefit from both in the future.

    Peace, Justice and strong institutions:
    Nigeria is too corrupt to attain these attributes within the given time. It’s can only be achieved with a complete revaluation of our ideaology and puting orgnisations that will be able to manage corruption without being corruted themselves.

    Partnership for achievement of this goals:
    Ever since Nigeria h became a country we been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore our problem lies amongs us and not outside.

    Summarily I strongly believe Nigeria cannot achieve all SDGs given the time prieod. The funny thing is that things are getting worse in this country everyday.
    We can only achieve this goals through complete ideological reformation, policy change and adequate implementation and constitutional reveiw.

  21. Avatar EMEGBUE BENJAMIN says:

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive safe and sustainable;
    this is achievable but expensive because this will have to do with many capital projects on the part of government and investors. The time allotted is too short to achieve this. But it can be achieved systematically with regulations and policy to prevent against public property destruction and proper waste disposal system so as not to allow the city we already have deteriorate.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; this can be achieved through leapfrogging on imported technologies and investment in human capital to increase labour productivity and capital usability. Consumption will also be affected with investment in these human capital as people will receive financial education and know how the financial system operates. This is achievable, but with the pace at which it’s growing, it won’t be reached before the time allotted.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact; climate change is becoming an increasing disaster. The rise of populist leaders that dismisses climate change as faux are leading to distrust in it’s existence. And it is hard to curb negative actions if you don’t believe it has any negative Impacts. This has led to a lagging behind in both consumer and producers efforts to curb climate change. Nigerians have a cavalier attitude with issues concerning climate change. It can achieved with good policy measures, information dissemination and proper education of the masses on its effect. It is also achievable but not in due time.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the ocean,sea and marine resources for sustainable development; marine pollution should be curbed. The Nigerian Delta is a case study of the “fight” against marine pollution. Deliberate actors can take actions to reduce this.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote, sustainable use of terrestrial , ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat, desertification and halt and reserve land degredation and halt bio- diversity; provision of game reserves and “open season policies” should be established so as to protect wildlife. This is one of the goals that I feel can be achieved in due time if done properly.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; a social revolution is the only way this can achieved. Only fear and apathy is what is keeping us behind
    Goal 17: strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development;this is a collective problem of the world and partnerships are necessary to prevent free rider’s problem and tragedy of common issues.

    In conclusion, these goals are achievable and interdependent but it takes courage and effort to reach these goals. I believe the time allotted for the achievement of the various goal is not feasible.


    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: urbanization and sustaining urbanization. Most people will live in cities.
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: increase production and efficient consumption so as to increase employment and self-sufficiency
    GOAL 13: Climate Action: the planet is our home. This is goal in SDG that has to do with it’s sustenance and the continuous fight against against the negative effects of climate change
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water: this is has to do with conservation of the various marine life and resources.
    GOAL 15: Life on Land: protection of terrestial life of both plants and animals. And to reduce the rate of wildlife extinction of various terrestial species
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions: institutions are instrumental in political stability, happiness and confidence in any nation. If these institutions are efficient and trust worthy, it will create a good environment for economic and noneconomic activities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal: interdependence of these goals and the butterfly effects it’s capable of causing if any of them are not achieved calls for global partnerships and intersectionality of worldwide goals to achieve this.

    All these goals are achievable. Although there has been a slow but worthwhile efforts against some of these, but what is needed is good leadership that knows how resources are allocated to these achievement.
    Making it a race against time won’t allow for deliberate and creative complete actions instead it will breed a lot of unfinished and semifinished projects without any goal being achieved.


    REG NO: 2017/245040
    Adopted by 193 countries in 2015, the SDGs emerged from the most inclusive and comprehensive negotiations in UN history and have inspired people from across sectors, geographies, and cultures. Achieving the goals by 2030 will require heroic and imaginative effort, determination to learn about what works, and agility to adapt to new information and changing trends.
    The UN Foundation focuses on ideas and initiatives that generate larger impact, advance the SDG imperative to “leave no one behind,” and are backed by evidence, practical commitments, and action.
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    GOAL 15: Life on Land
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

    The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
    Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, countries have committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls.
    Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.
    As the lead UN development agency, UNDP is well-placed to help implement the Goals through our work in some 170 countries and territories.
    We support countries in achieving the SDGs through integrated solutions. Today’s complex challenges—from stemming the spread of disease to preventing conflict—cannot be tackled neatly in isolation. For UNDP, this means focusing on systems, root causes and connections between challenges—not just thematic sectors—to build solutions that respond to people’s daily realities.
    Our track record working across the Goals provides us with a valuable experience and proven policy expertise to ensure we all reach the targets set out in the SDGs by 2030. But we cannot do this alone.
    Achieving the SDGs requires the partnership of governments, private sector, civil society and citizens alike to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations.
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. At UNDP, we are building on our support through provision of technical support to the Office of the Senior Special Advisor to the President on SDGs (OSSAP) and line ministries in an effort to ensure that planning and budgeting for development activities in the country are done within the framework of the SDGs. Using lessons learnt from the MDGs era, we are working closely with the Government of Nigeria and other partners in ensuring that the SDGs are efficient and effective implemented and that resources are allocated to sectors of the economy that will yield highest dividend for the poor and vulnerable millions across the country.
    This Goals Are Achieveable In Nigeria
    We have supported the Government of Nigeria in conducting the SDGs Data Mapping Exercise and conducting a Baseline Surveys whose results have been useful in developing baseline indicators for SDGs implementation, monitoring and reporting in the country. The baseline survey continue to be updated by-annually to reflect current situation and changing trends in the country. In addition to conducting various advocacy and awareness activities with several government ministries, departments and agencies, we supported initiatives aimed at promoting strategic engagements around the SDGs. For example, with our support, the government developed the Private Sector Engagement Strategy which provides for and recommended the establishment of the first-ever Private Sector Advisory Group on SDGs. We have also supported the establishment of SDGs Development Partners Forum which we also achor.
    We provide both technical and financial support toward ongoing efforts aimed at integrating the SDGs into national and State-level policies, plans and budgets. In support of Government’s efforts aimed at sharing its experiences so far, we are providing technical support towards the development of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). The VNRs facilitate the sharing of experiences, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The NRVs will serves as a basis for anticipated regular reviews by the high-level political forum (HLPF) meetings held every year. The VNRs also seek to strengthen policies and institutions of governments and to mobilize partnerships.
    As the UN’s agency mandated to eradicate poverty, UNDP will continue supporting the Governments and people of Nigeria in tackling the new agenda and taking it forward over the next couple of years. We will continue to provide support to the as we all continue on this long path towards the SDGs promise- a promise of a just, equitable and sustainable planet – our common heritage; a promise of peace and prosperity for all.


    REG NO: 2017/245040
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s shared plan to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the planet by 2030.
    Adopted by 193 countries in 2015, the SDGs emerged from the most inclusive and comprehensive negotiations in UN history and have inspired people from across sectors, geographies, and cultures. Achieving the goals by 2030 will require heroic and imaginative effort, determination to learn about what works, and agility to adapt to new information and changing trends.
    The UN Foundation focuses on ideas and initiatives that generate larger impact, advance the SDG imperative to “leave no one behind,” and are backed by evidence, practical commitments, and action.
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    GOAL 15: Life on Land
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

    The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
    Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, countries have committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls.
    Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.
    As the lead UN development agency, UNDP is well-placed to help implement the Goals through our work in some 170 countries and territories.
    We support countries in achieving the SDGs through integrated solutions. Today’s complex challenges—from stemming the spread of disease to preventing conflict—cannot be tackled neatly in isolation. For UNDP, this means focusing on systems, root causes and connections between challenges—not just thematic sectors—to build solutions that respond to people’s daily realities.
    Our track record working across the Goals provides us with a valuable experience and proven policy expertise to ensure we all reach the targets set out in the SDGs by 2030. But we cannot do this alone.
    Achieving the SDGs requires the partnership of governments, private sector, civil society and citizens alike to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations.
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. At UNDP, we are building on our support through provision of technical support to the Office of the Senior Special Advisor to the President on SDGs (OSSAP) and line ministries in an effort to ensure that planning and budgeting for development activities in the country are done within the framework of the SDGs. Using lessons learnt from the MDGs era, we are working closely with the Government of Nigeria and other partners in ensuring that the SDGs are efficient and effective implemented and that resources are allocated to sectors of the economy that will yield highest dividend for the poor and vulnerable millions across the country.
    This Goals Are Achieveable In Nigeria
    We have supported the Government of Nigeria in conducting the SDGs Data Mapping Exercise and conducting a Baseline Surveys whose results have been useful in developing baseline indicators for SDGs implementation, monitoring and reporting in the country. The baseline survey continue to be updated by-annually to reflect current situation and changing trends in the country. In addition to conducting various advocacy and awareness activities with several government ministries, departments and agencies, we supported initiatives aimed at promoting strategic engagements around the SDGs. For example, with our support, the government developed the Private Sector Engagement Strategy which provides for and recommended the establishment of the first-ever Private Sector Advisory Group on SDGs. We have also supported the establishment of SDGs Development Partners Forum which we also achor.
    We provide both technical and financial support toward ongoing efforts aimed at integrating the SDGs into national and State-level policies, plans and budgets. In support of Government’s efforts aimed at sharing its experiences so far, we are providing technical support towards the development of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). The VNRs facilitate the sharing of experiences, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The NRVs will serves as a basis for anticipated regular reviews by the high-level political forum (HLPF) meetings held every year. The VNRs also seek to strengthen policies and institutions of governments and to mobilize partnerships.
    As the UN’s agency mandated to eradicate poverty, UNDP will continue supporting the Governments and people of Nigeria in tackling the new agenda and taking it forward over the next couple of years. We will continue to provide support to the as we all continue on this long path towards the SDGs promise- a promise of a just, equitable and sustainable planet – our common heritage; a promise of peace and prosperity for all.

  25. Avatar Nnadi Olivia ijeoma. Education economics. 2016/232856 says:

    The SDGs from 10 – 17 will be discussed extensively using Nigeria as a case study.

    Goal 10 – Aim to reduce inequality within and among countries. This goal isn’t realistic in Nigeria, this present Nigeria is at a state of the richer are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. There’s a huge gap between the rich and poor, due to uneven distribution of resources and opportunities. There’s a high dependancy on the urban areas and industries in the urban sector are taking advantage of the rural sector paying them peanut for their services.

    Goal 11 – Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. With the activities of herdsmen, boko haram, unknown gunmen, the security of lives and properties in Nigeria is a mirage, it’s Everyman for himself. The government hasn’t done much to ensure safety of her citizens and properties. This goal is far from being achievable.

    Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern. This goal is unrealistic because of the unsustainable agricultural policies and limited resources to house holds to meet their needs.

    Goal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts. Nigeria lacks the technical know how to combat such change, the available intelligence and man power for such hasn’t been harness properly in Nigeria.

    Goal 14 – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Nigeria hasn’t reached the phase to harness properly resources under water. The marine sector isn’t developed yet.

    Goal 15 – Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degeneration and biodiversity loss – This can be achieved when the government makes it mandatory for citizens to do more planting and cutting down trees.

    Goal 16 – promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels – This can be achieved in Nigeria if there’s no immunity for anybody. Nobody should be above the law. All resources used and underused should be accounted for.

    Goal 17 – strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development – Nigeria is already in partnership with foreign bodies, just that these partnership benefits only a selected few, if the Goal 16 can be full implemented, this will enable the government and people to achieve Goal 17.

  26. Avatar Francis Chibuezem David says:

    Name: Francis Chibuezem David
    Reg. No: 2017/241445
    Email- francischibuezem247@gmail.com

    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality- Yes, it is possible to reduce the level of inequality in Nigeria if individuals can be enlightened on the harm that inequality causes, and encourage them to treat everyone equally

    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities- Yes, Once peace and security has been achieved in a state or community, sustainability becomes a follow up, i.e people will be willing to maintain and protect their environment.

    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production- Yes, to achieve responsible consumption and production, new ideas, innovations and technologies for preservation should be adopted and provided so as to encourage producers to produce up to their maximum without fear of waste and encourage consumers to store products safely without spoiling.

    GOAL 13: Climate Action- No, the technological strength of Nigeria is very low especially on the area of climate action and it will take a longer time and more resources to meet up to the level of handling climatic actions.

    GOAL 14: Life Below Water- No, Life above water has not been properly balanced and sustained, talk more of life below water. It will only happen when the smaller problems of life above water has been resolved.

    GOAL 15: Life on Land- Yes, a sustainable life in land can be achieved if the government and the people put hands and heads together to make life and living more meaningful.

    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions- Yes, with strong agitation from the people, and good governance, the government can ensure a strong institution in a country by ensuring that the laid down laws are obeyed and ensuring that defaulters face the consequences of their actions.

    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal- Yes, Nigeria has already been having partnership the past with other countries and it can still be done to achieve these goals because these goals cannot all be achieved on our own

  27. Name: Agbo Precious Chinaza
    Reg No: 2017/249477
    Department: Economics

    Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
    Is this goal ambitious? Yes. But it can be achieved. By dedicating ourselves to a human-centric, rights-based approach across all the other 16 sustainable development goals will not only end poverty but also bring dramatic improvements in quality of life, the environment and governance for everyone. – Alexandra Lopoukhine, Community Lead, Civil Society and Innovation

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
    Hunger can be eliminated within this lifetime, if we create better opportunities for farmers and focus on the needs of undernourished groups. Sustainability means using fewer natural resources to produce food and reducing food waste and loss. Improved nutrition means reducing both hunger and obesity through improved education, and access and availability of quality foods – Lisa Dreier, Head of Agriculture and Food Security Initiatives

    Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
    Innovation in terms of delivery models and technology mean is bringing the goal of healthy living for all within sight. Business models based on public-private cooperation unlock crucial investment without the need for massive infrastructure investment; meanwhile, telemedicine, precision medicine and other advances are bringing dramatic improvements in terms of effectiveness and cost – Arnaud Bernaert, Head of Global Health and Healthcare Industries
    Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
    Technology can help us to fundamentally transform education delivery and, with the right mix of policies and incentives, we can scale up early success stories. But we need to move beyond “first study, then work” to a model based on lifelong learning. Content and quality, too, must change, with the emphasis on critical thinking, collaboration and flexibility alongside “hard skills”. Business must play a critical role in the constant skilling, reskilling and upskilling of employees and broader communities – Saadia Zahidi, Head of Employment and Gender Initiatives

    Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    We will not achieve any of our goals if girls and women are not equal partners to boys and men. We have made tremendous strides in awareness of the gender gap – from schools to boardrooms – it’s time to translate these movements and campaigns into action. Workplaces, governments and healthcare and education systems must be designed to provide a level playing field. Practices that have worked already must be adapted more broadly. – Saadia Zahidi, Head of Employment and Gender Initiatives

  28. Avatar EZE UDOKA CHIDIEBUBE says:

    Name:EZE Udoka Chidiebube
    Reg no:2017/242428
    Income inequality is on the rise—the richest 10 percent have up to 40 percent of global income whereas the poorest 10 percent earn only between 2 to 7 percent. If we take into account population growth inequality in developing countries, inequality has increased by 11 percent.
     More than half of us  live in cities. By 2050, two-thirds of all humanity—6.5 billion people—will be urban. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces.
    Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. Agriculture is the biggest user of water worldwide, and irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater for human use.
    There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than in 1990. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if we do not act.
    The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. How we manage this vital resource is essential for humanity as a whole, and to counterbalance the effects of climate change.Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods.
    Goal 15:LIFE ON LAND
    life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    We cannot hope for sustainable development without peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law. Yet our world is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy peace, security and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. This is not inevitable and must be addressed.
    Goal 17:PARTNERSHIP FOR GOALSThe SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. Official Development Assistance remained steady but below target, at US$147 billion in 2017. While humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters continue to demand more financial resources and aid. Many countries also require Official Development Assistance to encourage growth and trade.The world is more interconnected than ever. Improving access to technology and knowledge is an important way to share ideas and foster innovation. Coordinating policies to help developing countries manage their debt, as well as promoting investment for the least developed, is vital for sustainable growth and development.

  29. Avatar Ezeke nnenna says:

    Ezeke Evarista Nnenna
    The General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The new Agenda emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for all, which is an urgent call for action by all countries both developed and developing in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
    Now looking at the last 8 Goals;
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries:
    Wealth is highly unevenly distributed, thus in a particular community, you find the very poor being neighbor to the filthy rich. Among countries, wealth are also unevenly distributed. The developing countries continue to import from the Developed countries making the local industries hopeless. Technological knowledge which is one of the catalyst that spur development in the Developed countries is quite low in developing countries. Also, the Developed countries have stronger institution that ensures Justice and reduce mismanagement and corruption, this goal would be very hard to achieve considering the huge gap between developed countries and developing countries so it will take a longer time frame before this goal would be achieved.
    Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:
    With the present insecurity crisis in Nigeria, the actualization of this goal is far from realization. With the rampage of Boko Haram that has been in existence for more than 9yrs, Fulani herdsmen, bandits causing havok in cities across some Northern parts in the country. The government has to take serious intelligent security measures and tactics to tackle the insecurity problems. This SDG is not achievable anything soon at all.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns:
    Sustainable consumption and production is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty, this goal can be achieved if the right policy is put in place.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it impacts:
    This can be adapted by integrating climate change measures into policies and planning, use of healthy energy system and promoting a sustainable community, this policy can easily be achieved in Nigeria because there is no big company whose production is affecting the climatic condition of Nigeria.
    Goal 14: Life below water:
    This is based on aquatic habitats and there have never been any measures to establish a sustainable environment for the aquatic habitats in the country.
    Goal 15: Life on land:
    It is obvious humans depend on the land and ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that would be enjoyed for years to come. To achieve this with the time period, Nigeria has to implement programs, legislation and accounting principles to protect biodiversity and ecosystem and sustainable forest management.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions:
    The judicial System of Nigeria is deeply broken, with corruption and all sort of wicked acts across all the sets of the judiciary and bodies attached to it and it leaves the common man is to fight for his own survival and the society suffers from the decay putting lives and properties at risk, this goal can be achieved if corruption can be dealt with.
    Goal 17: Partnership for achievement of these goals:
    This goal aims increasing partnership among the countries of the world. Nigeria has made applaud efforts in this area.
    In Conclusion, With the different sustainable development goal spelt out, the 17 SDGs cannot be achieved given the time frame 2030 for a country like Nigeria, so I think just a very few can be achieved at least before the time period if and only if all right actions and policies are put in place.

  30. Avatar Uwode Joy Ogheneyonle says:

    NAME: Uwode Joy Ogheneyonle
    REG NO: 2017/241451
    DEPARTMENT: Economics
    EMAIL: yonlejoyuwode@gmail.com

    The SDG calls for building peaceful, inclusive and well governed societies to responsible institutions as a basis. Having looked at the SDG’s goals from 1-9, we discuss how the goals from 10-17 can be achieved extensively.

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within the country; This can be achieved if the government can allow for equal participation for both genders more especially the youth as well as reduce the gap between the rich and the poor by redistributing wealth among the rich and the poor but rather the government are there for their selfish reasons.

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive safe and sustainable; If both the government and the people can join together to make our cities conducive for investment and sustainable for all, this can be achieved as well as promoting peace among different tribes in the nation.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; In my own understanding, I don’t think this can be achieved within the time frame allotted because we don’t have enough material to be able to produce what we need that will be sustainable in future, as Nigeria consumes more than it produce and don’t even have effective production patterns.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact; climate change is a real and undeniable threat more especially to our rural areas and this can be achieved by through adequate planning and proper education so as to combat future effect in our society such as erosion,flooded roads etc.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the ocean,sea and marine resources for sustainable development; This can be done by preventing and reducing marine pollution to enhance sustainable use of oceans by implementing laws guiding them.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote, sustainable use of terrestrial , ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat, desertification and halt and reserve land degredation and halt bio- diversity; This is difficult to be achieved because over the past years government have been non challant about it and it can be achieved by increasing financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; I believe this can be achieved within the time frame if the government can be able to provide the necessary facilities or infrastructures needed in order to move the society forward so as to ensure peaceful and inclusive societies at all levels.

    Goal 17: strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development; if the means of implementation can be actualized, we should be able to partner in any organization in the world to ensure sustainable growth.

  31. Avatar Ali Chukwuemeka Japhet says:

    REG. NO: 2017/242427

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    We have analysed the last 9 goals in the last discussion. We will start from 10-17 on how this goals can be achieved in Nigeria.

    10. Reducing Inequality: Empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.

    12. Responsible Consumption and Production: The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are important targets to achieve this goal. Encouraging industries, businesses and consumers to recycle and reduce waste is equally important.

    13. Climate Action: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planniing. Improve education awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

    14. Life Below Water: Sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans.

    15. Life On Land: Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.

    16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: romote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.

     17. Partnerships for the Goals: increase international cooperation and strengthen global partnerships at governmental level, including through public-private partnerships and the involvement of civil society.

  32. Avatar Ali Chukwuemeka Japhet says:


    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    We have analysed the last 9 goals in the last discussion. We will start from 10-17 on how this goals can be achieved in Nigeria.

    10. Reducing Inequality: Empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.

    12. Responsible Consumption and Production: The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are important targets to achieve this goal. Encouraging industries, businesses and consumers to recycle and reduce waste is equally important.

    13. Climate Action: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planniing. Improve education awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

    14. Life Below Water: Sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans.

    15. Life On Land: Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.

    16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: romote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.

     17. Partnerships for the Goals: increase international cooperation and strengthen global partnerships at governmental level, including through public-private partnerships and the involvement of civil society.

  33. Avatar Doro Yahaya Adamu says:

    Name : Doro Yahaya Adamu
    Reg No: 2017/249490
    Dept: Economics

    From what you learn about the SDGs goal 10 to 17, do you think they are achievable in Nigeria within the time frame allotted? If yes, how? If not why? clearly discuss them one after the other and explain your point lucidly.

    The SDGs goals 10 to 17 are not achievable in Nigeria within the allotted time, because the first nine goals have not been achieved. the SDGs goals are in such a way that achieving one goal will lead to the success of achieving the next one.

    Goal 10: aim to reduce inequality within and among countries, achieve progressively and sustain income growth, empower and promote social and economic illusion for all, ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, improve the regulation monitoring of global financial market. In Nigeria it is difficult to achieve this goal in the next nine years because instead if reducing the inequality and achieving all the aims under this goal, the gap of inequality keep spreading wide.

    Goal 11: To make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. this aims to ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic service, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, sustainable transport system for all , enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participation, significantly reduce the number of deaths, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of facilities. This goal is not achievable within the allotted time, because in Nigeria today instead of safety and resilient, it is increasing insecurity everyday, and without security, the aims under this goal will mot be achieved.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern, implement the 10- year framework of programs on sustainable consumption and production, achieve sustainable management of chemicals and all wastes. This seems achievable, but difficult to implement especially with the current country’s insecurity and insurgency that is on the increase everyday.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, integrate climate change measure into national policies, strategies and planing, improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change, implement the commitment undertaken by developed countries, promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change planing management. This goal cannot be achieve only because there is no or very little effort towards creating awareness, strategies policy planing, and education before the implementation.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the occean, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kind, sustainably manage and protect marine and all coastal ecosystem, maximize and address the impacts of ocean on acidification, effectively regulate harvesting and end over fishing.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss, ensure the conservation, restriction and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types forests, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil. Nigeria has everything to achieve the aims of this goal, but the willingness to implement this program. in fact deforestation, desertification, and lan degradation tend to increase year by year and desert encroachment due lack of proper and efficient management these natural resources.

    Gaol 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institution at all levels, significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rate ererywhere, promote rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all. This is not achievable within this allotted time, because it is very obvious with all evident that peace and justice is extremely scarce in this nation.

    Gaol 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalized the global partnership for sustainable development, strengthen domestic resource mobilization, developed countries to implement fully their official development assistance commitment, mobilized additional financial resource for developing countries, adapt and implement investment promotion regimes for least develop countries. gaol 17, is also not achievable within this period. All these goals it is difficult to achieve them within the allotted time. we are already in 2021, that is nine more years to the target period and some of these goals have not even show any sign of significant implementation, which means that they cannot be achieved efficiently within the allotted period of time.

  34. Avatar Metu Sandra .C. says:

    Name: Metu Sandra C
    Department: Economics
    Reg number: 2017/249526
    Email address: sandra.metu.249526@unn.edu.ng

    Appraisal of the SDGs part II
    ▪️ Reducing Inequality within and among nations, : this is not achievable by 2030. Inequality has widened in Nigeria over the years and moreover Nigeria is still weak in international trade to catch up by 2030. It is how achievable at a later time when we work harder.
    ▪️ Sustainable,Safe, Inclusive Cities and human settlement,: I don’t see the feasibility of this goal in Nigeria by 2030.
    ▪️ Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns. : This is well achieveable in Nigeria with adequate awareness and action.
    ▪️ Take action to combat climate change and it’s impact; this is achieveable in Nigeria with adequate awareness.
    ▪️ Conserve and sustainable use of ocean, sea and marine resources: I don’t see the feasibility of this in Nigeria by 2030 as the water in oil producing states are polluted and affecting acquatic life and the Nigerian government has been insensitive to the plight of people living in those areas.
    ▪ Reverse land degradation, encourage afforestation and promote sustainable environment: if we keep our environment clean, plant trees, stop feeling tress, stop the killing of endangered species then this is achieveable by 2030.
    ️▪ Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, justice for all and effective and accountable institutions: in Nigeria with weak institutions and judicial system and no justice for a commoner I in my honest opinion don’t see the feasibility of this in Nigeria by 2030 but we can start to plan for a stronger just system in the future.
    ️▪️ Global partnership: to achieve all these goal the world must work together and that’s where global partnership comes in place.

  35. Avatar AGBO EBUBE EDITH says:


    REG NO: 2017/249475


    This goal seems unachievable within the time frame, as corruption keeps widening. The disparity between the rich and the poor keeps widening.
    Nigeria is suffering poverty and underdevelopment, unlike most nations of the world.


    This can be achieved if the inequality is reduced. Making habitations conducive for every citizen, and not just the rich inhabiting a safe and comfortable area, and the poor or less privileged living in an insecure and ill maintained area.
    Also, Generally, the Government ensuring that there is proper sanitation in the environments by the authorities responsible for it, and also enforcing it on the citizens.


    This can be achieveable, if Nigeria improve their production pattern by reducing the high level of importation of goods and services. Domestic production should be encouraged by building industries and also sponsoring infant industries.
    In the case of consumption pattern, law enforcement agencies such as NAFDAC ought to be transparent in performing their obligation. This will go a long way in securing good intake of food and drugs.


    This can be achieveable by imposing taxes on these industries that are constituents of pollution. Air pollution a factor that affects the ozone layer, and as such is harmful.
    Policies should be implemented to supervise the affairs if these firms, because as it seems now, some of these industries are not held accountable for the effect of the pollution they constitute to the environment, which are harmful to man.


    This goal can be achieved within the time frame if these water bodies are protected from industries, firms and even individuals who pollute them.


    This goal is achievable if proper policies are enforced on them by the government, and proper sanctioning to anyone who neglects.


    This goal seems unachievable as Nigeria is characterized by “Corruption”.
    We find corruption in every sphere of the institution/sector in the country.
    When would corruption ever cease to exist in Nigeria? It doesn’t look like the answer is achievable within the time frame.


    Globalization has gone a lone way in improving partnership amongst nations.
    Nigeria is not left out on this. But the big question is, Why Nigeria is still at it’s lowest level and not able to fully achieve any of these goals?



    Goal 10.
    Reduce inequality within and among countries
    This cannot be achieved since the European countries see themselves as superior and others such as Africa countries as inferior. It is obvious that even at the UN level, things that concern the white are given better consideration than the blacks
    Goal 11.
    Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    In a country like Nigeria, even though policies that would help achieve this goals such as regular sanitation, people do not show interest in this probably at of ignorance
    Goal 12.
    Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    This is not also achieveable since no effort is made to diversify means of generation of income in Nigeria except crude oil. If the extraction and usage continues this way, Nigeria will soon run out of its sources of revenue
    Goal 13.
    Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
    This goal is not achievable since there no policies to help reduce deforestation and encourage afforestation. Also the increase in the use of machines in factories without out providing what absorbs the bad fume keeps damaging the climate
    Goal 14.
    Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    Goal 14 is not achievable in 9yrs time Due to the use of s
    Chemicals in factories and oil spillage in waters with kills the life’s in the water, also there are no policies that limits fishing
    Goal 15.
    Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    This goal is also not achievable in Nigeria
    Goal 16.
    Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    With the justice system and other governing systems in Nigeria filled with corrupt practices, transparency, accountability and other thiings that comes with good governance cannot be achieved
    Goal 17.
    Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    This can be achieved especially through the aid of unions such as international organisations which encourages global partnership and international trades.

  37. Avatar Umelo Chidera Nicole says:

    REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2017/249589
    EMAIL: nicoleumelo@gmail.com
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality between countries
    I believe this goal can be achieved within the allotted time period. I believe so because there has been different advancement in science and technology that have helped and has since continued to help place countries on a somewhat equal footing

    Goal 11: make cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable
    This goal can be achieved within the allotted time period. This is because as the world evolves, countries are getting interconnected and diffusion occurs from one society to another. This means that secure and sustainable societies have their methods copied by the unsecure and unsustainable societies. This continues until a thorough diffusion of ideas is achieved.

    Goal 12: Ensure a sustainable consumption and production process
    This goal can be achieved but not within the allotted timeframe. For this goa to be achieved, the agricultural and the industrial sector must also be developed and this can take years if not decades to achieve.
    Goal 13: take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impact
    This goal can be achieved because certain steps and technological advancements have already been made e.g. the Tesla electric car as well as several Go Green! Initiative all around the world.

    Goal 14: conserve and sustainably use the seas, the oceans and marine resources for sustainable development: this can be achieved because in different countries, policies have been made against dumping refuse in the ocean. Again, policies have been implemented to reduce the illegitimate hunting and killing of rare sea creatures

    Goal 15: restore, protect and ensure the sustainable use of the terrestrial habitat
    This goal can also be achieved because several laws have been passed to stop the illegitimate poaching of wildlife. Again, national reserves have been established to promote the safety of rare/ extinct species of animals.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
    This can be achieved because certain policies and initiative have already been put in place.

    Goal 17: Enlist the help of private and public enterprises
    His is also achievable as we have already seen during the covid-19 pandemic. Private and public companies and corporations all gave a helping hand.

    • Avatar Likibe Gita Cassandra says:

      Likibe Gita Cassandra

      Goal 10:
      This goal is all about depreciating inequality. Considering the state which Nigeria as one of the United Nations States has gone with this motives at the moment we can say that is achievable within the time frame. there has been more involvement of women in the public affairs unlike before now when as a female you don’t have the right to air your opinion, you have limited choices, you are segregated by the male gender in the work place and in the political world because you are a woman. Though more has to be done, but the steps taken so far in involving more women in many activities including politics is a good way to eliminate gender in equality.
      Goal 11:
      Building sustainable communities and make cities free for individuals to live in and be safe: This particular role should be seen as a cooperate role for both individual, community and government. As a matter of fact individual and communities has a greater role to play in ensuring that the environment where they live is safe and secured. On the other hand the government is to come in by providing a form of decree on how this should be done and ironing out punishment against those who will default. If this is done I believe the goal is very much achievable even before the due date.
      Goal 12:
      This laid more emphasis on the good consumption and production pattern: This is to said that production should be value oriented or people oriented and not just profit centered. I.e producers of consumer goods should focus on quality creation rather than quantity and goods produced should possess utility. Nigeria has not really done enough in this area but there is need for more effort to be channel so as to achieve this goal. Personally speaking I believe this goal is achievable and government has a very important role to play.
      Goal 13:
      The 13th goal is on climate change. Climate change on it’s own is a global fast growing phenomenon. There has to be collaboration between different countries in achieving this goal as it’s not a one man problem.
      Goal 14:
      it talks about sustaining life below water. This is to say that in as human beings are protected, the under water creatures should also be conserved for future generations. With regards to this some measures has been taken by the Nigeria government including the River Basin development project to protect the sea creatures. The effort by Nigeria government is yielding positive results but more has to be done to ensure this goal is achievable by 2030.
      Goal 15:
      This talk about protection of life on land. The land is home for many beings and organisms including man and it’s environment. This goal is related to the goal 11 above. It concerns having good waste disposable system, conservation of wide life for the future generations and avoidance of deforestation. Despite effort by the Nigeria government on this goal, I can say that much result has not been achieved and so therefore more effort has to be channel to this area especially in wide life conservation. If this is done, the goal could be achieved by 2030.
      Goal 16:
      This is on enforcing life, justice and strong institutions. The goal focus on the rule of law and the need to maintain social justice. It seems to ensure that justice always prevail irrespective of who is involved, it also campaigns for the supremacy of the law which states that no one is above the law. Establishing an independent judiciary will be a good way to start. Nigeria as a country is far from this as most of the other arms of the government always interfere in the affairs of the judiciary and influence there judgement greatly.
      Goal 17:
      The 17th goal talks about global participation in achieving various goals, from the first to the 16th goal. As this goals are issues that cut across all member states, there is a need for collaboration and partnership in other tot ensure that this goals are achievable on or before the due date.

  38. Avatar Nwachukwu Maryjane says:

    REG.NO: 2017/249533
    LEVEL: 300

    The 17 sustainable development goals were goals set up by the United Nations in other to enhance economic development of member states. In the previous quiz we were able to look at the first 9 goals and determine whether they were achievable within the allocated time frame. And in this exercise we are to journey through the 10 to 17 goal to also determine how realistic they are within the stipulated period of time.
    The 17 sustainable development goals

    Goal 10: This goal is about reducing inequality. Considering the level which Nigeria as one of the United Nations States has gone with this goal at the moment we can say that is achievable within the time frame. Lately there has been more involvement of women in the public affairs unlike before now when as a female you don’t have the right to air your opinion, you have limited choices, you are segregated by the male gender in the work place and in the political world because you are a woman. Though more has to be done, but the steps taken so far in involving more women in many activities including politics is a good way to eliminate gender in equality.

    Goal 11: Building sustainable communities and make cities free for individuals to live in and be safe: This particular role should be seen as a cooperate role for both individual, community and government. As a matter of fact individual and communities has a greater role to play in ensuring that the environment where they live is safe and secured. On the other hand the government is to come in by providing a form of decree on how this should be done and ironing out punishment against those who will default. If this is done I believe the goal is very much achievable even before the due date.

    Goal 12: This laid more emphasis on the good consumption and production pattern: This is to said that production should be value oriented or people oriented and not just profit centered. I.e producers of consumer goods should focus on quality creation rather than quantity and goods produced should possess utility. Nigeria has not really done enough in this area but there is need for more effort to be channel so as to achieve this goal. Personally speaking I believe this goal is achievable and government has a very important role to play.

    Goal 13: The 13th goal is on climate change. Climate change on it’s own is a global fast growing phenomenon. There has to be collaboration between different countries in achieving this goal as it’s not a one man problem.

    Goal 14: it talks about sustaining life below water. This is to say that in as human beings are protected, the under water creatures should also be conserved for future generations. With regards to this some measures has been taken by the Nigeria government including the River Basin development project to protect the sea creatures. The effort by Nigeria government is yielding positive results but more has to be done to ensure this goal is achievable by 2030.

    Goal 15: This talk about protection of life on land. The land is home for many beings and organisms including man and it’s environment. This goal is related to the goal 11 above. It concerns having good waste disposable system, conservation of wide life for the future generations and avoidance of deforestation. Despite effort by the Nigeria government on this goal, I can say that much result has not been achieved and so therefore more effort has to be channel to this area especially in wide life conservation. If this is done, the goal could be achieved by 2030.

    Goal 16: This is on enforcing life, justice and strong institutions. The goal focus on the rule of law and the need to maintain social justice. It seems to ensure that justice always prevail irrespective of who is involved, it also campaigns for the supremacy of the law which states that no one is above the law. Establishing an independent judiciary will be a good way to start. Nigeria as a country is far from this as most of the other arms of the government always interfere in the affairs of the judiciary and influence there judgement greatly.

    Goal 17: The 17th goal talks about global participation in achieving various goals, from the first to the 16th goal. As this goals are issues that cut across all member states, there is a need for collaboration and partnership in other tot ensure that this goals are achievable on or before the due date.

  39. Avatar JOSEPH ONAKU says:

    Onaku Joseph Chibuzo

    Goal 10:Reduce inequality within and among countries- This goal is quite achievable if all countries of the world can change their view of superiority complex. If all rich countries of the world see other disadvantaged countries of the world as special with zero segregation. Hence a world sensitization on nation-equality is paramount.
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11[edit]
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.[6] The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).[6] In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 12
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses[53]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.[6]:14 This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.:14 Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion.[6]:14 This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.

    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.

    Goal 13: Climate action
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 13
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.[56]

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 13[edit]
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently, climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.[58] By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and floods, affecting more than 39 million people.[59] Over the period 2000–2018, the greenhouse emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.[60] In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    Goal 14: Life below water Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 14
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 14[edit]
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from the sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research, and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.

    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.] Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.[63] Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water, and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments, and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources. One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime. Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.

    Nusa Lembongan Reef
    One indicator (14.1.1b) under Goal 14 specifically relates to reducing impacts from marine plastic pollution.[55]

    Goal 15: Life on land Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 15
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 15[edit]
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.

    Humans depend on the earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed of 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource. Plantlife provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resource. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 percent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 percent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests. This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa , and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture. Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.] A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 percent over the past three decades.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 16
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 16[edit]
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flow, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.

    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030. Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 percent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 percent).

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 17
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of competing. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to the overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north-south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.

    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target.in 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income. Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade.

  40. Avatar Ogundare Abisola Helen says:

    Ogundare Abisola Helen

    Goal10; Reducing inequality: inequality can only be reduced when there is reorientation among children, youths, adults and the political class. When we see ourselves as one, government appointments will no longer be based on tribalism and effective allocation will be assured.

    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment for investment and innovation by providing the necessary social amenities and provision of strong security system free from corruption.

    Goal 12; Responsible Consumption and Production:
    This goal requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. This goal is pretty much achievable in Nigeria as there are eco-friendly production organizations arising now as well as recycling companies. There are also policies in the country which makes sure that companies pay for the damage they cause to the environment.

    Goal13; Climate action: this is unattainable for Nigeria with the time range. This is because the government has never taking into cognisance our geographical nature talk more of checking the climate to ensure sustainable existence.

    Goal14; Life below water: this emphasizes of aquatic habitat. It has not been heard that Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatic habitat. Therefore this is not obtainable in Nigeria

    Goal15; Life on land: it speak of terrestrial habitat. In Nigeria, the major concern of every government is the oil sector, but they fail to look into terrestrial ecosystem and this will not us at all.

    Goal16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions: Nigeria is too corrupt to attend these attributes within the short range… It’s can only be achieved if they corruption among us is eliminated.

    Goal 17:strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships

  41. Avatar Esokawu Jonathan C. says:

    Name: Esokawu Jonathan C.
    Reg: 2017/249500
    Dept.: Economics
    Email: jesoka18@gmail.com

    Having discussed the first 9 SDGs we look at the feasibility of goals 10 to 17 as follows: (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    10) Reducing inequality: this is also one of the macroeconomic goals which is covered under full employment. With the state of Nigeria’s economy this goal will not be feasible by 2030 because Economic development entails a continuous improvement in GDP over a period of time. Which is not forthcoming for Nigeria anytime soon.
    11) Sustainable Cities and Communities: Nigeria lacks basic facilities to run a basic city achieving a city run sustainable will be almost impossible given the timeframe, as you must walk before you run.
    12) Responsible Consumption and Production: Nigeria is known for her high level of consumption of goods and services she does not produce. This is another tall feet to achieve.
    Goals 13, 14 and 15 can not be available within the time frame in Nigeria as she is to busy fighting corruption and many other devastating problems.
    Goal 16 and 17 can only be achieved after the rest of the goals are achieved. Hence, Nigeria should start out her own calendar as to how she would actualize this goals by 2050.

  42. Avatar Eric-nnaji Chiamaka Ngozi says:

    Eric-nnaji Chiamaka Ngozi
    Economics department

    There are 17 SDGs in total but goals 10 to 17 will be discussed below:

    Goal 10; Reducing Inequality:
    The goals aims to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in the world. In Nigeria, there is still a very high level of income inequality as a result of corruption, illiteracy, unemployment and others but even at that I will say the income disparity has been greatly reduced since the introduction of the SDGs. Reasons: A lot of youths are becoming greatly innovative and bringing themselves and close ones out of poverty, Nigeria uses a progressive tax system which levies more tax on the rich among others. Nigeria is faced with too many obstacles which would not make this goal fully achievable by 2030.

    Goal 11; Sustainable Cities and Communities:
    Making cities sustainable means creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways. This all cannot be achieved in Nigeria by 2030 because of poor town planning, increase in prices of houses most especially in the urban areas and unemployment. All these issues cannot be tackled in Nigeria before the allotted time.

    Goal 12; Responsible Consumption and Production:
    This goal requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. This goal is pretty much achievable in Nigeria as there are eco-friendly production organizations arising now as well as recycling companies. There are also policies in the country which makes sure that companies pay for the damage they cause to the environment.

    Goal 13; Climate Action:
    This goal aims to combat global warming and it’s consequences. In Nigeria, this goal is relatively achievable before 2030 as there are policies guiding companies and the damages they cause to the environment on the course of their Production. There are also companies dedicated to seeing this goal through in the country.

    Goal 14; Life Below Water:
    This goal aims to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification. This goal cna be achievable in Nigeria by 2030 if the policies concerning ocean dumpings are duly observed as well as educating the locals about this goal and it’s objective.

    Goal 15; Life On Land:
    This goal aims to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation. In Nigeria, this goal could be achieved by 2030 by educating masses on this SDG and executing policies concerning this SDG efficiently.

    Goal 16; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions:
    This SDG aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence, and work with governments and communities to end conflict and insecurity. The realization of this goal is far-fetched in Nigeria. There is yet to be a mutual understanding of oneness among all the diverse ethnic groups in the country as well as among the religions groups and this has been the major cause of various clashes here in Nigeria. Also unemployment is also a cause. There is also massive violation of human right in the country even by the institutions set up to uphold it. To me, this goal cannot be achieved by 2030 only to an extent.

    Goal 17; Partnerships for the Goals:
    The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation.The goals aim to enhance world cooperation by supporting national plans to achieve all the targets. Nigeria has come a long way in achieving this goal. We have different international partnership and our borders are open to foreign trade so long as these trade is in line with already laid down rules in the country.

  43. Okeke Jude Chimobi



    Goal 1: End poverty in all it’s form and everywhere..
    It’s possible: through effective and efficient use of nations available resources. This resources magament will bring about increase in the nations productivity, national output ( GDP) and development of all form. Through development poverty will be eradicated
    Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
    This is possible; through the practice of large scale agriculture with advance maintenance techniques. These techniques will improve agriculture products, reduce cost and ensure food availability.
    Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages.
    This is possible; through revitalization of our nations health sector. This revitalization will come in the form of improved health facilities, payment of medical personnels, public education on health issues etc.
    Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life long learning opportunity for all.
    This is possible; if the government policies on education will be void of any form of tribalism and favoritism. Our government should take education seriously by ensuring proper ministration to it’s matters.
    Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
    This is possible; if our government and society will see the need to provide a field of equal opportunity for all gender without any form of favoritism towards any gender.
    Goal 6: ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
    This is possible; if all and sundry will come to the realization of the importance of water and proper sanitation is to our environment. And taking required steps to ensure it stays in it’s best form.
    Goal 7: build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
    Innovation and infrastructure is a product of good governance. Thus it is possible if good governance is ensured.
    Goal 8: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
    The pursuit of human rights and equality of all before the law by all nations is the way of making this goal possible
    Goal 9: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
    This is possible; through the eradication of discrimination of humans by all nations of the world.
    The Goal 10 is to reduce Inequality: Inequality in this 21st century is a thing of the mind, this is because gone are the days were women were not allowed to perform some roles in the societies. Everyone right now have been giving equal right in the society irrespective of gender. but yet Inequality still thrives among us. This is because some women still have a biased mentality concerning Equality. So for Inequality to be fully achieved within the allotted time frame in Nigeria, there is urgent need for a serious Re- Orientation of the mindsets hindering Inequality in the Country.
    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment, by embarking on continuous environmental sanitation and as well making sure that the citizens comply to achieving a Sustainable community. For this to be achieved, all hand must be on deck and not just left alone for the Government. This can be achieved if we join hands now in making our communities and cities a better place for ourselves and for the future generation to come.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet. For example adopting an effective recycling technique could help in achieving a better sustainable consumption pattern.
    Goal 13:The goal aims to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. It is possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature. meanwhile, this Goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the time period because of the state of the country right now.
    Goal 14:Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. There should also be sanctions to penalize defaulters. This could only be achieved by establishing a strong body in charge oceans, seas and marine resource activities that is devoid of corruption of any kind. But considering Nigeria state of Corruption, I doubt if this could be achieved within the remaining time frame.
    Goal 15: This goal aims at protecting, promoting and restoring degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. This very goal can’t be achieved in the Country, besides the Government have never paid much attention to the ecosystem and its well being, all they care is to take from it.
    Goal 16:Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society. But unfortunately, this wonderful goal could not be achieved in the country within the allotted time frame because of of how deep corruption have eaten up the Judicial system and as well owing to week governmental Institutions.
    Goal 17:strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships. Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe that our problem is not as a result of not partnering with other developed countries but as a result of our own selfish oriented goals and the corruptive system which have been build for decades like a structure, that not even the saint can change it.

  44. Avatar Ezeugwu Charles Nnanna says:

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries- This is aimed at reducing the widened gap between the rich and the poor, educated and non educated, etc in different countries of the world. This is achievable if a new world view is established and the minds of all peoples if the world are reoriented.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable- This is achievable if we move motions towards a safe and people oriented society framework.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns- This is achievable if citizens of countries of the world can apply the principle of conservative consumption and manufacturing companies made to bear the brunt of the negative externalities.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climates change and its impacts- This is achievable if all human activities that spur climate change are discouraged.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- This is also in line with goal 12, all resources shouldn’t be overly consumed or wastes discharged into the water bodies because most creatures are going into extinction.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use if terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This is quite achievable if we discouresge all forms destruction in the ecosystem .
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and institutions at all levels- This is achievable if societies become people oriented, such that justice is bit perverted irrespective of one’s status
    Goal 17: Strengthen this means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This is achievable if the means of law implementation and execution is made strict, free and fair as well in order to foster peace in and within other countries of the world.

  45. Avatar Obioma God'swill Nnaemeka says:

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    Obioma God’swill Nnaemeka

    10. Reducing inequality to the bearest minimum in Nigeria will be very difficult to achieve even in the next 30 years due to the the political instability and the toxic capitalistic nature of the economy. Inequality in different aspects especially distribution of income and wealth will take an economic miracle especially the level of corruption in the system coupled with the poor policies.
    11.sustainable cities and communities is one that can be easily achieved if the right development plans are put in place to reduce and discourage the migration to the already over populated cities, cities projects and policies should also be aligned in a way that it will attract some and not all members of the state.
    12. Responsible consumption and production is an SDG that can easily be achieved but mostly will linger even further than most SDGs, this is because on the part of consumption Nigerian prefer foreign products with little emphasis on the prices and quality it offers, this is due partially to the psychological of the citizens and partly to the substantial product qualities in Nigeria
    13.Climate action, this is one that haven’t even held a strand of attention in the real sense among the Nigerian citizens and government, well how would you expect someone that barely makes and means to think about climate and its impact. This is a goal that is not likely to be achieved in the next 30 years.
    14.Nigeria been a Nation blessed with both land and aquatic life have failed to cater for both life on land as they have failed to cater for those on water. With the over dependence on oil and the overlapping of these oil rich areas with water bodies coupled with the Nigerian government incessant carefree behaviour most of our marine life will enter endangered list soon while others will test extinction in a matter of a decades or 2, this can be corrected though with the right among of policies and caution.
    15. Life on land just as aquatic life have been given less than par required attention than it should, most of the terrestrial non domestic animals are either endangered, on the brink of extinction or even extinct, with the political jittery pokery in the country this is 1 of the least worry though very important topics in the country as they help keep our eco-system friendly.
    16.Peace, Justice and strong institutions, wow without mincing words this will be the most difficult SDG to achieve due to numerous reasons known to all Nigerian such as tribalism at its apex, favoritism, corruption, nepotism all this will impede the achievement of this goal.
    17. Partner for the goals, well in Nigerian what we have is competition not cooperation though this can be corrected the achievement of this goal is pivotal to the achievement of most other SDGs. Well some will advocate for cooperative competition and this goal can be achieved.

  46. NAME: Emmanuel Treasure Adanne
    Department: Economics
    Reg No: 2017/242436
    Email address: http://www.treasureadaemmanuel@gmail.com
    Website: treshvinaemman54.blogspot.com
    From the 10th goal to 17th I think Nigeria will be able to achieve some while some will be a difficult to achieve within the given time frame due to the following reasons
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries with the targets as: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. I think it will be difficult for Nigeria can achieve this however if they are able to change their minds set from the creation of awareness and encouragement of equal opportunities for everyone and reduced corruption or favouritism then they will be able to achieve it.
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities: this goals involves making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. This goal can be achieved in Nigeria if government takes the initiative and provide safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems, inclusive and sustainable urbanization. So government has a major role to play here.
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production: this goal is up to both Nigerian government and citizens to achieve. Government can ensure sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Whereas individuals can adopt sustainable practices knowing how to properly dispose their consumed waste.
    Goal 13: Climate action. This goals has the targets of taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy. This goal can be achievable if the government of Nigeria strengthens resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change.
    Goal 14: Life below water. The main aim of this goal is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Government can reduce marine pollution, protect and restore ecosystems, reduce ocean acidification, sustainable fishing, conserve coastal and marine areas, end subsidies contributing to overfishing, increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources by providing agencies to monitor and maintain actions of people living around the riverine areas.
    Goal 15: Life on land. The main targets of this goal are to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Government can conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning by putting up eligible and accountable agencies free of corruption to be in charge of overseeing these targets.
    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. The targets are to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. This can only be achieved if corruption is reduced and accountable agencies are established to reduce violence, protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making.
    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals. The aim of this goal is to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. This goal can only be achieved if Nigeria strengthens it’s inside bind first before going to the outside world. This the quote that says maturity begins at home.

  47. Name: Oroke charity N
    Reg no:2017/243816
    Depart: Economics
    Course:Eco 362
    Sustainable Development Goal 10 _17
    10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
    Progress to eradicate poverty has been uneven. Poverty is just one of the reasons children may be cut off from essential care and services. Across the world, girls and boys are also excluded due to discrimination on the basis of gender, disability, language and ethnicity. Marginalization makes it difficult for groups to enjoy progress and escape poverty.
    UNICEF invests in social-protection programmes and policies that reduce the lifelong consequences of poverty and discrimination. Social protection – which can come in the form of child grants, school meals, skills development and other types of cash transfer programmes – connects families with health care, nutritious food and quality education to give all children, no matter what circumstances they are born into, a fair chance in life.
    11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
    Half of the world’s children live in urban areas. And this number is projected to reach almost 70 per cent by mid-century.
    Since 1996, UNICEF has promoted the Child-Friendly Cities Initiative. Together with partners, we support governments to create urban spaces where children can access basic services, clean air and water; and where they feel safe to play, learn and grow. We also help ensure their voices are heard, and their needs are integrated in public policies and budgets.
    12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    Current consumption and production trends continue to create toxic waste and reduce valuable natural resources. Children are the least responsible for environmental degradation, yet they will bear the greatest burden of its impact – mostly in the form of health and developmental issues.
    Decades of evidence shows that widespread behaviour change, such as recycling and using less plastic, often begins with children. This is why UNICEF engages girls and boys to promote responsible, climate-feriendly consumption behaviours and set an example for their communities.
    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
    Climate change is a direct threat to a child’s ability to survive, grow and thrive. Close to 90 per cent of the burden of disease attributable to climate change is borne by children under the age of 5.
    Today, for the first time, a global generation of children will grow up in a world made far more dangerous and uncertain by changing climate and a degraded environment.
    Effective responses to climate change are imperative to protect the world’s children and fulfil their rights. UNICEF works with partners at the global and local level to ensure that children can live in a safe and clean environment. We help make children the centre of climate change strategies and response plans, recognizing them as agents of change who are taking action everywhere to protect the future of our planet
    14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    Today, 530 million children live in extremely high flood occurrence zones, and 1 in 4 children will live in areas of extreme water stress by 2040.
    The impacts of climate change are being felt around the world. For many children, a change in climate is felt through a change in water.
    In times of drought or flood, in areas where the sea level has risen or ice and snow have unseasonably melted, children are being cut off from the water they rely on. Rising sea levels can lead to saltwater infiltrating freshwater sources, rendering the water undrinkable. This is already happening in low-lying coastal areas and Small Island Developing States ─ home to roughly 25 per cent of the world’s population.
    UNICEF supports Small Island Developing States and other communities impacted by rising sea levels, higher levels of drought and water stress, heavier rainfall and flooding, and the melting of snow, glacier and sea ice. We do this by ensuring access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene services.
    15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems; sustainably manage forests; combat desertification; halt and reverse land degradation; and halt biodiversity loss.
    Land degradation, together with forest, species and biodiversity loss, is interconnected with climate change and poses a serious threat to a child’s ability to survive, grow and thrive.
    While these issues are not central to UNICEF’s programmes, children and youth have expressed in no uncertain terms that protecting and preserving all living things on the planet is important to the well-being of people, prosperity and peace. UNICEF recognizes and encourages the leadership that children and youth are taking to raise awareness and end harm to wildlife and the environment. This is why we engage girls and boys to elevate their voices on environmental issues.
    Voices of Youth is a dedicated platform for young advocates to offer inspiring and original insights on issues that matter to them. We also team up with United Nations partners to engage youth through the award-winning Wild for Life campaign to curtail illegal trade in wildlife.
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all; and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
    No child should ever be exposed to violence, abuse or neglect. Yet millions of children around the globe continue to face violence in their homes, schools, communities and online. Children uprooted by conflict and disaster are particularly vulnerable to violence, including child labour and other forms of exploitation.
    Violence takes many forms: emotional, physical, sexual. And its effects can last a lifetime. Witnessing or experiencing violence erodes a child’s health, well-being and potential.
    Governments can offer the first line of defence for children at risk – birth registration systems that give children legal claim to vital social services, equitable justice systems and other forms of child protection.
    UNICEF works to end the multiple kinds of violence children face around the world by helping governments build stronger child protection systems – including by supporting health, social work, justice and law enforcement programmes – and challenging existing norms related to violence, exploitation and abuse.
    17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    Partnerships are critical to achieve results for every child. Everyone has a role to play in advancing the SDGs.
    UNICEF’s ability to support and empower children and their families depends on our partners, who provide critical resources that enable us to reach children wherever they are. We work with a broad range of partners at the global, regional, country and local levels, across the public and private sectors.
    In 2018, for example, our partnerships empowered our work to respond to 285 humanitarian emergencies in 90 countries; support birth in health facilities for 27 million babies; provide three doses of the Pentavalent vaccine for an estimated 65.5 million children; support the education of 12 million children; and help treat 4 million children with severe acute malnutrition.

  48. Avatar Okororie Emmanuel Kelechi says:

    Okororie Emmanuel Kelechi

    Whether these goals are achieved or not depends on Nigerians, especially our leaders.

    Goal 10 talks about reducing inequality within and among countries. For this to be achieved, there need to be a mental resetting in our society, because some tribe(s) believe that they are born to rule which is wrong. Opportunities should be allocated equally amongst Nigerians. If this is not done, we will be far from achieving this particular goal.

    Goal 11 talks about making cities safe and sustainable. In the Nigerian situation, the unfortunate thing is that engaging in vices like terrorism, banditry etc. has become lucrative. Hence, increasing crime rate in our country. Our cities are not safe and not sustainable. No tangible effort is been made by the government to look for alternative sources of energy apart from oil. Until the government ceases to support terrorism and insecurity, goal 11 will not be achieved in the allocated time frame.

    Goal 12 is about sustainable consumption. Our production pattern is not sustainable. Little or no recycling. In short, Nigeria is far from achieving this goal.

    Goal 13, 14 and 15 emphasizes the importance of combating climate change. In the advent of the 4th industrial revolution, countries are working on building electric vehicles, homes powered by solar and wind energy, etc. In Nigeria, we are just building our refinary at Lagos. No serious effort is been put in place here to combat climate change. Any plan that entails substituting our oil for some other thing is deliberately frustrated by the government. Until we are aware of the inevitable horrors that await us if we continue harming nature, Nigeria will not achieve this goal.

    Suffice it to say that these goals are intertwined and mutually inclusive. Any serious effort towards tackling one, also tackles another goal. Goals 10 and 11 are both related to goal 16 which talks about building inclusive societies that takes account of everyone and accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People should not be appointed into positions of government based on tribal affinity, but on merit. This issue is a major problem in Nigeria. We need to reset and reorient Nigerians to achieve this goal.

    Concerning goal 17, Nigeria is making efforts. Global partnerships are made, but not entirely for sustainable development. These partnerships can be even be said to be somewhat detrimental to our economy as they make us more import dependent and consumption oriented.

  49. Avatar IWUALA CHIOMA FAVOUR says:


    The 17 SDG’s are:
    GOAL 1: No Poverty
    GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
    GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    GOAL 15: Life on Land.
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal.
    As we have already discussed the first 9, we will now discuss from goal 10.
    SDG 10 is to: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 10.
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.12 Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.[48] In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11.
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).[6] In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses, achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.[6]:14 This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”. Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion.This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.
    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 13.
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people.Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 14.
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources.One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime.Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 15.
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource.Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests.This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture. Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 16.
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”. This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals.Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.
    From our study, we observed also that all these goals are interlinked. Achieving one can help achieve others. I think these goals can be achieved in Nigeria.

  50. Avatar Okoye Felix Onyekachi says:

    Okoye Felix Onyekachi

    Sustainable Development Goals are planets sensitive and people-centered, this is because they place critical importance to issues that concern people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.
    The aim of this discussion will not be fully achieved without taking into cognizance the main idea of the topic “Sustainability”, which implies we meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
    Having discussed Goal 1 to 9 in our last quiz, we will move forward to discussing Goal 10 to 17 and see how this Goals could be achieved within the allotted time frame.
    The Goal 10 is to reduce Inequality: Inequality in this 21st century is a thing of the mind, this is because gone are the days were women were not allowed to perform some roles in the societies. Everyone right now have been giving equal right in the society irrespective of gender. but yet Inequality still thrives among us. This is because some women still have a biased mentality concerning Equality. So for Inequality to be fully achieved within the allotted time frame in Nigeria, there is urgent need for a serious Re- Orientation of the mindsets hindering Inequality in the Country.
    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment, by embarking on continuous environmental sanitation and as well making sure that the citizens comply to achieving a Sustainable community. For this to be achieved, all hand must be on deck and not just left alone for the Government. This can be achieved if we join hands now in making our communities and cities a better place for ourselves and for the future generation to come.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet. For example adopting an effective recycling technique could help in achieving a better sustainable consumption pattern.
    Goal 13:The goal aims to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. It is possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature. meanwhile, this Goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the time period because of the state of the country right now.
    Goal 14:Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. There should also be sanctions to penalize defaulters. This could only be achieved by establishing a strong body in charge oceans, seas and marine resource activities that is devoid of corruption of any kind. But considering Nigeria state of Corruption, I doubt if this could be achieved within the remaining time frame.
    Goal 15: This goal aims at protecting, promoting and restoring degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. This very goal can’t be achieved in the Country, besides the Government have never paid much attention to the ecosystem and its well being, all they care is to take from it.
    Goal 16:Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society. But unfortunately, this wonderful goal could not be achieved in the country within the allotted time frame because of of how deep corruption have eaten up the Judicial system and as well owing to week governmental Institutions.
    Goal 17:strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships. Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe that our problem is not as a result of not partnering with other developed countries but as a result of our own selfish oriented goals and the corruptive system which have been build for decades like a structure, that not even the saint can change it.
    Now, considering the allotted time frame, this goals could not be achieved because unfortunately Nigeria have never gotten better and looking at crisis facing the country currently. I therefore strongly believe in a total revolution for a better and Inclusive administrative pattern with an effective Institutional framework in the country.

  51. Name: Ugwuda chidera. Blessing
    Reg No:2017/243804
    Dept: Economics education
    Course: Eco,362.
    Topic :Discuss the sustainable development goal10_17

    Goal 10: Reduced inequality
    SDG 10 is to: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”.
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption. Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population. The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses[53]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns. This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion. This was double the estimated subsidies for renewable and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.
    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.
    Goal 13: Climate action
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 13
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.[57] The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions. By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people. Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    Goal 14: Life below water

    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 14[edit]
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to over fishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs. Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water .They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources.[6] One of the key drivers of global over fishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime.[65] Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.
    One indicator (14.1.1b) under Goal 14 specifically relates to reducing impacts from marine plastic pollution.
    Goal 15: Life on land
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 15
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource.[68] Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million of the world’s forests.[6] This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture.[69] Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all dry lands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.[70] A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.
    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.
    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 16
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.[74] Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent.
    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”. This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships
    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target. In 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income. Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade..

  52. Name: Oroke charity N
    Reg no:2017/243816
    Depart: Economics
    Course:Eco 362

    10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
    Progress to eradicate poverty has been uneven. Poverty is just one of the reasons children may be cut off from essential care and services. Across the world, girls and boys are also excluded due to discrimination on the basis of gender, disability, language and ethnicity. Marginalization makes it difficult for groups to enjoy progress and escape poverty.
    UNICEF invests in social-protection programmes and policies that reduce the lifelong consequences of poverty and discrimination. Social protection – which can come in the form of child grants, school meals, skills development and other types of cash transfer programmes – connects families with health care, nutritious food and quality education to give all children, no matter what circumstances they are born into, a fair chance in life.
    11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
    Half of the world’s children live in urban areas. And this number is projected to reach almost 70 per cent by mid-century.
    Since 1996, UNICEF has promoted the Child-Friendly Cities Initiative. Together with partners, we support governments to create urban spaces where children can access basic services, clean air and water; and where they feel safe to play, learn and grow. We also help ensure their voices are heard, and their needs are integrated in public policies and budgets.
    12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    Current consumption and production trends continue to create toxic waste and reduce valuable natural resources. Children are the least responsible for environmental degradation, yet they will bear the greatest burden of its impact – mostly in the form of health and developmental issues.
    Decades of evidence shows that widespread behaviour change, such as recycling and using less plastic, often begins with children. This is why UNICEF engages girls and boys to promote responsible, climate-feriendly consumption behaviours and set an example for their communities.
    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
    Climate change is a direct threat to a child’s ability to survive, grow and thrive. Close to 90 per cent of the burden of disease attributable to climate change is borne by children under the age of 5.
    Today, for the first time, a global generation of children will grow up in a world made far more dangerous and uncertain by changing climate and a degraded environment.
    Effective responses to climate change are imperative to protect the world’s children and fulfil their rights. UNICEF works with partners at the global and local level to ensure that children can live in a safe and clean environment. We help make children the centre of climate change strategies and response plans, recognizing them as agents of change who are taking action everywhere to protect the future of our planet
    14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    Today, 530 million children live in extremely high flood occurrence zones, and 1 in 4 children will live in areas of extreme water stress by 2040.
    The impacts of climate change are being felt around the world. For many children, a change in climate is felt through a change in water.
    In times of drought or flood, in areas where the sea level has risen or ice and snow have unseasonably melted, children are being cut off from the water they rely on. Rising sea levels can lead to saltwater infiltrating freshwater sources, rendering the water undrinkable. This is already happening in low-lying coastal areas and Small Island Developing States ─ home to roughly 25 per cent of the world’s population.
    UNICEF supports Small Island Developing States and other communities impacted by rising sea levels, higher levels of drought and water stress, heavier rainfall and flooding, and the melting of snow, glacier and sea ice. We do this by ensuring access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene services.
    15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems; sustainably manage forests; combat desertification; halt and reverse land degradation; and halt biodiversity loss.
    Land degradation, together with forest, species and biodiversity loss, is interconnected with climate change and poses a serious threat to a child’s ability to survive, grow and thrive.
    While these issues are not central to UNICEF’s programmes, children and youth have expressed in no uncertain terms that protecting and preserving all living things on the planet is important to the well-being of people, prosperity and peace. UNICEF recognizes and encourages the leadership that children and youth are taking to raise awareness and end harm to wildlife and the environment. This is why we engage girls and boys to elevate their voices on environmental issues.
    Voices of Youth is a dedicated platform for young advocates to offer inspiring and original insights on issues that matter to them. We also team up with United Nations partners to engage youth through the award-winning Wild for Life campaign to curtail illegal trade in wildlife.
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all; and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
    No child should ever be exposed to violence, abuse or neglect. Yet millions of children around the globe continue to face violence in their homes, schools, communities and online. Children uprooted by conflict and disaster are particularly vulnerable to violence, including child labour and other forms of exploitation.
    Violence takes many forms: emotional, physical, sexual. And its effects can last a lifetime. Witnessing or experiencing violence erodes a child’s health, well-being and potential.
    Governments can offer the first line of defence for children at risk – birth registration systems that give children legal claim to vital social services, equitable justice systems and other forms of child protection.
    UNICEF works to end the multiple kinds of violence children face around the world by helping governments build stronger child protection systems – including by supporting health, social work, justice and law enforcement programmes – and challenging existing norms related to violence, exploitation and abuse.
    17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    Partnerships are critical to achieve results for every child. Everyone has a role to play in advancing the SDGs.
    UNICEF’s ability to support and empower children and their families depends on our partners, who provide critical resources that enable us to reach children wherever they are. We work with a broad range of partners at the global, regional, country and local levels, across the public and private sectors.
    In 2018, for example, our partnerships empowered our work to respond to 285 humanitarian emergencies in 90 countries; support birth in health facilities for 27 million babies; provide three doses of the Pentavalent vaccine for an estimated 65.5 million children; support the education of 12 million children; and help treat 4 million children with severe acute malnutrition.

  53. Avatar Ijara Peter Elochukwu. says:

    Name: Ijara Peter Elochukwu
    Department: Economics
    Reg no: 2017/249513
    Course: Eco 362

    Appraisal of the SDGs.
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries : This goal is not feasible by 2030 due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in production patterns, international trade weakness of poorer countries ,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which result from weak institutions and non implementation of government policies.

    Goal 11: This goal focuses on building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in. We all have a role to play in that they also we need to keep at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep practice environmental save habits to achieve this.

    Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and production: Achieving this and requires that we urgently reduce the pressure on our natural resources by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. This Goal is achievable in Nigeria if industries, businesses and consumers are encouraged to recycle and reduce waste. It is still possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and leveraging on technology.

    Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact. This goal is attainable in Nigeria if industries in the country embrace environmental friendly practices and imputs in their production process and citizens are encouraged to recycle to reduce the incident of burning that deplete our ozone layers and affects our climatic conditions.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- there is need to discourage all human activities that destroy the our water bodies and a heavy fine should be attached to defaulting citizens and industries. This goal is however stalled by the oil spillage faced by the Niger-Delta regions of Nigeria. Till today ogoni has not been cleaned up.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest,combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This would be achievable if Planting of trees is priotized, stop activities harmful to wildlife band development of wildlife and tourism sector ( private sector participation is highly encouraged).

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions – We cannot hope for a sustainable society without peace, respect for human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law. Yet our world is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy peace, security and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. Our judicial system needs to be independent and sensitive to the need of the people. In Nigeria the executive usually flout court orders so to build a strong justice system will take a while. It’s is doable.

    Goal 17- Strengthen, the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.️ The achievement of this goal doesn’t solely rest on Nigeria’s shoulders but also depends on it’s relations with other countries of the world.
    In conclusion all hands must be on deck.

  54. Avatar Egbo Chinemelum Chinonso says:

    Egbo Chinemelum Chinonso

    There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we will talk about goals10-17.

    Goal 10- Reducing inequality among nations, this is unachievable with the current plague of corruption by our old leaders.
    Goal 11- Make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable cause the money allocated to sustain it is always embezzled.
    Goal 12- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This is achievable through collective efforts of individuals and `government. People should be educated on the need and importance for sustainable consumption patterns. Practices like deforestation, wildlife consumption, etc. should be strictly regulated by the authorized agencies.
    Goal 13- Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impact. This is achievable through conscious efforts of the citizens. Deliberate bush burning, emission of dangerous gases into the atmosphere, etc. should be abolished or reduced to its minimum levels.
    Goal 14- Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.
    Goal 15- Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.
    Goal 16- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels: This is achievable if government will be accountable to the people they are leading, make sure that those who are guilty are being punished and justice are been restored to the offenders, include everyone in everything that they are doing. There should be no favoritism in the society; everyone must be treated equally no matter who you are or where you are from.
    Goal 17- Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development: This can be achievable in Nigeria if our problem will be solved first. Corruption which is one of our major problems must be handled first in order to achieve this goal because so many of the resources or money made available for revitalization are been embezzled by our head so without tackling corruption and some of our major problems this cannot be achieved.

  55. Avatar IJE VORDA GOODNESS says:

    REG NO: 2017/249514
    EMAIL: vordagoodness78@gmail.com
    COURSE: ECO 362

    The SDGs are people centered goals and they are hoped to be achieved by 2030. Efforts has been made by various institutions and governments in the achievement of this goals however more still needs to be done.
    ▪️ Goal 10-Reduce inequality within and among nations: in Nigeria the gap between the rich and the poor has widened exponentially and the UN, government of underdeveloped and the BWIs are working hard to reduce the income disparity among nations but the economic and in international trade weakness of the LDCs has made it an almost utopian. However I don’t see the feasible in achieving goal 10 in 2030.
    ▪️ Goal 11-Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable: in my view this I snot attainable in Nigeria by 2030 since a huge part of our population still live in the shanty rural areas and poorly planned human settlements. However the Nigerian government should intensify efforts to achieve this goal by propped planning of residential areas and providing adequate security for citizens . Citizens are however not left out as they are encouraged to report shady activities to appropriate authorities.
    ▪️ Goal 12- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This goal can be achieved by 2030 if all members of society work towards this in their actions and making sustainability a guiding principal.
    ▪ Goal 13- Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact. This goal is attainable in Nigeria if industries in the country embrace environmental friendly components in their production process and citizens are encouraged to recycle to reduce the incident of burning that deplete our ozone layers and expose us to UV rays.
    ️▪️ Goal 14- Conserve and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This is not achieveable in Nigeria by 2030 as industries should cut down on pollution of our water bodies, The govt can do this by imposing a pigovian tax. Citizens who live near water bodies should desist from dumping refuse in the waters. However Nigeria a major producer of petroleum has a major problem of oil spillage and it has affected fishing in our riverine areas of Porthatcourt, Bayelsa, Delta etc the government should look to reducing thi great degradation to the water bodies in those areas. Efforts should be taken to do better.
    ▪️ Goal 15- Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Encouraging planting of tress and environment friendly chemical in agriculture, stop the killing and harm of our animal species, and punishing offenders endangering our wildlife. However this might take a while since our tourism and wildlife sector is very much developed and appreciated.
    ▪️ Goal 16- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Once there’s a political will it will be possible to achieve this. This goal is however not achievable by 2030 because building a strong judicial system will take a while since ours is dependent and weak. In Nigeria it’s common for the executives to interfer in, manipulate and flout court orders.
    Goal 17- Strengthen, the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.️ The achievement of this goal doesn’t solely rest on Nigeria’s shoulders but also depends on it’s relations with other countries.
    In conclusion we should all strive for better so that if we don’t achieve all by 2030 we’ll be on our way to.

    The Sustainable Development Goals is a unanimous call for ‘a people-centred and planet-sensitive agenda to ensure human dignity, equality, environmental stewardship, healthy economies, freedom from want and fear, and a renewed global partnership for sustainable development’ (UN General Assembly 2014). In his report to the UN General Assembly, A Life of
    Dignity for All: Accelerating Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and Advancing the UN Development Agenda beyond 2015, the UN Secretary-General recommended the development of a universal, integrated and human rights-based agenda for sustainable development, addressing economic growth, social justice and environmental stewardship, and highlighting the link between peace, development and human rights (UN General Assembly 2013). These SDGs are interdependent on each other and the three core pillars represent an old concept of sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda moves towards integration of the three pillars and takes into account the interdependence of environmental, economic and social factors while recognising the realities of different national needs
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets are integrated and indivisible, global in nature and universally applicable, and take into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. Each government are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks, set nationally-owned targets guided by the global level of ambition but taking into account country-level circumstances for the achievement of the 17 goals. Countries will also decide how these aspirational and global targets should be incorporated in national planning processes, policies and strategies.
    The SDGs must be people-centered and planet sensitive and address many of the very real gender dimensions as demonstrated in Goal 5 and to climate change. Many are due to women’s status in society, education, and the range of services available. Due to a range of factors, women are more often victims of disasters that are often climate change-related; as farmers, they are at the front lines of changing weather patterns that increasingly consist of extreme drought or flooding.
    Goals 13- 15 recognises that the environment has always been a major dimension of sustainable development and we are seeing that environmental degradation around the world is exacerbating poverty and increasing misery and hardship for millions of people. These goals address a range of environmental challenges, from supporting sustainable ecosystems, conserving ocean resources, and tackling climate change.


    REG No: 2017/249537


    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    Inequality emerged as a central issue for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because of the growing body of evidence that inequalities in income and wealth cause economic instability, a range of health and social problems, and create a roadblock to the adoption of pro-environment strategies and behaviour. Social and economic inequalities tear the social fabric, undermine social cohesion, contribute to environmental problems and prevent nations, communities and individuals from flourishing. It is hardly surprising then that the countries most likely to meet the 17 SGDs first are Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, according to a report published last week. The Nordics have the highest levels of equality in the world. We need new policy frameworks and solutions that give economies every chance to drive growth that is inclusive and not limited to small elites. This means looking beyond redistribution to other levers that promote broad-based increases in living standards; for example, entrepreneurship, well-functioning financial systems and the upholding of ethical values in business and public spheres. Jennifer Blanke, Chief Economist.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    More than half of the world’s population lives in cities today with the rate of urbanization further increasing. In urban areas the challenges of sustainable development are concentrated. The importance of sustainable cities and communities are recognized in the sustainable development goals by the United Nations, as are sustainable industrial development and responsible production. Industrial production and urban factories are an essential part of growing cities, though commonly associated with a negative environmental impact. To identify the potential contribution of urban factories to the sustainable development and growth of the cities around the world, the characteristics of urban production systems and their surroundings are matched to the sustainable development goals and their targets. Based on this analysis, the potentials are derived identifying the key action areas in which urban production can support economically, ecologically and socially sound cities of the future. Goal: 11 therefore represents recognition of the need to adopt a systematic approach that addresses infrastructure implications of population-level changes, in order to realise the full scope of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For example, there is strong and increasing evidence of the impact of the physical urban environment, and the provision of green space, on various aspects of health and well-being, and on patterns of health inequalities
    The world leaders present at the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, took another historic step when they adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development envisions a present and a future that is economically sustainable, socially inclusive and environmentally resilient. This is expressed in the framing of the 17 SDGs, 169 targets and 230 key performance indicators. The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, safeguard the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by the year 2030.Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, Nigeria began to implement the SDGs almost immediately. First, it established institutional frameworks at the national and sub-national levels to support effective implementation. Then, with this early heads tart, several strategic initiatives were implemented between 2016 and now, while others are still ongoing. These strategic initiatives include: The development of a Country Transition Strategy from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in 2016; SDG data mapping and the publication of Nigeria SDGs-Indicators Baseline Report, in 2017; Integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the SDGs into Nigerias Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), 2017-2020; Domestication and customization of Nigerias Integrated Sustainable Development Goals (iSDGs) Policy Simulation Model, 2019; Ongoing realignment of the National Statistical System (NSS) with the requirements and indicators of the SDGs to be completed by August 2020; Commencement of the design and implementation of the Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) for the SDGs; Commencement of the process for Independent evaluation of priority SDGs SDGs 1; 3 and 4 in January 2019; and Conduct of its second Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of the SDGs in Nigeria. Nigeria has domesticated the SDGs and linked them, its national development plan, the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017-2020. This Report speaks to the critical areas of progress outlined in the ERGP since 2017, particularly those areas related to the eight SDGs that were selected as the focus of the 2020 VNR Report. This Report must not be viewed as a comprehensive review of the ERGP. Instead, it is a reflection on the level of SDG domestication through Nigerias medium-term National Development Plan. The structure of the Report reflects the priorities in the ERGP. Part 1 (particularly in sections 1 and 2) puts the review in a proper context.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Lets move on from a DUD (dig, use and dump) model, which pollutes nature and wastes money. We can constantly reuse resources and turn linear supply chains into value-adding closed loops. Less a DUD and more a circular economy. Technology and the internet of things can drive this. Governments can help too, by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and pricing natural resources right. We need to eat. Three times a day is the norm, but we know that over one-third of the worlds population does not even get one meal a day. We need to be able to travel conveniently, but perhaps idling cars and smoke-belching vans are not an efficient use of energy. If we think about what we need versus what we want, they dont normally align. The how and why of consumption is directly proportional to the purchasing power of an individual. We can afford it, so we buy more. When we dont want it, we bin it. Goal 12 isnt asking individuals to stop dining out, shopping or flying first class. Its simply asking us to revisit our personal consumption patterns and habits and become more conscious of their consequences. By buying items in bulk such as detergents, personal care is not only cheaper in the long run, but it also reduces waste (compared to individually packed items) and instils a sense of discipline in terms of usage. Over the next 15 years, Goal 12 aims to:Move towards sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. Halve per capita global food waste and reduce food loss along production and supply chain Substantially reduce overall waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycles. is a whole range of targets for promoting sustainable practices and reducing wasteful consumption. To play your part, start simple. If you are a business, review your procurement practices, reduce waste or the use of chemicals where you can. Set targets on the efficient use of resources. Enhance transparency by integrating consumption and reduction in your reporting cycles. If you are an individual, reflect on the how and why of your consumption habits. Buy in bulk. Cook the entire fish. Upcycle. Swap clothes or explore thrift shops. BYOB bag or bottle. Theyre small steps, but taken as a whole, they mean massive changes. The shift towards responsible consumption is on us.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
    It starts with Paris. An ambitious global climate agreement will accelerate climate action and low-carbon growth. Putting a value on reducing carbon will help. Then, we must move the mind set from carbon compliance to carbon positive solutions. There are many cost-saving, value-creating, low-carbon innovations which will make your life and your business better. Climate change is far more than just an environmental issue; it fundamentally changes our relationship with food and water, which is essential for our well-being and for the viability of nearly all other forms of life. We have collectively built and optimized all of human civilization for the relatively stable climate that has existed for thousands of years. That climate is now changing rapidly. Without urgent and effective action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the long-term impacts of climate change could be massive, abrupt and disruptive to a planet currently carrying over 7.3 billion people, all of whom want, expect, and have a right to a decent and safe standard of living. If we dont get goal 13 right, it will be unlucky for all the others.
    Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use Oceans
    Healthy oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. They are suffering. We must 1) recognize the problem; 2) form new partnerships for fishing, acidification, waste, marine transport; 3) forge new forms of regional and global governance to manage our blue commons. Oceans are home to thousands of species of animals and plants that provide an essential source of food, nutrition and income for millions, including many of the worlds poorest people. We all agree that our oceans are worth protecting. Indeed, one of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development calls for the conservation and sustainable use of our oceans, seas and marine resources. This makes perfect sense. Oceans are critical in any dialogue on international development. They support social and economic progress in many ways and any threat to them is likely to most impact poor and vulnerable communities who rely on them for food and income.The inclusion of oceans and seas in the post-2015 development agenda has been hard won. To maintain and mobilize the support needed for an action agenda, more work will be needed. This work must build on the priorities identified in international forums such as the Global Oceans Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth and the Our Ocean Summit hosted by US Secretary of State John Kerry last year. The Global Ocean Commission report, From Decline to Recovery. Analyses undertaken through Fishing for a Future indicate that the worlds requirement for fish for direct human consumption in 2030 will be approximately 232 million metric tonnes. This global need exceeds the trajectory of todays production system which would likely produce around 170 million tonnes in 2030.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. This is a big one. Critical solutions include: sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning with satellite observation; ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people; sorting land tenure and enforcing law, including for trafficking endangered species. Luckily we do not need to reinvent the wheel a short cut to delivering
    Goal 15 is to tap into existing international environmental agreements
    In a sense, the world has already acknowledged the contribution that biodiversity and ecosystem services make to human wellbeing and sustainable development. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), signed in 1992, led to twenty Aichi Biodiversity Targets. If the goals deliver on these targets we will make huge progress. Furthermore, the newly established Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) can play a critical role in addressing the needs for the SDG framework to incorporate knowledge on the complex relationship between ecosystem services and human society.
    We need better indicators that are integrated and scalable Measuring progress on any of the SDGs will require agreed sets of indicators for use at national, regional and international levels in all countries. Past environmental indicators have been treated separately from social and economic indicators. We now need a push towards indicators that can combine these dimensions. One example that aims to do this is the IPBES Multiple Evidence Base approach (MEB). IPBES assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services will be based on knowledge from scientists, indigenous people and other stakeholders. Placing insights from different knowledge systems side by side will enable an enriched understanding of the issues at hand, for example understanding effects of climate change in the Arctic, rangeland dynamics, or the role of sacred sites for human well-being. Finally, we need to factor social change in to the whole SDG process .Simply setting ambitious goals will not generate these changes: the goal formulation must include details of the processes needed to achieve them. Targets should also take into account ideologies, religious beliefs and institutions, including formal and informal rules and customs. This will be essential to motivate, guide and support social change towards sustainable practices at all scales of governance globally, nationally and individually.

    Goal 16: Promote Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development, Provide Access to Justice for All, and Build Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions at All Levels .The integrated and universal approach that is fundamental to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is well represented in SDG 16. This goal represents a specific and important extension to the preceding MDGs and is based on the recognition that: Sustainable development cannot be realized without peace and security; and peace and security will be at risk without sustainable development. More so than any other Sustainable Development Goal, goal 16 is key to real progress across the entire 2030 development agenda. Failure to achieve it could stop progress on every other goal in its tracks. Conflict devastates societies, impacting particularly on the very areas of progress that are central to the SDGs, including those where weve seen significant gains like health, child mortality, education, and poverty. More than 1.5 billion people live in countries affected by conflict (that is roughly 1 in every 4.5 people). People in these countries are three times more likely to be undernourished and gains on reducing infant mortality significantly impacted .In 2014, more 28.8 million had been forced by conflict and oppression to flee their homes; not a day in Europe goes by without a conversation about the fate and future of incoming stream of refugees. In 2011, 28.5 million children were out of school because of conflict in their countries. A UNICEF report notes that 13 million children in the Middle East are not in school due to conflict. The good news is that there are proven solutions to stop this destructive and costly cycle. Last year, UNICEF published a report on Six Strategies for Action that provides evidence of effective programmes to prevent and respond to violence against children from around the world.

    Among those programmes are a parent education programme in Turkey that led to a reduction of physical punishment by 73% within two years; a parenting intervention in Liberia that led to a decrease in psychological violence by 29% over a 15-month period; a home visit programme in the US that helped reduce child abuse and neglect by 48% over 15 years; and a school-based programme in Croatia that led to a reduction in violence in schools by 50% over eight years. Global leaders need to make a revolutionary effort to achieve a new set of development goals to be adopted at the United Nations later this week, as the world is already going backwards on a few of them, a leading think tank said. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim, within 15 years, to end poverty and hunger, ensure equality, improve health and curb climate change, among other challenges. But new research from the London-based Overseas Development Institute says 14 of the 17 key targets it assessed one for each goal will need a revolution in effort and approach to speed up progress. On the three other targets analysed, the world is doing better. It is on track to make more than half the progress required to end extreme poverty, promote economic growth in the least developed countries, and halt deforestation. On current trends the world will not meet any of the SDGs by 2030, the study said. But if the goals do their job and spur on the global community to deliver a truly transformational agenda, then progress across a range of development issues can and should be faster, smarter and more effective than in recent years. Susan Nicolai, one of the reports authors and head of an ODI project on development progress, said countries need to start acting early on the SDGs, and integrate the 169 targets set out within the goals into their plans, ensuring they reach everybody, as the goals promise. There needs to be some pretty serious attention on implementation, and that looks different across the goals and in different regions, she said. For example, sub-Saharan African nations will need major support to advance faster on nearly all the goals, whereas in South Asia the focus should be on reducing maternal deaths, the report said. Meanwhile, some of the main problems facing the big emerging economies and the developed world are cutting down on waste and planet-warming emissions.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    The SDGs say what to do, now we must figure out how. We need new alliances like those described above that tap the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. We need new models of using limited public money to draw in more private finance. There is room for us all to hack and innovate across every SDG, at large or small scales. Achieving the new SDGs will require resource mobilization on an unprecedented scale. Developing countries alone will need to invest $3.3 to $4.5 trillion a year in basic infrastructure, food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, health and education. One of the main lessons to take away from the last 25 years of development, however, is just how much things actually can change, given the right policy mix. A number of developing countries today are important engines of growth not only for their own regions, but for the global economy at large. We need to build productive capacity to transform economies. This means investment, trade, technology and entrepreneurship as part of a broader industrial strategy for developing countries. Tax bases must be broadened, collection strengthened, evasion and avoidance reduced and capital flight and illicit financial flows stemmed.
    We need to create more effective states and more efficient markets. We need to understand that they are two sides of the same coin: if governments are not competent, transparent and responsive, markets cant be efficient either. We must enhance competition and consumer protection, scale up infrastructure services and foster a better business environment by investing in skills and leadership development.
    We need to tackle vulnerabilities and build resilience. We live in a world increasingly full of economic, social and environmental crises and the poor are always less capable of dealing with sudden changes and shocks. We need to better manage financialization and its macroeconomic effects, as well as strengthen the link between fiscal and monetary policies and development goals. We also need to enhance the climate resilience of key transport infrastructure since extreme weather and rising sea levels are an increasing threat.
    We need to strengthen multilateralism and find common solutions. The need for global collective action is at an all-time high. We need more inclusive and better coordinated institutions, regulations, reforms and policies. We need to improve the effectiveness of the multilateral trading system and form global partnerships for development cooperation.

  58. Avatar Ngene Michael C. says:

    Name: Michael Ngene C.
    Reg no: 2017/246022
    Dept: Economics

    Here we want to take a quick look on goals 10 to 17 and the possibility of actualizing them even within the timeframe.
    In goal 10, we see that this goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. With a look on the society, I can say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    In goal 11, we see that this goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    In goal 12, we see that this goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    In goal 13, we see that this goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.

    In goal 14, we see that this goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.

    In goal 15, we see that this goal is talking about the issue of protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, I believe that this problem would be tackled by the year 2030.

    In goal 16, we see that this goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.

    In goal 17, this last goal like the MDGs is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

    In conclusion, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless There is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database pm it’s entire population.

  59. Avatar Ogbonna Anthony says:

    Ogbonna Anthony Chukwudubem
    Discussion on the Suitable Development Goal.
    Development Goal 10l
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.:12 Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11[edit]
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.[6] The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).[6] In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 12
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses[53]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.[6]:14 This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.:14 Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion.[6]:14 This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.

  60. Avatar OKON BLESSING A. says:

    REG. NO. 2017/243366
    EMAIL: blessing.okon.243366@unn.edu.ng


    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and target are global in nature taking into account of different national realities capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. The SDGs call for building peaceful inclusive and well-governed societies with responsive institutions as the basis for shared prosperity.
    Having discussed the 9 goals earlier, today we will be discussing the remaining goals, which is from goals 10 to 17.
     Reducing inequality
     Making cities and communities inclusive
     Climate action
     Life below water
     Life on land
     Peace and justice strong institutions
     Partnership to achieve the goals.
    These are all promissory goals that I think will bring a great turn-around in a country Nigeria if there is good governance but looking at the situation on ground in the country, Nigeria is yet to attain at least one out of those goals before the stipulated year. Although, these goals are dependent to one another. I think when we talk about the achievement that will be made with the help of SDGs assistance and other bodies (institutions involve), we should be more concerned with the human dignity and rights. A situation where insecurity has been the order of development, the regions are not safe is an implication that these above goals cannot be achieved come 2030. Now, looking at the effect of daily report, you will find out that even the Nigerian forces are exhausted while the remaining ones are not safe, 2030 is just at the corner yet …………
    Presently, a child that was born in 2015 can distinguish between his mother and father as at this moment. Looking at Nigeria what can we say ‘that we have achieved for the past years of the set-goals’, definitely nothing, yet a lot of money is pumped every day for security reasons but seems nothing has be done. What has herdsmen got to do with guns worth millions of naira, how does that tally with the net-worth of his source of income? The youths are butchered here and there while our great-great grand fathers are released from various prison custodies and they are given new appointment everyday in the government. For all the havoc caused in each state, some people are still coming out for next election as so and so. Having seen all this things yet we are blinded with token of what they have given and will be given even come next election. Apparently, the poor writes and publishes the needful for the said nation, the top-rich politicians take the actions, purchasing VISA cards even to their unborn great grand-children, the commoners would come down from a commercial bus with their two hands up, trek pass the police check points still kidnapped just a kilometer distance. It is only a man that sees the evening can think of what to do tomorrow. However, this is not an encouragement, not really, but is painful seeing what the citizens suffer as…………… Show me a brave man awarded billions of contract today whose family has been butchered before his very face in the evening still jubilate for the said contract, and I will show you a five year old boy, crimple, dumb and deaf whose parents, and siblings were butchered before his very face. What can we say about the peace of the said nation before 2030? Recently, from a report, Lai Muhammed made a shocking comment about the insecurity. It is obvious that the institution of peace and justice is highly ineffective. Hunger does not kill but insecurity does. IT IS ONLY A MAN THAT SEES THE EVENING THINKS OF TOMORROW!
    Interestingly, all the said goals can be achieved if there is transparency in governance and in all the institutions. In addition, active peace orientation from the grassroot to the federal level.
    Above all, except the Lord build the house ……………….

  61. Avatar Ani, Gabriel ogbonna says:

    Name: Ani Gabriel Ogbonna
    Reg. Number: 2017/249483
    Email: anigabriel05@gmail.com
    Department: Economics

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.The purpose was to produce a set of universal goals that would help combat the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. Unlike MDGs which focused on the plight of the developing countries but SDGs is universal, that is focusing on both the developing and developed countries. The goals of SDGs are 17 and they are integrated, that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. In other words, if the problem of unemployment are solved, poverty will be eradicated.
    However, among this goals the 10 to 17 goals will put into consideration to know if Nigeria can achieve them within the allotted time frame that is 2030. This goals includes the following;

    GOAL10: Reduced Inequality: This has been the predominant issue in Nigeria. This Inequality has two phase; the gender Inequality and ethnic Inequality. The issue of gender Inequality has been seriously put into consideration and it can be achieved within the allotted time frame but that of ethnic Inequality may not really be achieved in Nigeria because some ethnic group see themselves as more higher than other, that is they are born to rule.

    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: This goal may be partly achieve in Nigeria. Every state in Nigeria has been mandated to engage in collective sanitation either the first or last Saturday of the month. No monetory team to ensure that every state engage in sanitation so it may not fully achieve within the time frame.

    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: This can be achieved within the time frame if their is balance between consumption and production.

    GOAL 13: Climate Action: This can be achieved if afforestation is encourage. Trees serve as wide breaker. If this trees are conserved and new one are planted in the required area it means the goal is achievable within the time frame.

    GOAL 14: Life Below Water: This is known as the aquatic animals. This can be achieved if human activities such as oil spillage are discourage.

    GOAL 15: Life on Land: This is the same measure with the goal 14 above. This may not really be achieved because it has not been a major concern to the government. The oil mining has constantly cause oil spillage and yet nothing is done about it.

    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions: This can never be achieved in Nigeria as a result of diversity in understanding among the different ethnic groups in Nigeria.

    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal: Partnership is hard in absence of peace. For this goal to be achieve there is need for uniform understanding.

  62. Avatar ONAH GEORGE CHIEDOZIE says:

    REG. NO: 2017/241453.

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They include thus :
    (10) Reducing Inequality,
    (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities.
    (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action,
    (14) Life Below Water,
    (15) Life On Land,
    (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions,
    (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
    Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
    Inequality within and among countries is a persistent cause for concern. Despite some positive signs toward reducing inequality in some dimensions, such as reducing relative income inequality in some countries and preferential trade status benefiting lower-income countries, inequality still persists.
    The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Since 2007, more than half the world’s population has been living in cities, and that share is projected to rise to 60 per cent by 2030. Cities and metropolitan areas are powerhouses of economic growth—contributing about 60 per cent of global GDP. However, they also account for about 70 per cent of global carbon emissions and over 60 per cent of resource use. Rapid urbanization is resulting in a growing number of slum dwellers, inadequate and overburdened infrastructure and services (such as waste collection and water and sanitation systems, roads and transport), worsening air pollution and unplanned urban sprawl.
    Worldwide consumption and production — a driving force of the global economy — rest on the use of the natural environment and resources in a way that continues to have destructive impacts on the planet. Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development — indeed, our very survival — depends.
    Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.
    The ocean drives global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea.
    Nature is critical to our survival: nature provides us with our oxygen, regulates our weather patterns, pollinates our crops, produces our food, feed and fibre. But it is under increasing stress. Human activity has altered almost 75 per cent of the earth’s surface, squeezing wildlife and nature into an ever-smaller corner of the planet.
    Conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice remain a great threat to sustainable development.
    The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million in 2018, the highest level recorded by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in almost 70 years.
    The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships — at the global, regional, national and local levels — built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the centre. Many countries require Official Development Assistance to encourage growth and trade. Yet, aid levels are falling and donor countries have not lived up to their pledge to ramp up development finance. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economy is projected to contract sharply, by 3 per cent, in 2020, experiencing its worst recession since the Great Depression.

  63. Avatar MMADU JOY UKAMAKA says:


    REG. NO : 2017/249528


    EMAIL : joymmadu5@gmail.com


    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries : Reducing inequality within countries can only be achieved if there is legal enforcement of the rule of law where everyone will be treated equally and issues of gender inequality will be a thing of the past, the gap between the have and have-not be bridged and everybody is seen as being important and all the activities of the ruling class will be social inclusive where the masses are fully involved in decision making process of issues concerning them.
    On the other hand to achieve equality among countries I feel this can be achieved if there will be a change in the perception of the developed countries about the developing world in terms of being inferior and exploitation. Also there should be equal opportunity given to every country to occupy important positions in all this international organizations like UN for their proper participation and erring of their views and opinion.

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ; this can be achieved if proper laws are made and enforced to ensure that there is adequate security and human rights are strictly protected to ensure a safe society worthy of residing. And making the housing rent and cost of living in cities to be affordable for the masses rather than expensive which can only be afforded by the previledged few.

    Goal 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and production : This goal can only be achieved if proper institutions that will oversee the operations of firms and enterprises who are into production are put in place to put a check on their operations and control the negative externalities caused by their production to the society and reduces human welfare by charging them for the damage. And also government should support young and creative innovators by giving them grants and providing an enabling environment for them to thrive. On the side of consumption Agents like NAFDAC should always be committed to their duties by ensuring that all the goods produced for consumption are not detrimental to health in other words the welfare of the consumers should be of utmost importance.

    Goal 13 : Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts : This goal can be achieved if the following can be done; use of alternative source of energy rather than fossil fuel which is harmful to the environment, human activities such as deforestation, desertification, pollution and extraction of resources and emission of green house gas into the atmosphere be controlled.

    Goal 14 : Conserve and sustainably use the Oceans seas and marine resources for sustainable development: Healthy oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. They are suffering because of some unhealthy practices of some industries that discharge their chemical waste into these water bodies which endangers the lives of these aquatic resources.So there is need to form new partnerships for fishing forge new forms of regional and global governance to manage our aquatic resources.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss: This can be achieved through sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning with satellite observation; ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people; sorting land tenure and enforcing law, including for trafficking endangered species.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels : Over 4 billion people, in almost all countries of the world, lack access to justice especially in Nigeria where corruption is the order of the day. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that foster peaceful societies.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development : To achieve this we need new alliances that tap the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. We need new models of using limited public money to draw in more private finance.

  64. Avatar Onah Peace says:

    Onah peace
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. I don’t think Nigeria can meet up with this goal even in 2030. The poverty rate in Nigeria is so high, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. These is because of the rate of corruption in the country and the fact that many government expenditure realized to stabilize the economy can only be accessed by those around the government. Inequality amin ng countries can be reduced through the educational system, it could be formal or informal, especially through the internet and media. Globalization have enabled many countries interact with other countries, though I don’t see the developing countries meeting up with the developed countries, due to the level of corruption and bad leadership, I believe if countries will invest in their human resources, industrial and manufacturing sector, this goal can be achieved abit.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
    The Nigerian government have not done anything close to achieving this, Nigeria is among one of the most unsafe countries in the world. Bokoharam, herdsmen and unknown gun men are still terrorizing many states, citizens can not come out of their houses assured of their safety, Nigerians need every ones hands on deck in other to achieve these in 2030.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    The consumption and the production pattern of the economy is very detrimental to us, Infact I don’t think this goal can be achieved in 2030. We are producers of primary goods, not industrial goods, the agricultural sector those given some attention by the government is not still working efficiently, and we have chosen to focus on crude oil thereby making us a monoeconomy. We don’t even have the refineries to process them. These has increase import and reduce export in the economy, making us to run on deficit balance of payment. The inflation itself making import more cheaper than export.
    Goal 13: combat climate change and its impact.
    Climate change is caused by the release of dangerous chemical to the environment from machinery like cars, deforestation of trees, and the chemical omitted during production from industry. These goal can only be achieved in in Nigeria, if the standard of living increase so that many can afford machineries that don’t release those chemicals to the enviroment. The citizen should also be encouraged not to cut down trees and to replace the ones cut down. High pigovian tax should also be charged from those industries that release these dangerous chemicals during production.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainable use if oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    The mining of crude oil have destroyed the waters in Bayalsa state, yet it does not stop the state from getting crude oil from there, neither are they really doing anything about it. Many pour dirt into rivers, in Abuja, fulani wash the dungs of cows in the rivers there, these shows our inability to conserve and make sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    Goal 15: protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of the terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification and halt and reverse land denegration and halt biodiversity loss. To hear can only be achieved if those who knows about the bio system are in power and everyone is enforced or chooses to walk towards it. our Nigerian government don’t even know the important of the bio system, making making people to behave the way they want.
    Goal 16: peace, justice and strong institution.
    Thus can only be achieved in Nigeria if there is a revolution in our institutions in Nigeria, and excess power is collected from the central government. Corruption is so high among our institutions that justice can even be perverted with money. The government can choose to use its veto power over institutions, channels a TV station was fine 5 million for hosting Biafra, when we say we have freedom of speech and to the right information, I don’t think this goal can be achieved in Nigeria anytime soon.
    Goal 17: partnership for achievement of these goal. Nigeria is actually partnering with other African countries to achieve these goals, but our country it self still remains no where close to achieving these goal. Let focus on making our country better too. Since these goals are interconnected, one can not be achieved without the other, and in achieving one we are also making others better.

  65. SDG(s) 10 – 17
    10, Reducing inequality;
    Inequality can only be countered by improving the grassroots (children, youths, and up to the political class), because unless there’s a radicalization in the society, inequality will always find a way into the system and will affect effective allocation in the society, thus damaging any progress whatsoever.

    11, Sustainable cities and communities;
    Only when there’s a conducive environment for investment and innovation can our cities and communities be sufficient, beneficial and sustainable for us all.

    12, Responsible consumption and production;
    One duty of every government administration in Nigeria, is for them to seek for CBN overdraft to finance their administration, but the truth is that the money disbursed for uplifting the economy are however shared among the politicians instead and development is crippled.

    13, Climate action;
    The goal of attaining any positive climate related issue in Nigeria is dead on arrival because our government do not take the matter serious.

    14, Life below water;
    This is based on aquatic habitats and there has never been any measures to establish a sustainable environment for the aquatic habitats in the country.

    15, Life on land;
    This is concerned with terrestrial habitats, and little or less is done about it and it leads to the continuous degrading and appalling fall of our ecosystem as a whole.

    16, Peace Justice and strong institutions;
    The judicial System of Nigeria is deeply broken, with corruption and all sort of wicked acts across all the sets of the judiciary and bodies attached to it and it leaves the common man is to fight for his own survival and the society suffers from the decay putting lives and properties at risk.

    17, Partnership for achievement of this goals;
    Although Nigeria has partnered itself with other nations to attain development knowledge, the country is still behind in achieving a reasonable ground for progress as a whole because it suffers from a lot of Internal obstacles, that only when addressed, the country can finally have some ground to oversee progressive agenda’s.

    Thus in my view, Nigeria remains stagnant despite all efforts to drive the country towards progress, because corruption, tribalism and nepotism and all rugged acts continues to hinder the aim of a sustainable development for the country as a whole.

  66. Avatar ODOH KOSISOCHI DORIS says:

    REG NO: 2017/249542
    E-MAIL: kosisochidoris@gmail.com
    10. REDUCE INEQUALITY WITHIN AND AMONG COUNTRIES: Before this goal can be achieved the less developing countries will stop depending on the developed countries for support and aid. It can also be achieved if the LDCs grow other sectors of their economy especially the agricultural sector, because for a country to thrive she must be able to feed her nation effortlessly, then before developing the industrial sector of the economy and finally developing the service sector so that she can compete favourably in the global market and then attain the level of equality with of countries.
    11. MAKE CITIES AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS INCLUSIVE, SAFE, RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE: using Nigeria as a case study this goal can be achieved only if funds allotted to sponsor these projects are used judiciously to ensure that cities and human settlement are inclusive and safe driving all forms of resilience away thus, the society in turn will be sustainable.
    12. ENSURE SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS: This goal can be achieved in Nigeria if industries, businesses and consumers are encouraged to recycle and reduce waste. It is still possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature.
    13. TAKE URGENT ACTION TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS: This goal can only be achieved if and only if there is control of human activities. people should be enlightened on the consequences of climate change and policies should be made to restrict certain activities of man like deforestation, lumbering, burning of fossil fuel which has an adverse effect on the climate and so on.
    14. CONSERVE AND SUSTAINABLY USE THE OCEANS, SEAS AND MARINE RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINAABLE DEVELOPMENT: Restrictions should be placed on some certain economic activities like using explosives to fish, thus, killing some fishes and leading some aquatic creatures to extinction. and also on some sporting activities like sea surfing to reduce the pollution of these water bodies.
    15. PROTECT, RESTORE AND PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE USE OF TERRESTIAL ECOSYSTEM, SUSTAINABLY, MANAGE FORESTS, COMBAT DESERTIFICATION, AND HALT REVERSE LAND DEGRADATION AND HALT BIODIVERSITY LOSS: biodiversity can be combated by the restriction of the hunt of some certain endangered animal species like pandas, crocodile and so on. And also manage the forests by discouraging deforestation and reducing lumbering activities to aid in the restoration of the ecosystem.
    16. PROMOTE PEACEFUL AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, PROVIDE ACCESS TO JUSTICEFOR ALL AND BUILD EFFECTIVE, ACCOUNTABLE AND INCLUSIVE IINSTITUTIONS AT ALL LEVELS: This goal actually starts from the mindset, because people who grow up in chaotic environment have high tendencies to become chaotic and could nuisance in the society. For this goal to be achieved in Nigeria there should be equity amongst people despite the tribe and the religion, people should be treated equally and included in the development plans.
    17. STRENGTHEN THE MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND REVITALIZE THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: This can be achieved if the LDCs attain certain height of development and are given equal opportunities to participate in the global market, thus, fostering global partnership for sustainable development in the world.

  67. Avatar udeh Emmanuel ikechukwu;reg no:2017/249577 says:

    The SDG calls for building peaceful,inclusive and we’ll governed societies to responsible institutions as a basis involved both developing and developed countries.Having looked at the SDG’s goals from 1-9,we discuss how the goals from 10-17 can be achieved extensively.

    Goal 10:Reduce inequality within the country;This can be achieved if the government can allow for equal participation for both genders more especially the youth rather than been there for their selfish motives.

    Goal 11:Make cities and human settlement inclusive safe and sustainable;If both the government and the people can join together to make our cities conducive for investment and sustainable for all.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; In my own understanding,I don’t think this can be achieved within the time frame allotted because we don’t have enough material to be able to produce what we need that will be sustainable in future instead we give it more time.

    Goal 13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact; climate change is a real and undeniable threat more especially to our rural areas and this can be achieved by through adequate planning and proper education so as to combat future effect in our society such as erosion,flooded roads etc.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the ocean,sea and marine resources for sustainable development;This can be done by preventing and reducing marine pollution to enhance sustainable use of oceans by implementing laws guiding them.

    Goal 15: Protect,restore and promote, sustainable use of terrestrial , ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat, desertification and halt and reserve land degredation and halt bio- diversity;This is difficult to be achieved because over the past years government have been non challant abt it and it can be achieved by increasing financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem.

    Goal 16:promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,provide access to Justice for all and build effective,accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;I believe this can be achieved within the time frame if the government can be able to provide the necessary facilities or infrastructures needed inorder to move the society forward so as ensure peaceful and inclusive societies at all levels.

    Goal 17: strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development; if the means of implementation can be actualized,we should be able to parrner in any organization in the world to ensure sustainable growth.

  68. Avatar Isaachardy says:

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    Nigeria in her 2020 VNR (Voluntary National Review) of the SDG goals reported that out of task 10 to 17 Enabling Environment of Peace and Security (SDGs – 16) and Partnerships for te Goals (SDGs – 17) are Government priorities and are working assiduously to achieve, adding that, this focus is based on Nigeria’s current development priorities and the development objectives of President Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration. This is contrary to social reality.
    Although progress has made in some of these goals, the deadline given is unrealistic to say the least, especially with the problem of financing and embezzlement of the finance available.

    The SSAP-SDGs said the VNR was developed while facing huge challenges from the COVID-19 Pandemic testing Nigeria’s public health systems and the collapse in oil prices for an economy still getting 86% of pubic revenue from oil and gas.

    In conclusion, in wake of the displacement effect of Corona pandemic, the SDG efforts has been frustrated and more efforts are to be invested in these goals if it is to be achieved at all , seeing that it cannot be achieved within the limit. And corruption sensitive financing and finance management policy decisions should be taken.

  70. Avatar Omada Dorathy Amarachukwu says:

    Name: Omada Dorathy Amarachukwu
    Reg No: 2017/ 243131
    Department: Economics Education
    300 Level

    Having discussed on the following 1-9 goals, we all be looking at the following sustainable development goals 10 – 17. These are the following goals:
    Goal 10- Reduced inequality
    Goal 11- Sustainable cities and communities
    Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production
    Goal 13 – Climate action
    Goal 14 – Life below water
    Goal 15 – Life on land
    Goal 16 – Peace and justice strong institutions
    Goal 17 – Partnership to achieve the goal
    Goal 10- Reduced inequality: By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average. By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status. Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard. Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality and Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations.
    Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities: By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums. By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons and, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries and to Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
    Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production: Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries, By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, and halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment and Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and refuse.
    Goal 13 – Climate action: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries, Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning. Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning, Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible and to Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities.
    Goal 14 – Life below water: By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans. Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels and effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics.
    Goal 15 – Life on land: By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements and promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally. By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world and to ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development.
    Goal 16 – Peace and justice strong institutions: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children. Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all. By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organised crime. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms. Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels. Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels. Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.
    Goal 17 – Partnership to achieve the goal: Promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, including through the conclusion of negotiations under its Doha Development Agenda, Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020. Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism. Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress.
    In conclusion, I would say that the following sustainable development goals would be achieved if Nigeria as a country is given the opportunity to mobilize it’s resources and make productive use of its resources, they should also critically look at this following goals, especially the last goal which is goal 17 of the sustainable development goals which involves having a partnership with developed countries in order to raise the standard of living of the developing countries or the poor countries which is a very important goal, and also by ensuring that all this goals are being achieved within the time frame allotted.

  71. Avatar Agholor Sozorchukwu Jason says:

    NAME: Agholor Sozorchukwu Jason
    REG NO: 2017/243874
    DEPT: Economics
    EMAIL: jasonagholor7@gmail.com

    Goal 10 talks about reducing inequality. It does not seem possible before 2030 because of the widespread corruption in the country. The rich will keep getting richer at the expense of the poor.
    Goal 11 talks about sustainable cities and communities. It is hard to see that happening in a country like Nigeria before 2030. The government needs to make and implement adequate policies to achieve this.
    Goal 12 talks about responsible consumption and production. Nigeria is not known for recycling. The government and private individuals should place more efforts in trying to achieve this and hopefully before 2030 it can be achieved in Nigeria.
    Goal 13 talks about climate action. It is not feasible in Nigeria before 2030. Nigeria as a nation has a long way to go in addressing climate issues because agencies set up to take on this responsibility are dormant over the years.
    Goal 14 is about safety of lives below water and this can be achievable if the government adopts proper measures to keep the water bodies clean and safe. They can do this by properly taxing oil firms engaging in drilling off-shore.
    Goal 15 is about care of lives and other resources on land. The government should enforce strong laws against deforestation and hopefully this can be achieved before 2030.
    Goal 16 is about Peace, Justice and Strong institutions. This cannot be achieved before 2030 because of the negligience of the government to achieve this in the past years. The decay cannot be undone before 2030.
    Goal 17 is about global partnership in attaining these goals. I do not think Nigeria benefits from such partnerships since there is widespread corruption from the top to bottom in the country.
    In summary, the 17 SDGs do not look attainable in 2030 in Nigeria but nevertheless efforts should be put in to achieve them.

  72. Avatar Agba Chidiebere Maryann (2017/249474) says:

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals. Goal 10-17 will be analyzed to know if they are achievable in Nigeria.

    Goal 10: Reduced inequality
    SDG 10 is to reduce income inequality within and among countries
    The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measure and due to cultural belief by some states and men, it creates limitations for women to uphold some certain positions and thus can be achieved through generational planning. This can be totally achieved in the next ten years cause women are becoming more worthy and rising for posts in some certain sectors which encourages other women.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    SDG 11 is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
    This can be achieved with convenient transport system in the urban areas, good security system and provision of social amenities and infrastructural building in the rural area. In Nigeria, where the economy is not effectively sustained, it creates issues like high cost in products and as well as poor funding to security agencies. Nigeria can be better in this aspect but that is in the future.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    SDG 12 is to Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.

    Goal 13: Climate action
    SDG 13 This is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy. In Nigeria, where there is no serious implementation of fines against companies, this will take time to compact activities that causes climate change and one of the reason is corruption. Even if it’s carried out, the system can be corrupted and biased.

    Goal 14: Life below water
    SDG 14 is to Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    This is the use and implementation of fines on the inappropriate use of marine resources. Can this be achieved in Nigeria, yes but not in 10 years to come cause such policies have to be fully funded and fully implemented which Nigeria as a country lacks including accountability.

    Goal 15: Life on land
    SDG 15 is to Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem , sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. It’s achievable in Nigeria cause Nigeria has started to protect their land because of the discovery of crude oil and useful cash crop like palm kernel and the warrant needed to use a land in the country helps to promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. This goal just needs publicity and states with national laws to make the hand more functional and maintained with good funding.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society. This can be achievable cause Nigeria has good and effective institutions against criminal activities which don’t take actions likely and ensures justice is served.

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    SDG 17 is to Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public and private partnership which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.

    These goals can be achievable in Nigeria cause we have effective programs for them but their major problems are corruption, good funding and serious implementation.

  73. Avatar Ugwoke Paul Chukwuebuka says:

    Name: Ugwoke Paul Chukwuebuka
    Reg no. 2017/241059
    Department. Social Science education (edu/eco)

    The sustainable developmental goals, and it’s achievement in Nigeria.
    (Goal 14)
    The Overview
    This goal focuses on the sustainable management and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems. It covers conservation and protection of ocean and aquatic life. This goal is significant to Nigeria because the Nigerian coastline is about 853km and about 1% of the total land area is made of water (Nigeria’s total land area is 923,768 square kilometres which comprises land of 910,768 square km and water 13,000 square km).
    Marine activities constitute a significant revenue source for the country and efforts have been placed over time in developing and managing the sector to ensure continuous benefits to the country.

    Federal Government Policy and Programme Drivers Towards Achieving Goal 14 Targets

    Nigeria has been focusing on addressing environmental issues through the Ministry of Environment as well as the issues of marine and coastal ecosystem through the establishment of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA). NIMASA was created to ensure enthronement of global best practices in the provision of maritime services in Nigeria. Some of the core focus of the agency include effective Maritime Safety Administration, Marine Pollution Prevention and Control, Cybotage enforcement, Maritime Capacity Development using modern tools that guarantee efficiency and effectiveness, etc. Through the NERGP, the Government is committed to implementing environmental programmes that are geared towards sustainable environment which covers the ocean and marine. These commitments include to implement projects under the Great Green Wall initiative to address land degradation and desertification, implement environmental initiatives in the Niger Delta region (e.g., continue the Ogoni Land clean-up and reduce gas flaring) as well as raise a Green Bond to finance environmental projects-among others.

    Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development (Goal 16)
    The targets and indicators for this goal address the issues of access to justice, crime and crises, violence including those of domestic nature; trafficking, corruption and illegitimate possession of public goods and services that negates the principles of peaceful coexistence between and across the citizenry. Some of the critical targets of this goal are the reduction in all forms of violence and related death rates; promotion of rule of law at national levels; access to justice; reduction in corruption; access to information and protection of fundamental human right, etc. The Federal Ministry of Justice is anchoring the administration of justice with various CSOs and donor partners providing critical support. The Government has also been battling the challenge posed by the Boko Haram Insurgency in the Northeast; the Militancy in the Niger Delta; the Fulani Herdsmen and famers’ crisis, as well as the kidnapping of persons for money and perceptions of corruption
    by public servants.

    Nigeria’s Government has existing structures and organizations that are charged with the responsibility of handling issues related to the targets of this goal. The 2016 budget identified improved security and reduced corruption as among the priority areas for attention. Therefore, in 2016 there was continuous funding of the Amnesty Office to create peace in the oil rich Niger Delta, the funding of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps for immediate accommodation of persons displaced by insurgency and other related groups. The Nigeria Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) was established to provide immediate and urgent attention to person displaced by natural and man-made disasters.

    Federal Policy and Programme Drivers Towards Achieving Goal 16 Targets
    The NERGP has articulated some salient intervention policies and strategies aimed at addressing the issues related to this goal; including specifically the following:
    1 Develop and implement a comprehensive action plan for the North East, including emergency humanitarian assistance, relocation, rehabilitation, and resettlement, and building peace, security, infrastructure, agriculture, health, education, and governance.
    2. Develop and implement a sustainable action plan to stabilize and develop the Niger Delta.
    Sustain and re-invigorate the Amnesty Plan.
    3. Ensure environmental sustainability within the Niger Delta Region.
    4. Strengthen the capacity of the Nigeria Police Force, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps,
    Nigeria Prisons Service, Federal Fire Service and the Nigeria Immigration Service e.g., by establishing a national criminal records registry.
    5. Develop and strengthen the capacity of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and the Military Industrial Complex to ensure strategic deterrence and defence, exercise forward presence in vital areas, responding effectively to crisis and retaining the national capacity to reconstitute forces.

    Revitalize Global Partnership for Sustainable
    Development (Goal 17)
    The Government of Nigeria has been seeking collaboration and partnerships with local and international organizations, development partners as well as with CSOs and the private sector in its developmental pursuit. The Ministry of Budget and National Planning has a department of International Corporation that is in charge of donor coordination and programme planning. Bureau of Public Enterprise is in charge of coordinating public private sector initiatives while Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment is responsible for investment and export promotion, business etc. Within the Ministry are the following two agencies/ parastatals – Export Promotion Council and Investment Promotion Commission. As part of the global initiative, Nigeria belongs to the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Also, Nigeria is a member of ECOWAS, African Union (AU), etc.

    Federal Policy and Programme Drivers Towards Achieving Goal 17 Targets

    In the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Nigeria made commitment in 14 areas which are categorized into four thematic areas as follows:
    1. Promoting fiscal transparency;
    2. Access to information;
    3. Anti-corruption and asset disclosure; and
    4. Citizen Engagement and Empowerment.
    The National Action Plan articulated strategies to promote fiscal transparency through more citizen participation in the budget-making process, implementation of open contracting in the public sector, enhancing disclosure in the extractive industries, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax system and improving the ease of doing business in Nigeria. Also, the action plan has strategies crafted to ensure that corruption is rooted out through the establishment of a public beneficial ownership register, the development of a platform for sharing information between government MDAs to detect and prevent corrupt practices, the strengthening of asset recovery legislation and taking appropriate actions to coordinate anti-corruption activities. Under the citizen’s engagement thematic area, the NAP will lead to the development of a permanent dialogue mechanism between citizens and government; review of legislation around transparency and accountability issues; and the adoption of a technology-based citizens’ feedback on projects and programmes aimed at improving access to information by increasing compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

    REG NO: 2017/249539
    EMAIL ADDRESS: hellytec4@gmail.com
    BLOGGERS ADDRESS; obutechisomhellen.blogspot.com

    I would say that the SDGs goals from 10 to 17 are all achieveable in Nigeria if proper measures and Implementations are taken.

    Goal 10; Reduced inequalities
    Income inequality is on the rise—the richest 10 percent have up to 40 percent of global income whereas the poorest 10 percent earn only between 2 to 7 percent. If we take into account population growth inequality in developing countries, inequality has increased by 11 percent. Income inequality requires global solutions. This involves improving the regulation and monitoring of financial markets and institutions, encouraging development assistance and foreign direct investment to regions where the need is greatest.
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    More than half of us live in cities. By 2050, two-thirds of all humanity—6.5 billion people—will be urban. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces.Making cities sustainable means creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. Agriculture is the biggest user of water worldwide, and irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater for human use.The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are important targets to achieve this goal

    Goal 13: Climate action
    There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than in 1990. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if we do not act.

    Goal 14: Life Below Water
    The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. How we manage this vital resource is essential for humanity as a whole, and to counterbalance the effects of climate changeThe SDGs aim to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification. Enhancing conservation and the sustainable use of ocean-based resources through international law will also help mitigate some of the challenges facing our oceans.

    Goal 15: Life on land
    Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. . Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    We cannot hope for sustainable development without peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law. Yet our world is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy peace, security and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. This is not inevitable and must be addressed.
    The SDGs aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence, and work with governments and communities to end conflict and insecurity

    Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
    The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. Official Development Assistance remained steady but below target, at US$147 billion in 2017. The goals aim to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation by supporting national plans to achieve all the targets. Promoting international trade, and helping developing countries increase their exports is all part of achieving a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair and open and benefits all.

  75. Avatar Onah Ifeanyi Samson 2018/251515 Economic discussion on analysis of sustainable development goals 10-17 says:

    Name – onah ifeanyi samson
    Department- economics
    Level -300 level
    Reg no-2018/251515
    COURSE CODE -eco 362(development economics II)

    Above: All 17 SDGs, ordered by the experts surveyed. The survey options – which were originally decoupled from the SDGs to conduct the survey – were re-coupled to complete this analysis. The scores reflect the average ordering for all options related to a SDG. Below: The same data as above. Each of the columns is sortable. If you cannot sort the columns, refresh the page.

    Researcher’s Note: We were surprised by several orderings, namely SDG 13: Climate Action (number 11 of 17) and SDG 2: Zero Hunger (number 14 of 17).
    Rank Sustainable Development Goal Avg. Expert Score
    1 SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities 4.1569
    2 SDG 1: No Poverty 3.7812
    3 SDG 5: Gender Equality 3.5569
    4 SDG 16: Peace Justice & Strong Institutions 3.0923
    5 SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy 2.2784
    6 SDG 4: Quality Education 2.0549
    7 SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation 1.8721
    8 SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth 1.7282
    9 SDG 3: Good Health & Well Being 1.6018
    10 SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals 1.5608
    11 SDG 13: Climate Action 1.3412
    12 SDG 9: Industry Innovation & Infrastructure 1.1950
    13 SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production 1.0235
    14 SDG 2: Zero Hunger 0.9412
    15 SDG 15: Life On Land 0.7824
    16 SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities 0.6000
    17 SDG 14: Life Below Water 0.4206

  76. Avatar Ozoemena Chukwuebuka Sabastine 2017/250816 Economic discussion on analysis of sustainable development goals 10-17 says:

    NAME-Ozoemena Chukwuebuka Sabatine
    REG no -2017/250816
    DEPARTMENT -Economics
    COURSE CODE-Eco 362(development economics II)
    Level -300 Level
    Analysis of sustainable development goals 10 to 17
    Goal 10: Reduced inequality
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 10
    SDG 10 is to: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 10
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption. Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.[48] In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.[6] The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway). In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production.
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 12
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.[Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion. This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.

    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.

    Goal 13: Climate action
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 13
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 13
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people.Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013. In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    Goal 14: Life below water
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 14
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 14
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.[63] Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water.They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources. One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime.Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.
    Nusa Lembongan Reef
    One indicator (14.1.1b) under Goal 14 specifically relates to reducing impacts from marine plastic pollution.[55]

    Goal 15: Life on land
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 15
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 15
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.

    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource.Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests.This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture.Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.[A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 16
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 16[edit]
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.

    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 17
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.

    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target.[78] In 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income.Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade.

  77. Avatar Ufomadu Oscar Onyekachi 2017/249579 Economic discussion on analysis of sustainable development goals 10-17 says:

    REG NO-2017/249579
    Reduce inequality within and among countries
    By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average
    By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
    Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard
    Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality
    Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations
    Ensure enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions in order to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions
    Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
    Implement the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements
    Encourage official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programmes
    By 2030, reduce to less than 3 per cent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent
    Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums
    By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
    By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
    Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
    By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
    By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management
    By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities
    Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning
    By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels
    Support least developed countries, including through financial and technical assistance, in building sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local materials
    Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries
    By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
    By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses
    By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment
    By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
    Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle
    Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities
    By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
    Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
    Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
    Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities
    Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
    Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
    Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
    Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
    Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible
    Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities

    * Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international,
    intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
    Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
    By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics
    By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
    By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
    By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
    Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries
    Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
    Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in UNCLOS, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of The Future We Want
    Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements
    By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally
    By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world
    By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development
    Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
    Promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources, as internationally agreed
    Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products
    By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species
    By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts
    Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems
    Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation
    Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, including by increasing the capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities
    Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
    End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
    Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
    By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime
    Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
    Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
    Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
    Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
    By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
    Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
    Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime
    Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
    Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection
    Developed countries to implement fully their official development assistance commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of ODA/GNI to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries; ODA providers are encouraged to consider setting a target to provide at least 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries
    Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
    Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress
    Adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for least developed countries
    Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism
    Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed
    Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology
    Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
    Promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, including through the conclusion of negotiations under its Doha Development Agenda
    Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020
    Realize timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries, consistent with World Trade Organization decisions, including by ensuring that preferential rules of origin applicable to imports from least developed countries are transparent and simple, and contribute to facilitating market access
    Systemic Issues
    Policy and Institutional coherence
    Enhance global macroeconomic stability, including through policy coordination and policy coherence
    Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
    Respect each country’s policy space and leadership to establish and implement policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development

    Multi-stakeholder partnerships
    Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
    Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

    Data, monitoring and accountability
    By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts
    By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries

  78. Name: Okeke Mercy Adaugo
    Reg. No.: 2017/241449
    Dptmt: Economics

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. These goals are interrelated- that is, it recognises that the action taken in one area or aspect would affect the outcomes in another or others, and also, that development must balance all forms of sustainability.
    Nigeria, if or when in good political and institutional hands can achieve goal 10 to 17 of the SDGs, which are:
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality: The huge gap between the rich and the poor, the more and less privileged, men and women, can be bridged before the year 2030 if the country can embrace unity and good governance. If there is good governance, there will be a great reduction in the level of corrupt practices like embezzlement of public funds, manipulation of election results, favouritism and nepotism. This action would give everyone equal rights to vote and be voted for, employment opportunities, and judicious allocation and utilization of public funds.

    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: sustainability implies effective safe use or hernessing of the environment in other to prevent depiction or total death of natural phenomenons that contributes to healthy living. In our nation Nigeria today, the industrial activities performed in cities are becoming very harmful to the environment, e.g. rivers and the climate. There is also a fast rising action of deforestation and bush burning in local communities all for the purpose of building something that would still bring so much harm to the environment. So, the government, in trying to sustain these areas should establish policies that are nature friendly and place pigouvian taxes on the manufacturing of goods that are highly harmful to the environment.

    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: This goal can be achieved if individuals are enlightened on how bad consumption and production of goods and services does more harm than good to the environment on the longrun. This goal also goes hand in hand with the 11th goal

    GOAL 13: Climate Action: The most effective and efficient way of curbing the activities that bring about climate change is to impose a pigouvian tax that would seem equivalent to the benefits of engaging in those climatic destructive activities in order to discourage or reduce engaging in those activities

    GOAL 14: Life Below Water:this goal work hand in hand with goal 13, as pigouvian tax would also help in maintaining the aquatic creatures

    GOAL 15: Life on Land: Proper disposal and recycling of waste products would help life on land. Also, reduction in deforestation and degrading would help in this case

    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions: this can only be achievable in this country when the political system is placed in order. And everyone is treated fairly, equally, and no one is above the law.

    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal: Partnering with countries that has similar interests with Nigeria is also a good idea.

  79. Avatar Agbo Jennifer Amarachi says:

    Agbo Jennifer Amarachi

    Actually most of the last eight Sustainable Development Goals can still be achieved in Nigeria before 2030 to an extent.

    The Goal 10; Reducing inequality within and among countries. Well to an extent, this goal is at least 70% feasible in Nigeria. The problem of inequality in Nigeria actually emanates from bad governance, mismanagement of resources, poor education, ethnic and tribalistic tendencies and patriotic beliefs. If corruption can be made unprofitable, that is increasing the cost and penalty of corruption in Nigeria, there will be a good government with good Governance this will lead to proper allocation of resources, equal education for all and no favoritism, equal representation of all. This will automatically reduce inequality in Nigeria.

    The Goal 11, which seeks to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; can be effectively achieved in Nigeria before the next 9 years. People can be enlightened about the dangers and consequences of a dirty and polluted environment. This will make them to be cautious on how to dispose of waste in their vicinities. Government in Nigeria can as well initiate green programs to encourage a healthy and safe climate.

    The Goal 12, which tries to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This is also achievable in the next 9 years. With a responsible government and citizens (which is achieved through a strong independent institutions and public enlightenment), consumption and the wastage of food can be reduced in Nigeria. Also, Nigeria providing in infrastructure to private investors, will make the production pattern more efficient, that is more will be produced using less resources.

    The Goal 13; Climate Action, take urgent actions to combat climate change and it’s impact. Although this goal might not fully be achieved in the space of 9 (nine) years, a significant progress can still be realised. If the Nigerian government, Non-governmental organization and Nigeria’s citizen should engage in recycling, discouraged m aforestation, burn less fossil fuels and so on, climate change will be greatly reduced.

    The Goal 14, Life below water; which tries to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resource for sustainable development. Considering that Nigeria is not that much an aquatic environment. This goal can be greatly achieved in order to prevent activities that lead to pouring toxic substances into the sea or rivers, the government should impose taxes on some companies that carry on these activities, remove subsidies if there are any in them and as well set a Board to be in charge of all aquatic and marine environment. With these, thus goal can be achieved within the time frame remaining.

    The Goal 15, Life on Land; seek to protect restore, and promote sustainable ueebif terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reserve land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. The Goal is like a summary of what I have said so far. If the goals listed above are successfully achieved, then this particular goal will be achieved.

    The Goal 16, Peace, Justice and Strong institutions; promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. If transparent and efficient regulations are put in place, together with a comprehensive realistic government budgets coupled with accountable government officials this goal will be achieved. Also, if violence in Nigeria can be reduced at all forms, corruption and bribery reduced too, then this goal will be achieved. However, considering that corruption and the vices I have listed thus far, been this goal might take a longer time to achieve in Nigeria.

    The Goal 17, Partnerships for the goals; Strengthen the means of implementation are revitalize the global partnership for Sustainable development. This goal will be achieved with the right personnel and officials in the helm of the Country’s foreign policy affairs. If Nigeria can strengthen it’s National institutions, attend international conferences, join international organizations and contribute to world peace, then this goal will be quite achievable.

  80. Name: Chukwu mmesoma faith
    Reg no: 2017/243807
    Department: education and economics

    10) Reducing Inequality:Reduce inequality within and among countries.
    11) Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    12) Responsible Consumption and Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    13) Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
    14) Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    15) Life On Land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    17) Partnerships for the Goals: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

  81. Avatar Irueforum joseph emeka says:

    REGNO: 2017/249519
    EMAIL: Josephirueforum@gmail.com

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries; 
    inequality can be achieved within a country given that the each citizen can be given equal opportunity, no one is discriminated be it poor or rich, woman or man.
    Even among countries inequality is possible if the government of each county chooses to cooperate and treat both developed and underdeveloped nations fairly

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;

    Yes, if government and the citizens keeps to the laws of the nation, to promote peace and provision of social amenities needed by the citizens.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;

    Not possible in Nigeria in the given time frame because of corruption and greed
    Of Nigerian politicians.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
    All human activities that encourage climate change and ecosystem destruction for example like bush burning should be discouraged.
    And also if the government takes climate change and see the importance
    They will make rules that guide it.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resource for sustainable development;

    This can be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and these laws are respected putting penalties for those who broke the law.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss;

    Yes its possible buy planting trees and reducing deforestation.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; 

    Yes its possible if the government and citizens keeps to the rules of law.
    Deviod tribalism and nepotism.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development;

    Its possible in Nigeria because over the years Nigeria has improved her relationship and partnership with other countries.


    Reg no 2017/245023
    Dept Economics

    The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:
    GOAL 1: No Poverty
    GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
    GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    GOAL 15: Life on Land
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
    From my opinions starting from goal 10 to 17 I believed that it can be achieved with the following points of mine. It can be achieved if government and we citizens can abide with the listed points under.
    10. Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard
    Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality.
    11. By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums
    By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
    By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries.
    12. By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
    By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.
    13. Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
    Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning.
    14. By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans.
    15. By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements
    By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.
    16. Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
    End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children.
    Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
    By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organised crime.
    17. finally, Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection
    Developed countries to implement fully their official development assistance commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of ODA/GNI to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries ODA providers are encouraged to consider setting a target to provide at least 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries
    Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
    Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress
    Adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for least developed countries.

  83. Avatar Ugwu Amaechi Jude says:

    Ugwu Amaechi Jude
    Economics Department

    Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (10 –17)
    The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.
    In this work, we will limit our analysis to the last 8 goals of the SDGs, and the possibility of them being met in Nigeria before 2030.
    The first nine goals are
    GOAL 10: Reducing inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and production
    GOAL 13: Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts
    GOAL 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    GOAL 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    GOAL 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    GOAL 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

    Following the current economic and demographic trend in Nigeria ; the 10th goal which is reducing inequality is not feasible by 2030. This is because, there is no clear cut plan by the government on how to reducing inequalities before 2030. On the 11th goal which is sustainable communities , it is not possible to achieve before 2030. The is also the fault of the government. The government is bedeviled with nepotism that is evident in appointments. The possibility of achieving the 12th goal depends greatly on the good skill set and orientation which is not in abundance in present day Nigeria. On combating climate change, it is not possible before 2030. This is because the government has refused to initiate climate change policies. The government has also underfunded research on climate change. On ocean conservation, it could not be achieved by 2030. This is because many factories dumping their waste in ocean without any backlash from the government. Goal 15 is feasible if everyone, both the people and the government should put in the necessary work but the current trend is not promising. A peaceful Nigeria is not feasible by 2030. There is already disunity in the land. Goal 17 is not feasible by 2030 because there is no clear cut plan by the government on how to achieve global partnership with the outside world. The Nigerian border is shut off from its neighbouring countries
    In conclusion, achieving the sustainable development goals rests mostly on the shoulders of the government. Unless the government makes it its priority, it will not be achieved.

  84. Name: Ezema ogochukwu Loveth
    Reg No:2017/248906
    Department: Education/Economics
    Email: ezemaogochukwuescet@gmail.com
    Sustainable Development Goals and Nigeria is about how Nigeria is implementing the Sustainable Development Goals within the thirty-six states and its Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of seventeen global goals designed as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. Each of the 17 goals is expected to be achieved by 2030 in every country around the world.
    In 2017, Nigeria was among 44 member countries of the United Nations that presented its Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of the SDGs at High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.In 2020, Nigeria was ranked 160 on the 2020 world’s SDG Index.The government affirmed that Nigeria’s current development priorities and objectives are focused on achieving the SDGs.
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. We shall be discussing goal 10-17 since goal 1-9 has been discussed earlier.
    Goal 10:Reduce inequality within among countries. These goal is achievable in Nigeria because Nigeria is trying as much as they can to make sure gender discrimination becomes a thing of the past as both men and women are now allowed to participate in all sectors of the economy.
    Goal 11:Make cities and human settlements inclusive,safe,resilient and sustainable. This goal may not be achievable by the year 2030 because many Nigerians are yet to understand the importance of neatness. We still have dirty and unclean environment everywhere and there are no plans to eradicate this any time soon.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. I don’t think Nigeria can have a sustainable consumption pattern because it is not really easy to achieve this.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact. Many measures have been put in place to achieve this goal but more still need to be done. Although,I can’t see the possibility of achieving this goal by 2030.
    Goal 14: Conservation of oceanic,seas and marine resources. This has to do with preserving aquatic organisms so as to prevent it from going into extinction. Nigeria is trying in the aspect as many people now know how to rear fish and other aquatic animals but more still needs to be done.
    Goal 15:Protect,restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. This has to do with conservation of everything that lives on land including you and I . Basically,we can see that human lives are not protected infact,Nigerian government prefers to protect cow more than her citizens and there is no way this goal can be achieved when human lives are threatened. When human are duely protected by the government,animals and other living things will be well taken care of by humans and that is the only way to achieve this goal.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. This can be achieved when rule of law takes its full cause in Nigeria. If and only if there is system that makes the poor,rich,big,small,educated or uneducated face the law as at when due then Nigeria is sure of justice. The reverse is the case because many people have been denied justice in Nigeria over and over again.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. We all know that no country can survive without a good cooperation with her neighbouring countries. Nigeria can achieve this goal if she lives peacefully with her neighbouring countries.
    We cannot deny the fact that Nigeria is trying in some aspect but in other to achieve all this goals by 2030, more works needs to be done.

  85. Avatar Ezema ogochukwu Loveth,reg no:2017/248906 says:

    Name: Ezema ogochukwu Loveth
    Reg No:2017/248906
    Department: Education/Economics
    Email: ezemaogochukwuescet@gmail.com
    Sustainable Development Goals and Nigeria is about how Nigeria is implementing the Sustainable Development Goals within the thirty-six states and its Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of seventeen global goals designed as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. Each of the 17 goals is expected to be achieved by 2030 in every country around the world.
    In 2017, Nigeria was among 44 member countries of the United Nations that presented its Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implementation of the SDGs at High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.In 2020, Nigeria was ranked 160 on the 2020 world’s SDG Index.The government affirmed that Nigeria’s current development priorities and objectives are focused on achieving the SDGs.
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. We shall be discussing goal 10-17 since goal 1-9 has been discussed earlier.
    Goal 10:Reduce inequality within among countries. These goal is achievable in Nigeria because Nigeria is trying as much as they can to make sure gender discrimination becomes a thing of the past as both men and women are now allowed to participate in all sectors of the economy.
    Goal 11:Make cities and human settlements inclusive,safe,resilient and sustainable. This goal may not be achievable by the year 2030 because many Nigerians are yet to understand the importance of neatness. We still have dirty and unclean environment everywhere and there are no plans to eradicate this any time soon.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. I don’t think Nigeria can have a sustainable consumption pattern because it is not really easy to achieve this.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact. Many measures have been put in place to achieve this goal but more still need to be done. Although,I can’t see the possibility of achieving this goal by 2030.
    Goal 14: Conservation of oceanic,seas and marine resources. This has to do with preserving aquatic organisms so as to prevent it from going into extinction. Nigeria is trying in the aspect as many people now know how to rear fish and other aquatic animals but more still needs to be done.
    Goal 15:Protect,restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. This has to do with conservation of everything that lives on land including you and I . Basically,we can see that human lives are not protected infact,Nigerian government prefers to protect cow more than her citizens and there is no way this goal can be achieved when human lives are threatened. When human are duely protected by the government,animals and other living things will be well taken care of by humans and that is the only way to achieve this goal.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. This can be achieved when rule of law takes its full cause in Nigeria. If and only if there is system that makes the poor,rich,big,small,educated or uneducated face the law as at when due then Nigeria is sure of justice. The reverse is the case because many people have been denied justice in Nigeria over and over again.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. We all know that no country can survive without a good cooperation with her neighbouring countries. Nigeria can achieve this goal if she lives peacefully with her neighbouring countries.
    We cannot deny the fact that Nigeria is trying in some aspect but in other to achieve all this goals by 2030, more works needs to be done.

  86. Avatar Fidelis Emmanuel Oluebubechukwu says:

    Fidelis Emmanuel Oluebubechukwu

    GOAL 10: Reducing inequality

    Reducing inequality can be achieved within the time frame if everyone is given equal opportunity and positions which they qualify for not minding the gender of the person/people or country involve.

    GOAL 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

    Given the timeframe, this cannot be achieved in Nigeria. This is because of the level of corruption in this country. The level of insecurity is on the rise because there seems to be some people who benefit from it. The government spend billions of naira to combat insecurity, yet, our security agencies don’t have the sophisticated weapons needed. We have seen situations where some of the military personnel revealed that the weapons these terrorists use is more sophisticated than that of the military. If the government wants to tackle this problem within this timeframe, they can but won’t because they benefit from it.

    GOAL 12: Responsible consumption and production:

    This cannot be achieved in Nigeria in the given timeframe because, we don’t produce anything that the world needs and only import most of the things we use. We depend on oil so much, forgetting that there are are other things which when given attention will bring about development. We have abandoned refineries in this country, instead for the government to repair them, they export crude oil at a low price and import the refined one at a high price. For this to be achieved within the given timeframe, the government needs to diversify it’s means of revenue. They should look into other sectors and invest in them.

    GOAL 13: Climate Action:

    Climate change is a world problem and the international bodies have provided some remedies for this. This can be achieved IF the government will take the issue of climate change serious and make policies reduces it’s effect. For example, government should impose a kind of tax on industries emit carbon and other harmful chemicals for the damages they cause to the environment  and also take afforestation serious.

    GOAL 14: Life Below Water:

    This can be achieved IF the government takes it serious and make a law stating the kind of water creatures one can kill. We know that there are some species of water creature that are already going in extinction and there is nothing the government is doing to protect the remaining.

    GOAL 15: Life on Land:

    The same thing that is applicable in goal 14 is also applicable here. It is in Nigeria you will hear that an elephant is hunted. Because there are no laws guiding the activities of hunters, they kill any animal they see not mind if that was the last of it’s kind. I also think the hunters needs to be oriented on the kind of animals they should/should not hunt.

    GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and strong institutions

    This cannot be achieved within the timeframe. This is because of the level of corruption in this country. The government would not want a strong institution this is because when there are strong institutions they won’t be able to continue with their evil doings so they appoint people who they can control as heads of those institutions. When the institutions are weak justice cannot be served.

    GOAL 17: Partnership for achievement of this goals:

    This can be achieved IF the government can be true to themselves and do their own part of the partnership and not sabotage it.

  87. Avatar Oforka Blessing Oluchi (2017/243365) says:

    Name: Oforka Blessing Oluchi
    Reg. No: 2017/243365
    Department: Economics
    Email: blesscolls@gmail.com

    Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities within and among countries: this goal is about ensuring that no one be it a state or a person is left behind in development. Inequality exists in various form, such as economic, sex, disability and other forms of discrimination. Looking at the current state of the world, the covid pandemic has widen the gap of inequality, hitting the most vulnerable people within and among countries. This goal can be achieved if the act of ‘favoritism’ is removed and level of competence is used as benchmark,

    Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities: this goal is linked to goals 5, 9, 11 and 16. So its achievement would depend partly on the completion if these goals and other key areas need to be identified for the progress of the goal. But achieving the targets of goal 11 in Nigeria with the time remaining would be impossible.

    Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and production: this goal is about ensuring a better quality of life for all people and creating an eco-friendly environment for not just the present but also for the future. To achieve this goal, the participation of both the government and people are needed. The government can place tax like the pigouvian tax on companies with large production waste and people can find better ways to dispose their waste and form the habit of recycling.

    Goal 13 – Climate action: goal 13 and goal 7 are complementary. This can be adapted by integrating climate change measures into policies and planning, use of healthy energy system and promoting a sustainable community. Through proper and effective implementation of policies goal 13 can be achieved.

    Goal 14 – Life below water: this goal is about conserving and sustaining use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The oceans are the global climate system regulator and are the world’s largest ecosystem, so their proper use must be ensured. Nigeria can achieve this goal by creating laws that protect the oceans from harmful usage.

    Goal 15 – Life on land: humans depend on the land and ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that would be enjoyed for years to come. To achieve this with the time period, Nigeria has to implement programs, legislation and accounting principles to protect biodiversity and ecosystem and sustainable forest management.

    Goal 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions: promoting peaceful and inclusive societies is very important and the access to justice for all. The legislature in Nigeria must create, amend and repeal laws that no one is above, the rule of law must be supreme. The judiciaries must be fair and just in their administration of the law- ensuring effective interpretation of the law. The executive should be responsible for the enforcing of the laws and decisions for the day to day running of the state. The government should be responsible of its citizens and held accountable for their decisions. This can be achieved with the elimination of corruption.

    Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals: this goal aims increasing partnership among the countries of the world. Nigeria has made applaud efforts in this area.

    In conclusion, there are different targets and goals attached to each of the SDGs and with the current state of the country, Nigeria would not be able to achieve fully the 17 global goals with the different targets attached to them by 2030 but can achieve some of the goals through proper planning and the effective implementation of policies. We have seen the interrelationship that exists between the goals, so the realization in one would help in another. The achievement of the SDGs depends mostly on the government’s active participation towards the realization of the goals. As I stated in the previous work, the efficient management of resources should be taken into account for both the present and future generations.

  88. Avatar Okoronkwo Uchechukwu David says:

    NAME; Okoronkwo Uchechukwu David
    REG NO; 2017/241455
    DEPARTMENT; Economics
    EMAIL; uchechukwu.okoronkwo.241455@unn.edu.ng

    SDG(s) 10 – 17
    10, Reducing inequality;
    Inequality can only be countered by improving the grassroots (children, youths, and up to the political class), because unless there’s a radicalization in the society, inequality will always find a way into the system and will affect effective allocation in the society, thus damaging any progress whatsoever.

    11, Sustainable cities and communities;
    Only when there’s a conducive environment for investment and innovation can our cities and communities be sufficient, beneficial and sustainable for us all.

    12, Responsible consumption and production;
    One duty of every government administration in Nigeria, is for them to seek for CBN overdraft to finance their administration, but the truth is that the money disbursed for uplifting the economy are however shared among the politicians instead and development is crippled.

    13, Climate action;
    The goal of attaining any positive climate related issue in Nigeria is dead on arrival because our government do not take the matter serious.

    14, Life below water;
    This is based on aquatic habitats and there has never been any measures to establish a sustainable environment for the aquatic habitats in the country.

    15, Life on land;
    This is concerned with terrestrial habitats, and little or less is done about it and it leads to the continuous degrading and appalling fall of our ecosystem as a whole.

    16, Peace Justice and strong institutions;
    The judicial System of Nigeria is deeply broken, with corruption and all sort of wicked acts across all the sets of the judiciary and bodies attached to it and it leaves the common man is to fight for his own survival and the society suffers from the decay putting lives and properties at risk.

    17, Partnership for achievement of this goals;
    Although Nigeria has partnered itself with other nations to attain development knowledge, the country is still behind in achieving a reasonable ground for progress as a whole because it suffers from a lot of Internal obstacles, that only when addressed, the country can finally have some ground to oversee progressive agenda’s.

    Thus in my view, Nigeria remains stagnant despite all efforts to drive the country towards progress, because corruption, tribalism and nepotism and all rugged acts continues to hinder the aim of a sustainable development for the country as a whole.

  89. Avatar Obodo chisom jessica says:

    REG NO: 2017/249538
    EMAIL: chisom.obodo.249538@unn.edu.ng

    Nigeria has a long way to go in regards to the achievement of the 17 goals,given the time frame allotted for it to take place.
    GOAL 10:
    Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 
    Inequality within and among countries is a persistent cause for concern. Despite some positive signs toward reducing inequality in some dimensions, such as reducing relative income inequality. Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard. Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality.

    GOAL 11:
    The challenges cities face can be overcome in ways that allow them to continue to thrive and grow, while improving resource use and reducing pollution and poverty. The future we want includes cities of opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more. Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring access to safe and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements. It also involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in a way that is both participatory and inclusive.

    GOAL 12:
    achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; Sustainable consumption and production is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty.

    GOAL 13:
    There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. The effects are already visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now. Through education,Integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning, innovation and adherence to our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet. These changes also provide huge opportunities to modernize our infrastructure which will create new jobs and promote greater prosperity across the globe.

    GOAL 14:
    This can be achieved by preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution. Also effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices. Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing laws which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources.

    GOAL 15:
    This can be achieved by Increasing financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.

    GOAL 16:
    Conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice remain a great threat to sustainable development. We are living in a world that is increasingly divided. This can be achieved by Reducing violence; protecting children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promoting the rule of law and ensuring equal access to justice; combating organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reducing corruption and bribery; developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensuring responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making.

    GOAL 17:
    The world today is more interconnected than ever before. Improving access to technology and knowledge is an important way to share ideas and foster innovation. Coordinating policies to help developing countries manage their debt, as well as promoting investment for the least developed, is vital to achieve sustainable growth and development.
    These goals can be achieved if bad governance, corruption,insecurity,injustice and other vices which are the order of the day are eliminated.



    The SDGs contain 17goals of which we have discussed goals 1 – 9. Looking at goals 10 – 17 now, we have the following:

    Goal 10. Reducing Inequality: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable: This goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns: Production sectors in Nigeria can move from a dig, use and dump (DUD) model, which pollutes the environment and wastes money. Through the reusing of resources. Government Investments/Partnerships in Technology and the internet of things can drive this. It can also assist by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and protecting natural resources rights.

    Goal 13. Take action to combat climate change and its impacts: The National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy by the government could help address this situation by guiding the integration of climate change adaptation into government policies, strategies, and programs, with particular focus on the most vulnerable groups and the agricultural sectors. This help reduce and combat climate changes and its impacts.for the next 20yrs.

    Goal 14. Life below water: The negligence of life below water in Nigeria is unbecoming, refuse and toxic waste from industries are dumped polluting the habitat of water creatures

    Goal 15. Life on land: Poaching of endangered species, deforestation, kidnapping coupled with other insecurities are a threat to life on land. The Federal Government has been rather ignorant about these issues so chances of these still being a problem in 2030 is very likely.

    Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels.
    There is great need of recognizing and appreciating our divers cultural heritage. One should not see his/her own culture to be superior to others.This will go a long way in ensuring peaceful coexistence. Religious tolerance is also another factor that encourage peaceful coexistence. The Developing countries judicial system or institution is not strong enough to achieve this goal by 2030. There are many cases of Justice perversion in favour of the rich or those in position of authority and the poor are Left to fate.

    Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for development. Nigeria has actually collaborated withvother countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

  91. Avatar Odo Chinedu 2017/251641 says:

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.[1] The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They are included in a UN Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.[2] The SDGs were developed in the Post-2015 Development Agenda as the future global development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals which ended in 2015.

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they are also a set of global goals for fair and sustainable health at every level: from planetary biosphere to local community. The aim is to end poverty, protect the planet andensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity, now and in the future.Sources of data: The UN has established web-sites to inform the imple-mentation of the SDGs and an Inter-Agency and Expert Group on anIndicator Framework. We have searched for independent commentaries and analysis.Areas of agreement: The goals represent a framework that is scientifically robust, and widely intuitive intended to build upon the progress establishedby the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). There is a need for systemwide strategic planning to integrate the economic, social and environmen-tal dimensions into policy and actions.Areas of controversy: Many countries have yet to understand the differencebetween the MDGs and the SDGs, particularly their universality, the hugepotential of new data methods to help with their implementation, and the systems thinking that is needed to deliver the vision. The danger is that individual goals may be prioritized without an understanding of the potential positive interactions between goals.Growing points: There is an increasing understanding that sustainable development needs a paradigm shift in our understanding of the interaction.

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    Though the goals are broad and interdependent, two years later (6th of July,2017) the SDGs were made more “actionable” by a UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. The resolution identifies specific targets for each goal, along with indicators that are being used to measure progress toward each target.[3] The year by which the target is meant to be achieved is usually between 2020 and 2030.[4] For some of the targets, no end date is given.

    To facilitate monitoring, a variety of tools exist to track and visualize progress towards the goals. All intention is to make data more available and easily understood.[5] For example, the online publication SDG-Tracker, launched in June 2018, presents available data across all indicators.[5] The SDGs pay attention to multiple cross-cutting issues, like gender equity, education, and culture cut across all of the SDGs. There were serious impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on all 17 SDGs in the year 2020

  92. Avatar Ideba Tochukwu Emmanuel says:

    The SDGs include;
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations, this is achievable with progressive tax system.
    Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable cause the money allocated to sustain it is always embezzled
    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of the greed of our leaders who could not even distribute covid 19 palliatives.
    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change – this could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by to reduce the emission of co2 by large industries and reduce deforestation
    Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development- this goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and these laws are respected
    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification – achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources , for every tree that is cut down two should be planted in place
    Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- achievable if we learn to look past tribalism and nepotism
    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development-this goal is achievable because Nigeria is already doing well in partnering with nations abroad

  93. Avatar Ezeorah chukwuebuka Emmanuel says:

    Ezeorah chukwuebuka Emmanuel
    The sustainable development goals are expected to have been achieved by 2030 which is nine years from now. I think with the time frame assigned, all the goals will not achievable in Nigeria.
    The remaining 10-17 goals are analysis as follows

    This goal cannot be achieved due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in trades,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which is also as a result of weak institutions and non implementation of government policies

    This goal can be achieved if there is a strong security system in the country both in the rural and urban areas

    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures

    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.

    This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.

    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.

    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise.

    In summary, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless there is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database in its entire population.

  94. Avatar Nnadi Chinwe Monica says:

    Nnadi Chinwe Monica
    Education Economics
    YES!!! The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are interwoven in which if one is achieved it will lead or help in achieving the next or the other goals. This goals can be achieved if there will be a good governance where by the leaders will seek for the welfare of its people. The welfare of the nation entails so many things, as the people will live fine and will have no reason to vandalize government property, the citizens will learn how to be patriotic.
    GOAL 10: Reduce Inequality Within And Among Countries
    This goal can be achieved within the allotted time period if there is serious actions taken to reduce the political favouritism that stems from the ‘ I scratch your back, you scratch mine’ mentality prevailing among countries presently. If decisions can be made using competence as the benchmark and with the elimination of laws that foster discrimination, then this inequality among countries can be reduced. Within Nigeria, progressive taxation can be used to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, however the taxation system is barely existent in this country.
    GOAL 11: Make Cities And Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient And Sustainable
    This is not something impossible in Nigeria within 15 years. Inclusion is possible with platforms where people can air their opinions be it social media platforms or wherever. Preexisting laws should be enforced to combat inequality. In making cities resilient, building managers can be employed to ascertain that any construction ongoing is done according to set standards. Safety can be achieved if there is general sensitisation for everyone to secure themselves to the best of their ability even whilst the government play their own part. Using green technology should be encouraged and made affordable right from the grassroots.
    GOAL 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption And Production Pattern
    Sustainable consumption means using materials in a way that minimises their impacts on the environment, so that human needs can be met birth presently and in the future. This is very much possible as it involves mostly individual efforts. If legislation can be put in place to ensure that people don’t err, even better because people cannot be trusted to do the right things even when when it benefits them in the long run. Meanwhile in production, firms should be monitored in order to ensure they dispose their waste properly, make use of renewable energy and recycle where possible.
    GOAL 13: Take Urgent Actions To Combat Climate Change And It’s Impact
    This can be done through appropriate legislation and sensitisation so that individual’s even in their homes will practice sustainable living using green technology. Innovations should be encouraged which will enable creation of technology that will be affordable with subsidies created for it.
    GOAL 14: Conserve And Sustainable Use Of The Oceans, Seas And Marine Resources For Sustainable Development
    Marine authorities can be organised and given legislative powers in order to carry out their functions. There should be a limit on the amount of marine life to be captured and there should be an enforced off season which all users of marine resources will comply to. Protection of endangered species should be a priority also. Within 15 years, this is not impossible to do with consistence and dedication of the parties involved.
    GOAL 15: Protect, Restore And Promote So Sustainable Use Of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainably Manage Forests, Combat Desertification, And Halt And Reverse Land Degradation And Halt Biodiversity Loss
    These things can actually be achieved but the issue is with the time period and the fact that corruption and negligence is the reigning trend in the country Nigeria. Things that have been put in place to achieve this goal cannot work effectively because of the socio-political environment of the country. The mentality is to use and continue using without preservation or proper management.
    GOAL 16: Promote Peaceful And Inclusive Societies For Sustainable Development, Provide Access To Justice For All And Build Effective, Accountable And Inclusive Institution At All Levels
    The segregation present between the rich and the poor can never fully be extinguished and some seek to keep it that way which would make an inclusive society even if it’s for development, very difficult. Justice for all is a myth in the present Nigeria and is unlikely to change in coming years. Accountability for all institution can be achieved if corruption is eradicated which is not feasible looking at the current situation in fifteen years.
    GOAL 17: Strengthen Means Of Implementation And Revatalise Global Pattern And Implementation and Revitalise The Global Partnership For Sustainable Development
    To strengthen the means of implementation of global partnership is to foster unity and oneness in the world which is difficult but achievable seeing as it will be beneficial to all parties. Hence countries are likely to work hard towards the achievement of this goal.

  95. Name : Okaforukwu chizaram sandra

    Department : Economics

    Reg no : 2017/249551

    Sustainable development goals in nigeria


    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations. To achieve the sustainability objectives, it is essential to reduce inequalities by ensuring that none remains behind. Inequality is a constant cause for concern in and between countries. Despite a few positive signs that inequality can be reduced to some extent, such as reduced relative income inequality in some countries and a preferential trade status for lower-income countries, there remains inequality.


    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more. Support local governments in informal settlements and community-led solutions. Provide urban data, proof mapping, and informed decision-making knowledge. Mitigate and restore economic impact


    Responsible Production and Consumption is to more with less and do better. It also aims to decouple economic growth from decline in the environment, to increase resource efficiency and to promote sustainable lifestyles.


    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere. Every country on all continents is affected by climate change. It disturbs and affects national economies. There have been changing weather patterns, increasing sea levels and increasingly extreme weather events.


    Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future. The ocean is the driving force of world systems making the earth humane. All of our water is ultimately supplies and regulations of rain water, drinking water, meteorology, climate, coastlines, much of the food and even oxygen we breathe in the air. Careful management is a key feature of a sustainable future for this essential global resource. Currently, however, the coastal water is constantly deteriorating due to pollution and ocean acidification has an adverse impact on the functioning of biodiversity and ecosystems. This affects small-scale fisheries as well,our ocean must continue to be a priority to save.


    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss. It has shown that the health of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. It has also impacted on many of our economies the very foundations of health. Desertification – caused by human activity and climate change – poses major challenges for sustainable development and has affected millions of people’s lives and livelihoods. Forests are of vital importance and play an important role in combating climatic change in order to sustain life on earth. And investing in land restoration is critical if living conditions are to be improved, vulnerabilities reduced and economic risks reduced.


    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels. The great threat to sustainable development remains conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to the law.


    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Only strong global partnerships and cooperation can implement the SDGs. A successful development agenda calls for inclusive partnerships at the global, regional, national and local levels based on principles and values, a shared vision and common objectives, focusing on individuals and the planet.

    I do not believe the SDGs can be achievable in Nigeria. This is cause of the alarming rise in corruption, terrorism, injustice, desertification, land degradation, large water body pollution prevailing in the country.
    Goal 10-This SDG is aimed at reducing the class stratification and inequality prevailing so as to ensure equality among all. This goal could be achieved by providing good education and health care and improving minimum wage so as the reduce the gap between the rich and poor.
    Goal 11-This SDG is aimed at improving the level of security and providing the residents with defended and safe living environment. This goal could be achieved by improving the level of training of security officers in the country.
    Goal 12- This goal is aimed at providing the citizens with good and services that are sustainable. This can be done by government interference which improves output level.
    Goal 13-This goal is aimed at improving any deregulation in the climatic condition
    Goal 14-This goal is aimed at protection large water bodies such as oceans and seas from pollution so as to protect the water habitant. This can be done by avoiding discard of waste products in the water
    Goal 15-This goal is aimed is aimed at protecting the Forest. This could be done by reducing the level of deforestation and reduction in land degradation.
    Goal 16:This goal is aimed at promoting peace and justice for all This could be done by the adjustment of the constitution which makes no single person above the law.
    Goal 16:This goal is aimed at improving global partnership. Thus could be achieved by countries involvement with international bodies such as UN,WHO,WORLD BANK etc,which provide the country with incentive.


    REG NO: 2017/244848
    EMAIL: everlastinggift9507@gmail.com
    COURSE: ECO 362

    YES. These goals can be achieved in Nigeria by 2030 following the SDGs plans and ideas.
    GOAL 10
    It’s an old story: the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. The divide has never been starker. We can and must adopt policies that create opportunity for everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Income inequality is a global problem that requires global solutions. That means improving the regulation of financial markets and institutions; sending development aid where it is most needed and helping people migrate safely so they can pursue opportunities. Together, we can now change the direction of the old story of inequality.
    If governments and private bodies in Nigeria should jointly fight this old story of inequality, this goal can be achieved by 2030.
    GOAL 11
    If you’re like most people, you live in a city. More than half the world’s population now lives in cities, and that figure will go to about two-thirds of humanity by the year 2050. Cities are getting bigger. In 1990 there were ten “mega-cities” with 10 million inhabitants or more. In 2014, there were 28 mega-cities, home to 453 million people. Incredible, huh? A lot of people love cities; they’re centers of culture and business and life. The thing is, they’re also often centers of extreme poverty. To make cities sustainable for all, we can create good, affordable public housing. We can upgrade slum settlements. We can invest in public transport, create green spaces, and get a broader range of people involved in urban planning decisions. That way, we can keep the things we love about cities, and change the things we don’t.
    GOAL 12
    Some people use a lot of stuff, and some people use very little—in fact, a big share of the world population is consuming too little to meet even their basic needs. Instead, we can have a world where everybody gets what they need to survive and thrive. And we can consume in a way that preserves our natural resources so that our children can enjoy them, and their children and their children after that. The hard part is how to achieve that goal. We can manage our natural resources more efficiently and dispose of toxic waste better. Cut per capita food waste in half globally. Get businesses and consumers to reduce and recycle waste. And help countries that have typically not consumed a lot to move towards more responsible consumption patterns.
    GOAL 13
    Every country in the world is seeing the drastic effects of climate change, some more than others. On average, the annual losses just from earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones and flooding count in the hundreds of billions of dollars. We can reduce the loss of life and property by helping more vulnerable regions—such as land-locked countries and island states—become more resilient. It is still possible, with the political will and technological measures, to limit the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels—and thus avoid the worst effects of climate change. The Sustainable Development Goals lay out a way for countries to work together to meet this urgent challenge.
    Also, forest generation and planting of trees around every house which combat climate change can be achieved by 2030.
    GOAL 14
    The oceans make human life possible. Their temperature, their chemistry, their currents, their life forms. For one thing, more than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal diversity for their livelihoods. But today we are seeing nearly a third of the world’s fish stocks overexploited.
    That’s not a sustainable way of life. Even people who live nowhere near the ocean can’t live without it. Oceans absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide that humans produce; but we’re producing more carbon dioxide than ever before and that makes the oceans more acidic—26% more, since the start of the industrial revolution. Our trash doesn’t help either—13,000 pieces of plastic litter on every square kilometer of ocean.
    Sounds bad, right? Don’t despair! The Sustainable Development Goals indicate targets for managing and protecting life below water.
    GOAL 15
    Humans and other animals rely on other forms of life on land for food, clean air, clean water, and as a means of combatting climate change. Plant life makes up 80% of the human diet. Forests, which cover 30% of the Earth’s surface, help keep the air and water clean and the Earth’s climate in balance. That’s not to mention they’re home to millions of animal species. But the land and life on it are in trouble. Arable land is disappearing 30 to 35 times faster than it has historically. Deserts are spreading. Animal breeds are going extinct. We can turn these trends around. Fortunately, the Sustainable Development Goals aim to conserve and restore the use of terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, drylands and mountains by 2030.
    GOAL 16
    How can a country develop—how can people eat and teach and learn and work and raise families—without peace? And how can a country have peace without justice, without human rights, without government based on the rule of law? Some parts of the world enjoy relative peace and justice, and may come to take it for granted. Other parts seem to be plagued by armed conflict, crime, torture and exploitation, all of which hinders their development. The goal of peace and justice is one for all countries to strive towards. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to reduce all forms of violence and propose that governments and communities find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. That means strengthening the rule of law, reducing the flow of illicit arms, and bringing developing countries more into the center of institutions of global governance.
    GOAL 17
    The Sustainable Development Goals are pretty big to-do list, don’t you think? In fact, it’s so big, you may just want to throw your hands up in the air. “Forget it! Can’t be done! Why even try!” But we’ve got a lot going for us. The world is more interconnected today than ever before, thanks to the internet, travel and global institutions. There’s a growing consensus about the need to work together to stop climate change. And the Sustainable Development Goals are no small matter either. 193 countries agreed on these goals. Pretty incredible, isn’t it? 193 countries agreeing on anything? The final goal lays out a way for nations to work together to achieve all the other Goals.

  98. Avatar Chukwudi christopher says:

    Name: Chukwudi Christopher
    Reg Number: 2017/249489
    Dept: Economics

    10. Reduce inequality within and among countries. To me this not achievable because economically man is rational and their rationality influences their world or society. Also the quest for power and Authority among nations will strongly disagree with this goal.

    11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This can be achievable if we in our little Conner learn to do what is right and the government as well.

    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures

    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.

    Goal 14- conserve and sustainably use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The aquatic animals have their own importance in the ocean. They produce water bodies and help in cleaning the oceans. This goal would be achievable if we stop the killing of those aquatic animals and possibly preserve them.

    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem sustainably manage forest combat desertification. The era of felling trees without replacing them should be forgotten if we want this goal to be achieved. It is only when we preserve wildlife can we show the up-and-coming generation literally, what those terrestrial creatures look like.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise



    REG NUMBER: 2017/ 241442

    Dept: Economics

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable
    In my own opinion, this goal can be achieved if the Government can provide a strong security services that will make cities safe and sustainable. Also, the citizens have roles to play in order to create a conducive environment for themselves. They can do that by making sure they create their own community security and making sure that their environments are clean .

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    I don’t see this goal being achieved in Nigeria by 2030. The reason is because, in terms of consumption, Nigerians only know and care about consuming every edible that comes their way. That is, they hardly save for the future. In the production pattern, Nigeria lacks the necessary equipments that can faster production.

    Goal 13: This goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.

    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.

    GOAL 16: Promote peaceful societies for Sustainable Development, provide access to justice and build effective, accountable institution at all levels..
    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    GOAL 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for Sustainable Development.
    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise.

    In summary, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless there is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database in its entire population.


    Name: ezike marycynthia chiamaka
    Reg no: 2017/242944
    Email: marycynthiachiamaka95@gmail.com
    Dept: Economics.

    10. Reduced inequality: The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances. With all these involved, it’s almost not attainable before 2030.
    11. Sustainable cities and communities: Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11 or Global Goal 11) is about “sustainable cities and communities” and is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The SDG 11 is to “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”.[1] The 17 SDGs take into account that action in one area will affect outcomes in other areas as well, and that development must balance social, economic and Environmental Sustainability. In Nigeria where the state of the cities are unsafe and all opposite of what’s listed, it’s likely unattainable.
    12. To ensure sustainable consumption and production: SDG 12 is meant to ensure good use of resources, improving energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and ensuring a better quality of life for all.[2] SDG 12 has 11 targets to be achieved by at least 2030 and progress toward the targets is measured using 13 indicators. Nigeria has an inconsistent pattern of both consumption and production. We barely even produce our primary needs ourselves, we always have to import. With this manner of consumption and production the goal 12 might be attainable but not within the arranged year.
    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impact: The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. This could be attainable within the arranged year if proper actions and decisions are being made, because Nigeria does not have much of a troubling weather.
    14. Life below water: The targets are; Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law. This could be attainable in nigeria if the industries and other factories are taxed not to dispose off waste in water etc.
    15. Life on land: The targets are; Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. With the current state of Nigeria, attaining this goal within the allocated time is almost impossible.
    16. Peace, justice and strong institutions:Targets are; Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. Nigeria is a very corrupt and unsafe country, which attaining this goal means changing the people’s opinions of some ideas, which will actually take alot if time and dedication.
    17. Partnership for the goals: SDG 17 refers to the need for cross sector and cross country collaboration in pursuit of all the goals by the year 2030. It is a call for countries to align policies. SDG 17 is a vision for improved and more equitable trade, as well as coordinated investment initiatives to promote sustainable development across borders. It is about strengthening and streamlining cooperation between nation-states, both developed and developing, using the SDGs as a shared framework and a shared vision for defining that collaborative way forward. This is definitely attainable, if the cross countries have the same goal minded mind set.

  101. Avatar KiNGSLEY gift ebubechukwu says:

    REG NUMBER: 2017/241438

    A discussion of the SDGs 10 to 17, how achievable they are and why.

    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse

    Goal 11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable cause the money allocated to sustain it is always embezzled.

    Goal12; Responsible consumption and production: it’s is actually a detrimental attribute of every government administration in Nigeria to go for CBN overdraft to finance their administration, but the truth remains that those money are shared among the politicians. The oil sector that makes Nigeria economy giant of west African economy has been underutilized and our little refineries are ineffective, hence we can’t effective produce the so call oil. Political giants and people that are well to do builds refineries abroad leaving their home country to suffer. Untill all this is address Nigeria won’t have a place in the world development not even in 2030 but in the future.

    Goal 13; Climate action: this is unattainable for Nigeria with the time range. This is because the government has never taking into cognisance our geographical nature talk more of checking the climate to ensure sustainable existence.

    Goal14; Life below water: this emphasizes of aquatic habitat. It has not been heard that Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatic habitat. Therefore this is not obtainable in Nigeria.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.
    In Nigeria, the major source of revenue is in the oil and gas sector. And this has damaged the territorial eco systems in such areas. There is Little or no concern or attention given to those areas and this has affected the liviehood of the population living there. The government should ensure that there is proper regulation of petroleum companies operating in such areas and that compensation program should be carried out to those affected.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Over millions of people living across Nigeria, lack access to justice. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that foster peaceful societies.

    Goal17; partnership for achievement of this goals: Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe our problem lies within and not outside us.

  102. Igwilo Ebuka Vincent 2017/241434

    10. Reducing Inequality- Yes, this is very possible, if proper education is made available to both genders and some certain corporate occupations are made available to the female gender, inequality would be reduced and if proper enlightenment is done on those who still carry on the teachings of thier ancestors. But for between countries, I don’t think it is possible until we can stop corruption and make proper use of our resources to become a highly effective and progressive country. I don’t think there would ever be equality between countries. When there is nothing to offer you can’t be at equal right with someone who has a lot to offer.
    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities- Very possible, some communities are living so healthy, peaceful and good life because of co-operation and peaceful co existence between the members of the community. The collection of the different peaceful communities make up the city thereby making a it a peaceful city.
    12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern- If a productive pattern of production is carried out in the country, assistance, incentives, subsidy should be made by the government to enhance and main effective production.
    13. Take urgent actions to combat climate change and it’s impact- Industries that contribute to this climate change by releasing hazardous gases to the atmosphere should be properly taxed and properly regulated and these industries or activities that affect the climate regulated and activities that can limit climate change such as afforestation should be highly encouraged especially areas where these industries are located.
    14. Conserve and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- Yes it could be possible, sanctioning those who participate in water pollution and Guards should be used in protecting these marine resources. And people should be enlighten on the adverse effect of water pollution
    15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- Yes, it could be achieved. Poachers, participants of illegal felling of trees should be jailed and severely punished and afforestation should be highly practised. Laws should be made by the government on when trees should cut down and areas that should be out of bound.
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level- It could be achieved if the government do thier job properly and if those in power ie the military personnel and others carryout thier work effectively. If government pay these workers properly rather than giving them peanuts, then they feel so non-chalant to do thier job.
    17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This can be achieve only if other goals are achieved, such as security, proper institutions and others because they are all related but most especially. If the government and the citizens can make the country comfortable and conducive it will surely attract global partnership

    REG: 2017/249515
    E-MAIL: ikegodswill050@gmail.com
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), facing an integrative motive or aim which it intends to achieve by 2030, in Nigeria is partially not feasible as they tend to work hand-in-hand. These goals which includes from what was thought based on our last class;
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries; achieving equality within the geographical boundaries of Nigeria is not possible with the given time frame (2030) as a result of the fact that some cultures, traditions and religions inhibited in Nigeria restricts and prevents certain genders from carrying out certain responsibilities. As a result it is impossible to achieve equality among genders in our country given the time frame. For equality among nations, Nigeria is described or referred to as’ the poverty capital of the world’ due to high rate of poverty prevailing in the country. Before this problem could be resolved, it’ll take a longer period which surely will exceed 2030, as several serious policies need to be put in place to curb thi problem.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; achieving this goal before 2030 in Nigeria is relatively impossible as a result of high rates of insurgencies facing the country, causing individuals to flee their homes and place of residence, thus rendering them homeless.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; this is likely difficult due to high rate of importation of consumer and capital goods. This causes growing firms and industries to fall as their product competes with foreign goods which are usually chosen in the place of locally made goods causing them to food up
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; this is unattainable due to high rate of importation of fairly used vehicles. Vehicles are rarely used for long before emitting carbon2 oxide(carbon monoxide) and other harmful chemicals emitted by large plants and industries, increasing the green house effect as the ozone layer depletes.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resource for sustainable development; thus is likely achievable since orientation could be given to the public on the need for preventing dumping of wastes into water bodies.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss; this goal is also relatively unattainable, as individuals especially the older illiterates are less concerned about the importance of forests, as the case whereby trees are constantly cut down and used as fossil fuels and firewoods without replacement. Sometimes, these trees are cut down and sold for profit purposes. These factors have increased the rate of desertification basically in the northern Nigeria.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; this is primarily impossible within the given time frame as a result of high insurgencies facing the country and selfish political leaders whose ambition is totally to satisfy their pickets at the expense of the public. The rate of corruption in Nigeria have increased over the years as a result of lack of transparency as political leaders comfortably loot public funds knowing fully well that they won’t account for it
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development; thus is unattainable as a result of unstable political and economic Nigerian environment, which is risky and totally not conducive for investors and other countries to partner with Nigeria within the suggested time frame and this halts and prevents development
    These are the primary reasons why the Sustainable Development Goals seem unachievable in Nigeria given the time frame of nine(9) years.

  104. Avatar Odu David Oluchukwu says:

    Odu David Oluchukwu

    10. Reduce inequality within and among countries :
    Using Nigeria as a case study, to reduce inequality within our country, the cost of administration in Nigeria government must be cut down. Let those in the civil service or public service and those at the political offices receive equal pay. By doing this, the inequality gap will be closed.
    11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable : To achieve this in Nigeria, our policing system must be decentralised. The policy of state policing should be implemented. This will go a long way in strengthening the police force
    12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern :
    To achieve this in Nigeria, the mentality of Nigerians must be changed. The mentality of seeing local produced goods as inferior to that of the foreign goods. When we consume more of the local produced goods, it will go a long way to helping our domestic producers.
    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts :
    The government should make and implement policies that is against bush burning and deforestation .
    14. Conserve and sustainably use of oceans seas and marine resources for sustainable development :
    The government should make laws that prohibits dumping of refuse in the oceans or seas as this will affect the aquatic lives.
    15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification and halt biodiversity loss :
    The government should make a law that prohibits indiscriminate cutting of trees, bush burning and burning of tyres. The habit of planting trees should be encouraged.
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level :
    The country should adopt a democratic system of government, as it will go a long way in making the state more inclusive.
    It will also bring about good governance.
    17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development :

  105. Avatar Okorie Judith Onyinye says:

    Name: Okorie Judith
    Reg number :2017/241450
    Economics dept

    Examining the 10th -17th SDGs and how they can be achieved given the time frame.

    Goal 10:
    Reducing inequality

    This goal without doubt can be achieveable in Nigeria.
    We need new policy implementation that includes everyone from men to women and children without discrimination. Also every economies of the state in Nigeria should be given the chance to drive growth that is inclusive and not limited to small elites. This means looking at policies that promote broad-based increases in living standards. This goal is achievable within the next 9 years if the proper policies, scheme and structures are put in place.

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable. With the present insecurity crisis in Nigeria, the actualization of this goal is far from realization. With the rampage of Boko Haram that has been in existence for more than 9yrs, Fulani herdsmen, bandits causing havok in cities across some Northern parts in the country. The government has to take serious intelligent security measures and tactics to tackle this insecurity problems. This SDG is not achievable anything soon at all.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Production sectors in Nigeria can move from a dig, use and dump (DUD) model, which pollutes the environment and wastes money. Through the reusing of resources. Government Investments/Partnerships in Technology and the internet of things can drive this. It can also assist by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and protecting natural resources rights.

    Goal 13: Take action to combat climate change and its impacts.National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy by the government could help address this situation by guiding the integration of climate change adaptation into government policies, strategies, and programs, with particular focus on the most vulnerable groups and the agricultural sectors. This help reduce and combat climate changes and its impacts.for the next 20yrs.

    Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use Oceans
    Oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. Through the recognition of the problems affecting the oceans, forming new partnerships for fishing, acidification, waste, marine transport; and creating new forms of regional governance to manage our blue oceans can help carry out this particular SDG. This will help maintain orderliness in the blue areas for more than 10 to 30yrs to come.

    Goal 15: PROTECTION, RESTORATION and PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE USE of TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS, managing forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. To preserve the ecosystems, adequate measures such as sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning, ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people. This will come a long way in preserving the system for more than 10yrs.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all and establishment of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
    Over millions of people living across Nigeria, lack access to justice. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that birth peaceful societies.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    The SDGs help explain the problems and challenges, The next step is to start implementation through new alliances tapping into the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. Attracting private investments and innovation. As a Nation, there is room for innovation and growth across every SDG, at small or large scales for Sustainable development.

  106. Avatar Okorie Judith Onyinye says:

    Name: Okorie Judith
    Reg number :2017/241450

    Examining the 10th -17th SDGs and how they can be achieved given the time frame.

    Goal 10:
    Reducing inequality

    This goal without doubt can be achieveable in Nigeria.
    We need new policy implementation that includes everyone from men to women and children without discrimination. Also every economies of the state in Nigeria should be given the chance to drive growth that is inclusive and not limited to small elites. This means looking at policies that promote broad-based increases in living standards. This goal is achievable within the next 9 years if the proper policies, scheme and structures are put in place.

    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable.
    With the present insecurity crisis in Nigeria, the actualization of this goal is far from realization. With the rampage of Boko Haram that has been in existence for more than 9yrs, Fulani herdsmen, bandits causing havok in cities across some Northern parts in the country. The government has to take serious intelligent security measures and tactics to tackle this insecurity problems. This SDG is not achievable anything soon at all.

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Production sectors in Nigeria can move from a dig, use and dump (DUD) model, which pollutes the environment and wastes money. Through the reusing of resources. Government Investments/Partnerships in Technology and the internet of things can drive this. It can also assist by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and protecting natural resources rights.

    Goal 13: Take action to combat climate change and its impacts.

    National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy by the government could help address this situation by guiding the integration of climate change adaptation into government policies, strategies, and programs, with particular focus on the most vulnerable groups and the agricultural sectors. This help reduce and combat climate changes and its impacts.for the next 20yrs.

    Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use Oceans
    Oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. Through the recognition of the problems affecting the oceans, forming new partnerships for fishing, acidification, waste, marine transport; and creating new forms of regional governance to manage our blue oceans can help carry out this particular SDG. This will help maintain orderliness in the blue areas for more than 10 to 30yrs to come.

    Goal 15: PROTECTION, RESTORATION and PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE USE of TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS, managing forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. To preserve the ecosystems, adequate measures such as sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning, ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people. This will come a long way in preserving the system for more than 10yrs.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all and establishment of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
    Over millions of people living across Nigeria, lack access to justice. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that birth peaceful societies.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    The SDGs help explain the problems and challenges, The next step is to start implementation through new alliances tapping into the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. Attracting private investments and innovation. As a Nation, there is room for innovation and growth across every SDG, at small or large scales for Sustainable development.

  107. Avatar Okpor Martha Ashinedu says:

    REG. NO: 2017/241430
    From the earlier studies on SDGs, we were able to critically analyze the goals 1 to 9, by analyzing why some of these goals could not be achieved within the stipulated timeframe and why some could. But now, we will be looking at the remaining 10 to 17 goals and why they cannot be achieved before 2030 and otherwise. These goals include;
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. I don’t see inequality reducing before 2030. Nepotism, tribalism and favouritism are still the order of the day. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. Even in churches today where inequality is not supoosed to be seen at all, poor people are not given prominent roles in the church because the church believes influential rich people will yield better results leading in church. We cannot seek equality among countries when we do not see ourselves as equal in this country. Reducing inequality among son countries could actually be attainable by 2030 but Nigeria, No. Nigeria already has a bad name that a lot of its citizens committing fraud, due to bad leadership and corruption. Definitely we cannot be treated as equals with other countries until good people begin to rule.
    Goal 11: Make cities and Han settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Yes, this goal can be achieved and its achievement is already in progress. This can be done by increasing security in the nation, encouraging time to time environmental sanitation. safeguarding the human rights of its citizens, etc.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This can be achieved. Ensuring sustainable consumption can be done by reducing the sale of tin products as too much consumption of this could have serious health consequences later on. More of fresh products should be supplied to consumers to avoid this. For sustained production, higher wages could stimulate higher production. Also, use of advanced tecahnogies like machines could also boost production in the economy and sustain it.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This can be achieved by limiting the production processes by some industries who elicit dangerous gases such as carbon II oxide, etc into the atmosphere. This could cause the green house effect; that is the depletion of the ozone layer. As a result of this, climate change could occur. Climate change could cause rainy season not begin when it was supposed to, and this will affect agricultural production negatively.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This can also be achieved. It can be done by the government imposing tax such as the pigouvian tax on industries and individuals who dumb wastes in water bodies as these unhealthy substances would lead to extinction of marine resources and also contaminate water.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity. This can be achieved and it can be done by first, efficiently managing the forests which is where most of the terrestrial ecosystem can be found. Deforestation should be discouraged, to avoid desertification and for a cool /warm environment. Leand degradation where a land is not given space to recover from the series of cultivations during the past year. This means the land is degraded. This should be put to halt.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions of all levels. This can be achieved but in the case of Nigeria, this goal will only be possible when the a bad leaders leave office. Peace will never be sustainable if people keep being treated in an ill manner by both the government and their fellow neighbors. For example, the ENDSARS protest was a result of people( especially youths) not being happy with the way they were being treated by the government and SARS. Depriving young stars of their human rights. In a country like that, there can never be peace until the issue of bad governance is addressed.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This cannot be achieved before the stipulated timeframe. Nigeria is currently and has always been in great debt. This country finances its projects through borrowing but yet these funds are still not put to good use. Other countries who probably had the intention of doing business with Nigeria could be discouraged as Nigeria still makes a living through borrowing from other countries so foreign investors could be encouraged to invest in sectors in Nigeria.

  108. Avatar Anachunam Daberechi Maryjane says:

    REG NO. : 2017/241448
    EMAIL. daberechi.anachunam.241448@unn.edu.ng.

    The remaining 8 sustainable development goals are

    Reducing Inequality
    Sustainable Cities and Communities
    Responsible Consumption and Production
    Climate Action
    Life Below Water
    Life On Land
    Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
    Partnerships for the Goals.

    Using Nigeria as my case study, I will say if the current trends in Nigeria persist, none of the above will be attainable.
    But with sincere effort all of these are attainable.
    Reducing inequality: this can be attained if people can be taxed based on percentage of their income and more industries built in order to employ more people.
    Sustainable cities and communities: Recycling of waste substances and use of solar energies instead of fuel would go a long way in achieving this and this is a very small task to achieve before 2030 if more efforts are put into that direction.
    Responsible Consumption and production: Responsible consumption in the sense of planting back trees after cutting them, protecting the lives of endangered species and not consuming everything, responsible use of our mineral resources e.g. crude oil to prevent it from totally finishing in years to come and make more effort in finding a proper replacement. For production, the production process shouldn’t be the kind to bring negative externalities to other people in the society through their waste and the government taxing industries for their negative externalities would go a long way to get this done and it is an easy tax to achieve before 2030.
    Climate Action: There is already a lot of study on this, Nigeria will achieve a lot in this area if she adapts to this study and has more research made in respect to this. And if Nigeria improves education, awareness-raising, improve human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning, by 2030 we would have attained a commendable height on this.
    Life below water: Life below water can be protected when we stop pouring industrial paste and plastic into water, and this can be attained when we recycle this waste or look for alternative use for them. This might seem hard but when enough emphasis is placed on Marine life, this can definitely be attained in no time even before 2030. And also to sponsor more private rearing of fish eaten in restaurants in order to prevent this fish from going extinct.
    Life on land: this can be achieved when we prevent bush burning as much as possible, and also prevent Unnecessary killing of wildlife. We should also support more afforestation and building more trees. If great effort is placed on this, before 2030, this can be attained to a very high extent.
    Peace and justice, strong institutions: Nigeria is particularly far away from this as they have a deep rooted ethnic conflict and this has led to lack of peace and justice for a long time. Working on this would have to be through a huge change in ideology and things like this would take longer than 9 years especially knowing that the opposing parties aren’t ready to make things better. Strong institutions are very necessary in a nation and can only be attained when Nigerians leave corruption and see the importance of walking together..
    Partnerships to achieve goal: Nigeria would achieve this when she creates favourable international relationships through less borrowing and being members of different organizations that would enable countries to work together. Being a member of the UN, WTO, this has already shown that Nigeria is already achieving this.

    The 17 SDGs are integrated, that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
    Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, countries have committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls.
    Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. At UNDP, we are building on our support through provision of technical support to the Office of the Senior Special Advisor to the President on SDGs (OSSAP) and line ministries in an effort to ensure that planning and budgeting for development activities in the country are done within the framework of the SDGs. Using lessons learnt from the MDGs era, we are working closely with the Government of Nigeria and other partners in ensuring that the SDGs are efficient and effective implemented and that resources are allocated to sectors of the economy that will yield highest dividend for the poor and vulnerable millions across the country.

    GOAL 10: REDUCE INEQUALITY WITHIN AND AMONG COUNTRIES: Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Inequality within and among countries is a persistent cause for concern. Despite some positive signs toward reducing inequality in some dimensions, such as reducing relative income inequality in some countries and preferential trade status benefiting lower-income countries, inequality still persists.
    GOAL 11: MAKE CITIES INCLUSIVE, SAFE, RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE: Cities and metropolitan areas are powerhouses of economic growth contributing about 60 per cent of global GDP. However, they also account for about 70 per cent of global carbon emissions and over 60 per cent of resource use.
    Rapid urbanization is resulting in a growing number of slum dwellers, inadequate and overburdened infrastructure and services (such as waste collection and water and sanitation systems, roads and transport), worsening air pollution and unplanned urban sprawl.
    GOAL 12: ENSURE SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS: Worldwide consumption and production a driving force of the global economy rest on the use of the natural environment and resources in a way that continues to have destructive impacts on the planet. Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development indeed, our very survival depends.

    GOAL 13: TAKE URGENT ACTION TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS: Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.

    GOAL 14: CONSERVE AND SUSTAINABLY USE THE OCEANS, SEAS AND MARINE RESOURCES: The ocean drives global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future. However, at the current time, there is a continuous deterioration of coastal waters owing to pollution, and ocean acidification is having an adversarial effect on the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity. This is also negatively impacting small scale fisheries. Saving our ocean must remain a priority. Marine biodiversity is critical to the health of people and our planet. Marine protected areas need to be effectively managed and well-resourced and regulations need to be put in place to reduce overfishing, marine pollution and ocean acidification.

    GOAL 15: SUSTAINABLY MANAGE FORESTS, COMBAT DESERTIFICATION, HALT AND REVERSE LAND DEGRADATION, HALT BIODIVERSITY LOSS: Nature is critical to our survival: nature provides us with our oxygen, regulates our weather patterns, pollinates our crops, produces our food, feed and fibre. But it is under increasing stress. Human activity has altered almost 75 per cent of the earth’s surface, squeezing wildlife and nature into an ever-smaller corner of the planet.

    GOAL 16: PROPROMOT JUST, PEACEFUL AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES: Conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice remain a great threat to sustainable development. The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million in 2018, the highest level recorded by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in almost 70 years.

    GOAL 17: REVITALIZE THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships at the global, regional, national and local levels built upon principles and values, and upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the centre.

    We have supported the Government of Nigeria in conducting the SDGs Data Mapping Exercise and conducting a Baseline Surveys whose results have been useful in developing baseline indicators for SDGs implementation, monitoring and reporting in the country. The baseline survey continue to be updated by-annually to reflect current situation and changing trends in the country. In addition to conducting various advocacy and awareness activities with several government ministries, departments and agencies, we supported initiatives aimed at promoting strategic engagements around the SDGs. For example, with our support, the government developed the Private Sector Engagement Strategy which provides for and recommended the establishment of the first-ever Private Sector Advisory Group on SDGs. We have also supported the establishment of SDGs Development Partners Forum which we also achor.
    We provide both technical and financial support toward ongoing efforts aimed at integrating the SDGs into national and State-level policies, plans and budgets. In support of Government’s efforts aimed at sharing its experiences so far, we are providing technical support towards the development of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). The VNRs facilitate the sharing of experiences, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The NRVs will serves as a basis for anticipated regular reviews by the high-level political forum (HLPF) meetings held every year. The VNRs also seek to strengthen policies and institutions of governments and to mobilize partnerships.

    As the UN’s agency mandated to eradicate poverty, UNDP will continue supporting the Governments and people of Nigeria in tackling the new agenda and taking it forward over the next couple of years. We will continue to provide support to the as we all continue on this long path towards the SDGs promise- a promise of a just, equitable and sustainable planet – our common heritage; a promise of peace and prosperity for all.

  110. Avatar IDOKO UKAMAKA BLESSING says:

    Name: Idoko Ukamaka Blessing
    Dept: Economics
    Reg No: 2017/249510

    Appraisal Of Global Goals Cont’d
    Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
    For inequality to be reduced within and among countries by 2030 is a mirage. Given the present condition of wealth distribution within and among countries, achieving this aim at the stipulated date is not feasible. Wealth is highly unevenly distributed, thus in a particular community, you find the very poor being neighbor to the filthy rich. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. The wealthy, once they find themselves in position of authority, makes law that will favour them to the detriment of the poor. Among countries, wealth are also unevenly distributed. The developing countries continues to import from the Developed countries making the local industries hopeless. Technological knowledge which is one of the catalyst that spur development in the Developed countries is quite low in developing countries. Also, the Developed countries have stronger institution that ensures Justice and reduce mismanagement and corruption. This is lacking in developing countries and to a great extent impede their being at par with Developed countries.
    Goal 11. Make cities and human settlement safe, resilient and sustainable.
    The global goal needs more time to achieve this goal. The large uneven distribution of wealth among and within countries hinders the goal from being achieved.
    Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern.
    It is unlikely that this goal will be achieved by 2030. There is need for more processing industries in the Developing countries to ensure sustainable consumption. The epileptic power supply is one of the big factors that discourage industrialist from establishing industries in developing countries like Nigeria. Thus much of the agricultural produce are used for immediate consumption. There is also the need to shift attention from crude oil and adequately fund the power and agricultural sectors if this aim is to be achieved.
    Goal 13. Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate change and It’s Impact.
    Change in policies or agenda due to change in government has affected this particular goal. For example more attention was given to Climate change during Obama regime than during Trump regime. Though the international body have been putting efforts to combat climate change and It’s Impact, achieving this aim by 2030 is not feasible due to the change in government focus and for the fact that carbon emission is on increase.
    14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and Marine resources for sustainable development.
    This emphasizes of aquatic habitat. It has not been heard that Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatichabitat. Therefore this is not obtainable in Nigeria.

    Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable Use of Terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forest, Combat desertification, halt and reserve land degredation and halt bioversity loss.
    Aforestation should be adopted by all to sustainably manage forest and also to combat desertification. Indiscriminate tapping of forest trees should be avoided by all and the government need to put and strengthens institutions to ensure defaulters are punished. Forest guards should be adequately funded by government to ensure that the ecosystem are preserved. The use of heavy machine for agriculture encourage land degredation, thus it ought to be avoided. Indiscriminate fishing should be checked to preserve BioLife.
    Goal16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to Justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels.
    There is great need of recognizing and appreciating our divers cultural heritage. One should not see his/her own culture to be superior to others.This will go a long way in ensuring peaceful coexistence. Religious tolerance is also another factor that encourage peaceful coexistence. The Developing countries judicial system or institution is not strong enough to achieve this goal by 2030. There are many cases of Justice perversion in favour of the rich or those in position of authority and the poor are Left to fate.
    Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for development.
    Nigeria has actually collaborated withvother countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

  111. Avatar Ogbodo peace chinenyenwa says:

    Ogbodo Peace Chinenyenwa
    Email: nenyepeace2010@gmail
    Dept: Economics

    In our last discussion we layed emphasis on the first 9 SGDs and for us to follow it upwe will go further to explain the remaining 8 goals .
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    If the citizens of any country, be it men or women, can receive equal treatment when it comes to the issue of job recruitment, governance and other opportunities. There should not be partial treatment in the country If we want to accomplish this goal by 2030.
    Reducing inequality among countries can be possible if free trade is introduced coupled with comparative advantage.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable
    In my own opinion, this goal can be achieved if the Government can provide a strong security services that will make cities safe and sustainable. Also, the citizens have roles to play in order to create a conducive environment for themselves. They can do that by making sure they create their own community security and making sure that their environments are clean .

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    I don’t see this goal being achieved in Nigeria by 2030. The reason is because, in terms of consumption, Nigerians only know and care about consuming every edible that comes their way. That is, they hardly save for the future. In the production pattern, Nigeria lacks the necessary equipments that can faster production.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled.
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates that negative externality.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    I see this goal being achieved if Government can make the oceans, seas and marine conducive for fishermen by making sure that the water are not polluted. If the oceans, seas and marine are safe, it will give room for fishermen to fish more healthy and big fishes which will in turn increase their income, thereby reducing poverty in the country.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This can be achieved if different species of animal that are meant to serve purposes are not slaughtered on a daily basis just to satisfy our selfish desires. They can manage forests by cutting down irrelevant trees and allowing the ones that will be of benefit to us in the long run. In summary of this goal 15, it is necessary that different species of animal be left to serve their different purposes rather than subjecting them to what and where they are not supposed to be.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    In this area of the sustainable goal, the individuale of the country are expected to change the way they reaemso. so as to maintain peace and tranquillity in the society. They have to know that peace is the ultimate . And the government can provide access to justice by making sure that any body that disobeys the law if maintaining peace and order shall face the law.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    This can be achieved if every country is given the opportunity to showoff what they are capable of doing. That is, each country should be allowed to participate in production to know the area they have absolute advantage on and will help them to have a more genuine relationship with ither countries.

    • Avatar Udeh Amarachi M. says:

      Udeh Amarachi M.

      Earlier we discussed the first 9 sustainable development goals and now we are at the point of explaining the remains of those goals.
      Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations: this will be achieved if the countries with low income are given the opportunity to produce what they can produce best and export the and also import those ones they cannot produce
      Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable: This can be achieved when there is an enforcement agency on sanitation so as to keep the environment neat and healthy for everyone levimg in that arena.
      Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of the greed of our leaders who could not even distribute covid 19 palliatives.
      Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change: This could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by to reduce the rate at which co2 is released by large industries and reduce deforestation.
      Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development: This goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and if it is strictly followed up, we will achieve this goal.
      Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification: Nigeria can achieve this if they can place a law on the rate of deforestation.
      Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development: This will be achieveable if tribalism, favoritism and nepotism should be put aside in all the doings on the society.
      Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development: This goal will be achieveable when developing countries rebuild there partnership with developed countries and as it stands now Nigeria has made a very bold step in achieving this.

  112. Avatar Ezeh Martha Kelechi, reg no:2017/244943, Education Economics says:

    Analysis of sustainable development from Goal 10- 17 are as below:
    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. The goal is emphasing more for equality.
    Goal 11: Building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.
    Goal 13: This goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.
    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.
    Goal 15: This is talking about the issue of protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, I believe that this problem would be tackled by the year 2030.
    Goal 16: This goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.
    Goal 17: This last goal like the MDGs is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens.

  113. Ikechukwu Chizoba Peace

    The global goals is for the betterment of every body and the world at large. The goal is not self-centered, it is selfless trying to improve the standard of living in developing countries and the developed as well.

    10. Reduce inequality within and among countries. To me this not achievable because economically man is rational and their rationality influences their world or society. Also the quest for power and Authority among nations will strongly disagree with this goal.

    11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This can be achievable if we in our little Conner learn to do what is right and the government as well.

    12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern. Yes it’s achievable when the citizens learn to discipline their consumption habit and the economy as well efficiently and effectively invest in local industries and also try to recycle somethings to avoid waste.

    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts. This can be achieved if there is a legal law against deforestation and bush burning. Caution in some industrial effects like refinery industries.

    14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Totally achievable if and only if the selfish rationality of producers and consumers are controlled, the mining company should minne not at the detriment of the fishing company. And most importantly that consumers should stop eating sea tortoise as approved by science that it is the only thing that eat sea urchins which eats fish.

    15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reserve land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. This can also be possible in conjunction with goal 13 and 14 if well managed can be achievable.
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. It is achievable if corruption and self interest of people in government is removed. Allowing people to err their viewand also the leaders to respond on time. And again recognizing people’s opinion when budgeting.

    17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    This can only happen if the globe will come to an unbreakable and selfless agreement.

  114. Avatar Elendu Esther Ogechi 2017/243875 Education economics says:

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.
    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    Sustainable Development Goal 10 (Goal 10 or SDG 10) is about reduced inequality and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The full title is: “Reduce inequality within and among countries” .The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.

    Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11 or Global Goal 11) is about “sustainable cities and communities” and is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The SDG 11 is to “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”.[1] The 17 SDGs take into account that action in one area will affect outcomes in other areas as well, and that development must balance social, economic and Environmental Sustainability.The targets of SDG 11 include investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building

    Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12 or Global Goal 12) is about “responsible consumption and production”. It is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording of SDG 12 is “To ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.SDG 12 is meant to ensure good use of resources, improving energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and ensuring a better quality of life for all.[2] SDG 12 has 11 targets to be achieved by at least 2030 and progress toward the targets is measured using 13 indicator
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption

    Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13 or Goal 13) is about climate action and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. The Goal has targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets is measured by indicators. The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change

    Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Goal 14 or SDG 14) is about “Life below water” and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.[1] The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards each target is being measured with one indicator each.
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water.[3] They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.

    Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG 15 or Global Goal 15) is about “Life on land.” One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, the official wording is: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. The Goal has 12 targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by 14 indicators.The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking

    Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16 or Global Goal 16) is about “peace, justice and strong institutions.” One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, the official wording is: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.The Goal has 12 targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by 23 indicators. The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.

    Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17 or Global Goal 17) is about “partnerships for the goals.” One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015, the official wording is: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”. The Goal has 17 targets to be achieved by 2030, broken down into five categories: finance, technology, capacity building, trade and systemic issues. Progress towards targets will be measured by 25 indicators.SDG 17 refers to the need for cross sector and cross country collaboration in pursuit of all the goals by the year 2030. It is a call for countries to align policies. SDG 17 is a vision for improved and more equitable trade, as well as coordinated investment initiatives to promote sustainable development across borders. It is about strengthening and streamlining cooperation between nation-states, both developed and developing, using the SDGs as a shared framework and a shared vision for defining that collaborative way forward.It seeks to promote international trade, and help developing countries increase their exports to ensure a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair, open and beneficial to all.


    The sustainable development goals are expected to have been achieved by 2030 which is nine years from now. I think with the time frame assigned, all the goals will not achievable in Nigeria.
    The remaining 10-17 goals are analysis as follows

    This goal cannot be achieved due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in trades,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which is also as a result of weak institutions and non implementation of government policies

    This goal can be achieved if there is a strong security system in the country both in the rural and urban areas

    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures

    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.

    This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.

    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.

    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise.

    In summary, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless there is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database in its entire population.


    The SDGs 10-17 includes:
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations. This is unachievable as a result of the inequality amongst nations and the quest for power amongst countries which has led to several wars, disunity, and economic meltdown.

    Goal 11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable. Except for the case of insecurity is addressed in Nigeria, this goal will remain unachievable.

    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption. In Nigeria, sustainable consumption can only be achieved if the agricultural and production sectors are well equipped. While the farmers produce their yields, the production sector moves on to produce other varieties of products and makes room for recycling, then can only this goal be achieved.

    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change. Climate change is a vital aspect to consider during production. With the current level of production and emission of Co2 into the earth’s surface in Nigeria without aforestation, this goal would remain unachievable.

    Goal 14- conserve and sustainably use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The aquatic animals have their own importance in the ocean. They produce water bodies and help in cleaning the oceans. This goal would be achievable if we stop the killing of those aquatic animals and possibly preserve them.

    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem sustainably manage forest combat desertification. The era of felling trees without replacing them should be forgotten if we want this goal to be achieved. It is only when we preserve wildlife can we show the up-and-coming generation literally, what those terrestrial creatures look like.

    Goal 16 Promote a peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- Peace is what the world is crying for now. Insecurity should be tackled and let there be justice.

    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- Countries of the world should come together alongside the UN and collectively discuss the way forward for sustainable revitalization and sustainable partnership only then can this goal be achieved.


    The sustainable development goals are expected to have been achieved by 2030 which is nine years from now. I think with the time frame assigned, all the goals will not achievable in Nigeria.
    The remaining 10-17 goals are analysis as follows

    This goal cannot be achieved due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in trades,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which is also as a result of weak institutions and non implementation of government policies

    This goal can be achieved if there is a strong security system in the country both in the rural and urban areas

    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures

    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.

    This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.

    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.

    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise.

    In summary, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless there is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database in its entire population.


    REG NO: 2017/244837
    Email: chiomaaugustina5@gmail.com

    From what I have learnt, the Goal 10 to Goal 17 can be achieved through the following means.

    *Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    We need new policy frameworks and solutions that give economies every chance to drive growth that is inclusive and not limited to small elites. This means looking beyond redistribution to other levers that promote broad-based increases in living standards; for example, entrepreneurship, well-functioning financial systems and the upholding of ethical values in business and public spheres.
    *Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    A truly smart city needs multiple layers of intelligence – smart, transparent governance which devolves power to the city; a smart economy which promotes job creation and formalizes the informal; smart environmental management through the creation of intelligent infrastructure and a circular use of resources; and smart planning which creates dense, walkable, inclusive urban spaces.
    *Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Let’s move on from a DUD (dig, use and dump) model, which pollutes nature and wastes money. We can constantly reuse resources and turn linear supply chains into value-adding closed loops. Less a DUD and more a circular economy. Technology and the internet of things can drive this. Governments can help too, by removing environmentally harmful subsidies and pricing natural resources right.
    *Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
    It starts with Paris. An ambitious global climate agreement will accelerate climate action and low-carbon growth. Putting a value on reducing carbon will help. Then, we must move the mindset from carbon compliance to “carbon positive” solutions. There are many cost-saving, value-creating, low-carbon innovations which will make your life and your business better.
    *Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use Oceans
    Healthy oceans provide 50% of our oxygen, 20% of our protein and 30% of our oil and gas. They are suffering. We must 1) recognize the problem; 2) form new partnerships for fishing, acidification, waste, marine transport; 3) forge new forms of regional and global governance to manage our blue commons.
    *Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    This is a big one. Critical solutions include: sustainable intensification and climate-proofing of agriculture; best practice landscape-level ecosystem management; scaled land-use planning with satellite observation; ecosystem economics and natural capital modelling; doubling down investment in sustainable rural development; empowering rural, indigenous and forest people; sorting land tenure and enforcing law, including for trafficking endangered species. *Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    Over 4 billion people, in almost all countries of the world, lack access to justice. Helping these people have their basic human rights respected means thinking creatively about how to implement reforms that enable efficient and accountable institutions that foster peaceful societies. Crowdsourcing platforms, such as http://www.ipaidabribe.com, for example, offer a brilliant way of raising awareness and fostering broad-based support for systemic change.
    *Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    The SDGs say “what” to do, now we must figure out “how”. We need new alliances like those described above that tap the innovation of businesses, civil society, cities and governments. We need new models of using limited public money to draw in more private finance. There is room for us all to hack and innovate across every SDG, at large or small scales. We must.


    The sustainable development goals are expected to have been achieved by 2030 which is nine years from now. I think with the time frame assigned, all the goals will not achievable in Nigeria.
    The remaining 10-17 goals are analysis as follows

    This goal cannot be achieved due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in trades,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which is also as a result of weak institutions and non implementation of government policies

    This goal can be achieved if there is a strong security system in the country both in the rural and urban areas

    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures

    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.

    This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.

    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.

    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise.

    In summary, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless there is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database in its entire population.

  120. Isaac Blessing chiyantirimam
    Having discussed the Sustainable Developmental Goals 1- 9, the 10-17 are being discuss below;
    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria . This is actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy cannot have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I the government can provide opportunities for women to fit in these positions one can say that, this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 .
    Goal 11: This goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, and the level of insecurity in the nation.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet. This particular goal can only be achievable if the government and private companies produces more consumable goods in the country to reduces the level of importation.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change : This could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by to reduce the emission of carbon2 acid by large industries and reduce deforestation and also the plantation of trees.
    Goal 14-: Conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and these laws are respected and the pouring of dangerous element in the oceans and seas.
    Goal 15 : Protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification . It’s achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources , for every tree that is cut down two should be planted in place
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable institutions at all levels. When institutions are weak, justice, law and order, peace and security would not be obtainable in such society. With stronger institutions, these goals can be achieved and to strengthen our institutions, there is need for people orientation and enlightenment.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This still boils down to strong and independent institutions. For effective implementation and execution of policies, the right institutions should be put in place.

  121. Avatar Ferdinand Daniel Nweke says:

    Name : Ferdinand Daniel Nweke
    Reg no : 2017/245020
    Department : Economics
    The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world: But this are the first in my opinion they can be achieved with in the period. This are the 10- 17of them.

    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    Goal 11: This goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled.
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates that negative externality.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    I see this goal being achieved if Government can make the oceans, seas and marine conducive for fishermen by making sure that the water are not polluted. If the oceans, seas and marine are safe, it will give room for fishermen to fish more healthy and big fishes which will in turn increase their income, thereby reducing poverty in the country.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This can be achieved if different species of animal that are meant to serve purposes are not slaughtered on a daily basis just to satisfy our selfish desires. They can manage forests by cutting down irrelevant trees and allowing the ones that will be of benefit to us in the long run.
    In summary of this goal 15, it is necessary that different species of animal be left to serve their different purposes rather than subjecting them to what and where they are not supposed to be.

    Goal16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions: Nigeria is too corrupt to attend these attributes within the short range… It’s can only be achieved if they corruption among us is eliminated.

    Goal17; partnership for achievement of this goals: Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe our problem lies within and not outside us.

    In conclusion, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDG goal within the time frame unless a strong revolution take place.In my opinion the sustainable development goal can be full achieve completely . If they is the establishment of strong, active and productive institution which will be operated in full capacity in other to bring the sustainable goal to reality.

  122. Avatar ENYUM JOSEPH IKECHUKWU says:

    REG NO: 2017/249498
    Email: Enyumjoseph@gmail.com

    We have about the 17 SDGs, and we have discussed goal 1 to 9 in class. Here we are going to take a quick look on goals 10 to 17.

    In goal 10, we see that this goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    In goal 11, we see that this goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    In goal 12, we see that this goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    In goal 13, we see that this goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.

    In goal 14, we see that this goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.

    In goal 15, we see that this goal is talking about the issue of protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, I believe that this problem would be tackled by the year 2030.

    In goal 16, we see that this goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.

    In goal 17, this last goal like the MDGs is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

  123. Avatar Ugwu Sandra Ogechukwu says:

    Name: Ugwu Sandra Ogechukwu
    Reg no: 2017/241433
    Department: Economics
    Email: sandra.ugwu.241433@unn.edu.ng
    The sustainable development goals are global and inclusive. Using Nigeria as a case study some of the goals can or cannot be achieved given a time frame of nine years. The goals are discussed below
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    Inequality arises from the gap between the poor and the rich. Hence to reduce inequality within the country,such gap must be bridged and income must be effectively and efficiently distributed. Also to reduce inequality among countries international organisations should endeavor to reduce the level of discrimination that exists in the organization. They should avoid being bias in issues such as education, security, health, etc. Hence an inclusive programme must be pursued to ensure equity or near equity.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
    As already known the SDGs are not independent of each other. The goal eleven can be achieved if goal ten is achieved. This is because creating an equitable society includes making the society inclusive for all. Inclusive means development should be equally distributed and cities should be made regardless of religion.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern
    To achieve a sustainable consumption pattern, sustainable production pattern must first be achieved. In that case the government and other non governmental organizations should build industries and also support the private enterprises through tax holiday and grants. The government should above all create a favourable environment in terms of security and infrastructure for private and foreign investors to be encouraged. When sustainable production is attained it means more people are employed and an increase in employment (income) will lead to an increase in consumption.
    Goal 13: Take a urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
    There is no doubt that natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, hurricane,etc have led to loss of lives and property in the past. It has also led to disturbances in the physical and economic life of the people. Thus, urgent actions should be taken by all to avoid, reduce/ or stop the adverse effects of climate change in order to ensure safety of lives and property.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use oceans,seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    To conserve oceans,seas and marine resources laws guiding the tapping of marine resources should be made. There should also be a check on industries that emite toxic waste into the seas and oceans in order to avoid extinction of marine and ensure future sustainability.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
    Collective effort should be made towards protecting and restoring the ecosystem. Forest should be properly managed to safeguard wild life and ensure it doesn’t go into extinction. Desertification practices (such as bush burning and cutting of trees) should also be avoided. Hence, planting of trees should be encouraged in order to ensure future availability of raw materials and sustainable production pattern.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive socities for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    To achieve this goal there should be room for adequate checks and balances to avoid abuse of power and authority. The Independence of the judiciary must also be ensured and the rule of law should prevail regardless of status or power.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
    It is not enough to make laws and policies but it is even more important to ensure that such laws and policies made are adequately implemented.

  124. Name:Meteke Joy Orimusue
    Website: metekejoy01.blogspot.com

    Goal 10: Reduced inequality
    The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.12 Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.
    Goal 13: Climate action
    The two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    Goal 14: Life below water
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    Goal 15: Life on land
    The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource.Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).
    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals.Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs.

  125. The SDGs include;
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations, this is unachievable with the current level of corruption by our old leaders
    Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable because the money allocated to sustain it is always embezzled and its not inclusive due to inequality.
    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of the greed of our leaders who could not even distribute covid 19 palliatives.
    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change – this could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by all to reduce the emission of carbondioxide by large industries and reduce deforestation
    Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development- this goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and these laws are respected and also measures should be put in place to combat watter pollution.
    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification – achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources.
    Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- achievable if we learn to look past tribalism, nepotism and social status.
    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development-this goal is achievable because Nigeria is already doing well in partnering with nations abroad

  126. Avatar Ugwoke kasiemobi Roseline reg NO: 2016/231449 economics major says:

    The question is if this goals are achivable within the time frame?
    Reduce Inequality.
    Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities.
    Influence Responsible Consumption and Production.
    Organize Climate Action.
    Develop Life Below Water.
    Advance Life On Land.
    Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
    Build Partnerships for the Goals.
    The answer is yes. If Nigeria government consider the following:
    Reduce inequality: they should be equal rotation of power, resources to every citizens. looking at the politics I think they should be equal care and support to everyone not giving appointment to only hausa people.
    Mobilize sustainable cities and communities: before this goal could be achieved government should Provide basic amenities and link citizens to resources system.Teaching them how to depend on themselves without waiting for government.
    Influence responsible consumption and production:
    Before this goal could be achieved. first of all they should provide enough food first before talking of responsible consumption, investment in agriculture sector should be encouraged, government should set officials to cross check them if they are actually carrying out the process.
    Organize climate action. Before this goal could be achieved within the time frame government should mobilize industries to reduce excess toxic substances such as carbon monoxide. industry should provide more machine that don’t utility fossil fuels. forestation should be encouraged, solar panels should be utilized more for the production of electricity.
    Develop life below water: To achived this goal, use of chemical to harvest fish should be discouraged, waste disposal into water body should be discouraged and also sanctioning of industries for proper development of life below water.
    Advance life on land: before this goal could be achieved indiscriminate cutting of trees should be discouraged, encouraged afforestation. Well constructed drainage system should be done and proper disposal of waste.
    Guarantee peace, justice and strong institutions: to achived this goal, judiciary arm of government should be independent without the government interference. Appointment of chief justice should not be done by president, security official should be well paid, Mobilization of youths to form community security. When there is equal distribution of resources they will be no conflict between tribes, And also equal creation of state, Legislation should serve as a strong check and balance to the executive arm of government, Security officials , should be well equipped with guns and mobile cars etc.
    Build partnership for the goal : for this goals to be achieved they should encourage dialogue between countries and international bodies and also encouraged countries coming together with common interest and common objectives that will yield positive action.To achived this global partnership we should make the country condulsive for foreign investor’s in terms of security, road construction and industries.

  127. Avatar Okafor Festus Obinna says:

    Name: Okafor Festus Obinna
    Reg No: 2017/249550
    Dept: Economics
    The aim of this discussion will not be fully achieved without taking into cognizance the main idea of the topic “Sustainability”, which implies we meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
    Having discussed Goal 1 to 9 in our last quiz, we will move forward to discussing Goal 10 to 17 and see how this Goals could be achieved within the allotted time frame.
    The Goal 10 is to reduce Inequality: Inequality in this 21st century is a thing of the mind, this is because gone are the days were women were not allowed to perform some roles in the societies. Everyone right now have been giving equal right in the society irrespective of gender. but yet Inequality still thrives among us. This is because some women still have a biased mentality concerning Equality. So for Inequality to be fully achieved within the allotted time frame in Nigeria, there is urgent need for a serious Re- Orientation of the mindsets hindering Inequality in the Country.
    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment, by embarking on continuous environmental sanitation and as well making sure that the citizens comply to achieving a Sustainable community. For this to be achieved, all hand must be on deck and not just left alone for the Government. This can be achieved if we join hands now in making our communities and cities a better place for ourselves and for the future generation to come.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet. For example adopting an effective recycling technique could help in achieving a better sustainable consumption pattern.
    Goal 13:The goal aims to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. It is possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature. meanwhile, this Goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the time period because of the state of the country right now.
    Goal 14:Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. There should also be sanctions to penalize defaulters. This could only be achieved by establishing a strong body in charge oceans, seas and marine resource activities that is devoid of corruption of any kind. But considering Nigeria state of Corruption, I doubt if this could be achieved within the remaining time frame.
    Goal 15: This goal aims at protecting, promoting and restoring degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. This very goal can’t be achieved in the Country, besides the Government have never paid much attention to the ecosystem and its well being, all they care is to take from it.
    Goal 16:Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society. But unfortunately, this wonderful goal could not be achieved in the country within the allotted time frame because of of how deep corruption have eaten up the Judicial system and as well owing to week governmental Institutions.
    Goal 17:strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships. Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe that our problem is not as a result of not partnering with other developed countries but as a result of our own selfish oriented goals and the corruptive system which have been build for decades like a structure, that not even the saint can change it.
    Now, considering the allotted time frame, this goals could not be achieved because unfortunately Nigeria have never gotten better and looking at crisis facing the country currently. I therefore strongly believe in a total revolution for a better and Inclusive administrative pattern with an effective Institutional framework in the country.

  128. Avatar Okafor Festus Obinna says:

    Name: Okafor Festus Obinna
    Reg No: 2017/249550
    Dept: Economics

    The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are planets sensitive and people-centered, this is because they place critical importance to issues that concern people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.
    The aim of this discussion will not be fully achieved without taking into cognizance the main idea of the topic “Sustainability”, which implies we meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
    Having discussed Goal 1 to 9 in our last quiz, we will move forward to discussing Goal 10 to 17 and see how this Goals could be achieved within the allotted time frame.
    The Goal 10 is to reduce Inequality: Inequality in this 21st century is a thing of the mind, this is because gone are the days were women were not allowed to perform some roles in the societies. Everyone right now have been giving equal right in the society irrespective of gender. but yet Inequality still thrives among us. This is because some women still have a biased mentality concerning Equality. So for Inequality to be fully achieved within the allotted time frame in Nigeria, there is urgent need for a serious Re- Orientation of the mindsets hindering Inequality in the Country.
    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment, by embarking on continuous environmental sanitation and as well making sure that the citizens comply to achieving a Sustainable community. For this to be achieved, all hand must be on deck and not just left alone for the Government. This can be achieved if we join hands now in making our communities and cities a better place for ourselves and for the future generation to come.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet. For example adopting an effective recycling technique could help in achieving a better sustainable consumption pattern.
    Goal 13:The goal aims to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. It is possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature. meanwhile, this Goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the time period because of the state of the country right now.
    Goal 14:Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. There should also be sanctions to penalize defaulters. This could only be achieved by establishing a strong body in charge oceans, seas and marine resource activities that is devoid of corruption of any kind. But considering Nigeria state of Corruption, I doubt if this could be achieved within the remaining time frame.
    Goal 15: This goal aims at protecting, promoting and restoring degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. This very goal can’t be achieved in the Country, besides the Government have never paid much attention to the ecosystem and its well being, all they care is to take from it.
    Goal 16:Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society. But unfortunately, this wonderful goal could not be achieved in the country within the allotted time frame because of of how deep corruption have eaten up the Judicial system and as well owing to week governmental Institutions.
    Goal 17:strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships. Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe that our problem is not as a result of not partnering with other developed countries but as a result of our own selfish oriented goals and the corruptive system which have been build for decades like a structure, that not even the saint can change it.
    Now, considering the allotted time frame, this goals could not be achieved because unfortunately Nigeria have never gotten better and looking at crisis facing the country currently. I therefore strongly believe in a total revolution for a better and Inclusive administrative pattern with an effective Institutional framework in the country.

  129. Avatar Ewa Princess says:

    Name: Ewa Princess
    Reg no: 2017/249501
    Dept: Economics
    Email: ewaprincess79@gmail.com
    Blog: blogwithprincess.wordpress.com

    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality:
    Sustainable Development Goal 10 is about reduced inequality. The full title is: “Reduce inequality within and among countries”.The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    Target 10.1 is to “sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average”. This goal, known as “shared prosperity”, is complementing SDG 1, the eradication of extreme poverty, and it is relevant for all countries in the world. In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.
    This will not be achieved in Nigeria by 2030.
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:
    Sustainable Development Goal 11 is about “sustainable cities and communities”. The SDG 11 is to “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. The 17 SDGs take into account that action in one area will affect outcomes in other areas as well, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental Sustainability. The targets of SDG 11 include investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways. With statistics, it seems impossible for Nigeria to achieve goal 11.
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces. The world’s cities occupy just 3 per cent of the Earth’s land, but account for 60–80 per cent of energy consumption and 75 per cent of carbon emissions. Thus cities are both an important cause for and solution to climate change.

    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production:
    Sustainable Development Goal 12 is about “responsible consumption and production”. The official wording of SDG 12 is “To ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”. SDG 12 is meant to ensure good use of resources, improving energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and ensuring a better quality of life for all. SDG 12 has 11 targets and progress toward the targets is measured using 13 indicators.
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    The targets of Goal 12 include using eco-friendly production methods and reducing the amount of waste. By 2030, national recycling rates should increase, as measured in tons of material recycled. Further, companies should adopt sustainable practices and publish sustainability reports.
    It could be achieved in Nigeria by 2030.

    GOAL 13: Climate Action:
    Sustainable Development Goal 13 is about climate action. The official wording is to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. The Goal has targets and progress towards targets is measured by indicators.
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions. By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people. Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013. In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    SDG 13 and SDG 7 on clean energy are closely related and complementary. The leading sources of the greenhouse gas savings that countries need to focus on in order to realize their commitments under the Paris Agreement are switching fuels to renewable energy and enhancing end-use energy efficiency.
    Not achievable in Nigeria by 2030.
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water:
    Sustainable Development Goal 14 is about “Life below water”. The official wording is to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards each target is being measured with one indicator each.
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs. Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    According to the 2020 report on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, the current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources.
    This is not achievable in Nigeria by 2030.

    GOAL 15: Life on Land:
    Sustainable Development Goal 15 is about “Life on land.” The official wording is: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. The Goal has 12 targets and it’s progress towards targets will be measured by 14 indicators.
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    An annual report is prepared by the Secretary-General of the United Nations evaluating the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The report from 2020 stated that key biodiversity and species remain threatened with extinction and forest areas continue to diminish.
    This will not be achieved in Nigeria.
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions:
    Sustainable Development Goal 16 is about “peace, justice and strong institutions.” The official wording is: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”. The Goal has 12 targets and progress towards targets will be measured by 23 indicators.
    Mission statement:
    “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    Nigeria as a country by far, is still wrapped up in brutality and unfairness. By 2030, it is completely impossible to achieve this goal.

    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal:
    SDG 17 refers to the need for cross sector and cross country collaboration in pursuit of all the goals by the year 2030. It is a call for countries to align policies. SDG 17 is a vision for improved and more equitable trade, as well as coordinated investment initiatives to promote sustainable development across borders. It is about strengthening and streamlining cooperation between nation-states, both developed and developing, using the SDGs as a shared framework and a shared vision for defining that collaborative way forward. It seeks to promote international trade, and help developing countries increase their exports to ensure a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair, open and beneficial to all.
    At this point, it can be seen that Nigeria will not be able to achieve this at the stipulated time frame of 2030.

  130. Avatar Ogba ifeanyi favour says:

    Ogba ifeanyi favour
    Economics dept

    The SDGs analysis in view with current fact
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations, this is not attainable with the current level of corruption by our leaders which the system has continued to recycle in leadership structure
    Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable cause basics infrastructure are not always provide in place which has made the means of human settlement not substainable for dwelling
    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of leader who don’t have us in mind they only think about how to enrich their pockets and their cycles .
    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change – this could be achievable if laws are enacts and alot of awareness are made about how to combat climate change in the country
    Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development- this goal can be achieved if government place a watch and limit on fishing activity in marine resources and encourage innovative ideas on how to make use and conserve substainable use of the ocean and seas and marine resources
    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification – achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources , for every tree that is cut down two should be planted in place
    Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- achievable if we learn to look past tribalism and nepotism
    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development-this goal is not achievable cos Nigeria political unrest and political in stability had made developed country distance their self from Nigeria .



    The SDGs contain 17 goals of which we have discussed goals 1 – 9. Looking at the goals 10 – 17 now and the allocated time frame, we have the following conclusions:

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    I will say that this goal can be achieved if citizens , be it men or women, can receive equal considerations when it comes to the issue of job recruitment, governance and other opportunities. There should not be partial treatment in the country If we want to accomplish this goal by 2030.

    Goal11: sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment for investment and innovation by providing the necessary social amenities and provision of strong security system free from corruption.

    Goal 12: ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of the greed of our leaders who could not even distribute COVID-19 palliatives to the people.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled.
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates that negative externality.

    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.

    Goal 15: live on land.
    Here activities such as indiscriminate hunting of wildlife, trees cutting, collecting of soil particles for various uses have been cautioned for a wise use and application across the world so as to conserve the natural land creatures for the present use and future benefits.

    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.

    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This is achievable if policy execution and implementation agencies and institutions do what is right by following the laid down rules without fear or favour.


    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries: To reduce inequality within and among countries, there should be equality and equity among countries, how? All countries should be treated equally and given equal opportunities, there should be no discrimination in the sense that this is a developing country and this is a developed country. Both the developing and developed countries should be allowed to air their views and their opinion should count in the decisions being made and what so ever that is given to the developed or third world should also be given to the developing countries. No country should either be the parasite or the host, all countries should contribute equitably.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: This goal is achievable within the time frame if and only if both the government and individuals will put their hands on the desk. Government should provide an enabling environment for habitation of different individuals and different group, there should be nothing like this state or environment is only for the Yoruba’s or Hausa’s or Igbo’s; No there should be discrimination among the people no matter the ethnic group you are from there should be peace and harmony. Different ethnic group, religious group etc should be able to live together in an environment without any issue. Government should also provide security for it people in order to ensure safe living, and on the other hand human beings should be able to take care of their environment instigating peace at the same time. They should learn how to be in peace with one another, love one another, to make the environment effective and comfortable for other generations to come.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns: This goal is achievable if the government will reduce or restrict the importation of consumable goods and increase or create enabling environment for production. Government should be able to invest more in our agricultural sector to achieve this, give loans to rural and urban farmers, provide fertilizers at a cheaper rate to them, supply them mechanized equipment and when this is achieved it will not only ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns it will as well provide employment opportunities for the people which will also increase the standard of living and increase growth in the country.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact: This is achievable in the next 9 years, if and only if governments will take action against some industries that releases harmful substances into the climate which affect the ozone layers by placing a higher tax on them.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development: For this goal to be achieved there should be law that specify the period for which people should be fishing or making use of the living things in the seas and ocean. A constant use of the aquatic animals decreases them which may be very bad in the long run. The use of chemicals for fishing and researches should be discouraged too. So many researchers who go deep into the seas and oceans to know the behaviors of some of the aquatic animals does that by putting some chemicals into the sea or putting on something that has a chemical which can scare away those animals, which at the same time is very harmful to the animals. Some fishers also use chemicals to fish so they should be oriented on the harmfulness of using a chemical to fish and measures should be taken to stop it. Industries should also stop the pouring of their harmful waste into the oceans or seas.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt biodiversity loss: Terrestrial ecosystem can be protected, restored and promoted if bush burning will be stopped, continuous cultivation will be stopped, pouring of harmful chemical substances will be stopped and application of good fertilizer will be encouraged and shifting cultivation will be encouraged too.
    Forest can be managed if deforestation will be discouraged i.e. the cutting down of trees and afforestation will be encouraged that is the planting of new trees.
    To combat desertification means to fight against the creation of desert and this can be achieved by turning them into forest i.e.by planting trees in a desert and the halt of biodiversity is to stop permanently the discrimination of plants and animals in the ecosystem.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels: This is achievable if government will be accountable to the people they are leading, make sure that those who are guilty are being punished and justice are been restored to the offenders, include everyone in everything that they are doing. There should be no favoritism in the society; everyone must be treated equally no matter who you are or where you are from.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development: This can be achievable in Nigeria if our problem will be solved first. Corruption which is one of our major problems must be handled first in order to achieve this goal because so many of the resources or money made available for revitalization are been embezzled by our head so without tackling corruption and some of our major problems this cannot be achieved.

    REG NO: 2017/242022

    We have about the 17 SDGs, and we have discussed goal 1 to 9 in class. Here we are going to take a quick look on goals 10 to 17.

    In goal 10, we see that this goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    In goal 11, we see that this goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    In goal 12, we see that this goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    In goal 13, we see that this goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.

    In goal 14, we see that this goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.

    In goal 15, we see that this goal is talking about the issue of protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, I believe that this problem would be tackled by the year 2030.

    In goal 16, we see that this goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.

    In goal 17, this last goal like the MDGs is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

    In conclusion, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDGs within the time frame unless There is restructuring in the nation and also acurrate database pm it’s entire population.

  134. Avatar AFUBE BLOSSOM CHIBUZOR says:


    The sustainable development goals are 17 in number developed by the 193 UN member states to be carried out over the time duration of 15 years. An analysis of the goals 10-17 follows below.
    This goal can be achieved within the allotted time period if there is serious actions taken to reduce the political favouritism that stems from the ‘ I scratch your back, you scratch mine’ mentality prevailing among countries presently. If decisions can be made using competence as the benchmark and with the elimination of laws that foster discrimination, then this inequality among countries can be reduced. Within Nigeria, progressive taxation can be used to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, however the taxation system is barely existent in this country.
    This is not something impossible in Nigeria within 15 years. Inclusion is possible with platforms where people can air their opinions be it social media platforms or wherever. Preexisting laws should be enforced to combat inequality. In making cities resilient, building managers can be employed to ascertain that any construction ongoing is done according to set standards. Safety can be achieved if there is general sensitisation for everyone to secure themselves to the best of their ability even whilst the government play their own part. Using green technology should be encouraged and made affordable right from the grassroots.
    Sustainable consumption means using materials in a way that minimises their impacts on the environment, so that human needs can be met birth presently and in the future. This is very much possible as it involves mostly individual efforts. If legislation can be put in place to ensure that people don’t err, even better because people cannot be trusted to do the right things even when when it benefits them in the long run. Meanwhile in production, firms should be monitored in order to ensure they dispose their waste properly, make use of renewable energy and recycle where possible.
    This can be done through appropriate legislation and sensitisation so that individual’s even in their homes will practice sustainable living using green technology. Innovations should be encouraged which will enable creation of technology that will be affordable with subsidies created for it.
    Marine authorities can be organised and given legislative powers in order to carry out their functions. There should be a limit on the amount of marine life to be captured and there should be an enforced off season which all users of marine resources will comply to. Protection of endangered species should be a priority also. Within 15 years, this is not impossible to do with consistence and dedication of the parties involved.
    These things can actually be achieved but the issue is with the time period and the fact that corruption and negligence is the reigning trend in the country Nigeria. Things that have been put in place to achieve this goal cannot work effectively because of the socio-political environment of the country. The mentality is to use and continue using without preservation or proper management.
    The segregation present between the rich and the poor can never fully be extinguished and some seek to keep it that way which would make an inclusive society even if it’s for development, very difficult. Justice for all is a myth in the present Nigeria and is unlikely to change in coming years. Accountability for all institution can be achieved if corruption is eradicated which is not feasible looking at the current situation in fifteen years.
    To strengthen the means of implementation of global partnership is to foster unity and oneness in the world which is difficult but achievable seeing as it will be beneficial to all parties. Hence countries are likely to work hard towards the achievement of this goal

  135. Avatar Igweh Sixtus Ozioma says:

    Igweh Sixtus Ozioma
    The SDGs goal from 10-17 will be discussed below and will be explained how achievable it will be owing to Nigeria’s current situation.

    Goal 10: talks about reducing inequality within and among countries. This goal has already started taking place in Nigeria though it has not hit the expected heights but with a position such as Minister of Finance being held by a woman, Nigeria can achieve inequality eradication before the year 2030.
    Goal 11: talks about nor just building houses everywhere for people to live but also making sure that the places where houses are being built are habitable and that people can feel comfortable. Currently Nigeria is expanding iys housing scheme to try and create settlements for people as much as possible.but achieving this goal before 2030 might not be feasible because of the insurgency across the country.

    Goal 12: talks about building good roads and industries. This is a problem of Nigeria since 1960 the government doesn’t fully back many private industries and if it continues doing so this goal cannot be achieved by 2030.

    Goal 13: talks about actions to combat climate change. In Nigeria there is no research institute to monitor climate change because it is seen as a problem of the Western world only.

    Goal 14: talks about protecting the marine ecosystems. in Nigeria there is no law about where to fish, when to fish etc and even if it is to be enacted the implementation would be a hassle as there are no institutions that exist to solely monitor marine life. And if it is to be started, we won’t be able to achieve the goal because we don’t even know what the aim of the goal is.
    Goal 15; talks about protecting our forests and the wild animals there. Nigeria is a country that is oil intensive hence it may not concern itself with matters concerning deforestation and loss of wildlife.This goal won’t be achieved because of the ignorance of the government and it’s citizens.
    Goal 16; talks about a peaceful and progressive society. Achieving this goal is one of Nigeria’s biggest problems because as a country it is too multi-ethnic and diverse which promotes nepotism and corruption. This goal cannot be achieved by the year 2030 unless a revolution takes place in the country.
    Goal 17; talks about international relationships and the need to strengthen them. Nigeria currently has allied itself with many countries that is why it can borrow huge sums of money from them.By the year 2030 Nigeria will have partnerships with all the countries because of its economy. So this goal is achievable before the year 2030.


    REG. NO: 2017/241456
    EMAIL: cmaduagum@gmail.com

    The sustainable development goals are expected to have been achieved by 2030 which is nine years from now. I think with the time frame allotted, the goals are not achievable in Nigeria.
    10. First, reduced inequality seems very unachievable due to high level of corruption in Nigeria. The gap between the rich and poor will continue to widen if left unchecked.
    11. Sustainable cities and communities: The cost of living in Nigeria is high and rising, you see people living in thatch houses or wooden houses in swampy areas making them susceptible to diseases like malaria, cholera, etc and still being charged high rent despite the living conditions.
    12. Responsible consumption and production: Prices on foodstuff are increasing everyday so responsible consumption is very likely as people buy cheaper products which may have little or no nutritional value. Also, illicit drugs are becoming more accessible to the public.
    13. Climate action: The rate at which bushes and forests are burned, deforested without replacement, along with air, water and land pollution with little or no consequences, I don’t think Nigeria will achieve climate action by 2030.
    14. Life below water: The negligence of life below water in Nigeria is unbecoming, refuse and toxic waste from industries are dumped polluting the habitat of water creatures
    15. Life on land: Poaching of endangered species, deforestation, kidnapping coupled with other insecurities are a threat to life on land. The Federal Government has been rather ignorant about these issues so chances of these still being a problem in 2030 is very likely.
    16. Peace and justice strong institutions: The institutions formed to serve justice and maintain law and order are doing the opposite and harming civilians instead, collecting bribery and obstructing justice and these institutions can’t be checked because the people in power are also as corrupt and employ these workers to do their dirty work.
    17. Partnership to achieve the goal: Globalization has made it easier to trade between nations, share common goals, provide assistance and financial aid but the state of Nigeria’s economy has pursued investors and put a strain between her and other nations due to corrupt practices and misuse of financial aids, negligence of her citizens, insurgency in certain areas, fall in value of the naira, etc.

  137. Avatar OKEKE NANCY OGADIMMA says:

    REG NO:2017/249557
    EMAIL: ogadimmanancy12@gmail.com

    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    This goal cannot be achieved due to disparities and uneven developments that exists within and among nations.And this disparities is as a result of difference in trades,infrastructural growth, quality education etc which is also as a result of weak institutions and non implementation of government policies
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable
    This goal can be achieved if there is a strong security system in the country both in the rural and urban areas
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    This goal is not achievable because Nigeria is known for high consumption and low production.Nigeria imports basically everything it uses and consumes Also for production, Infant industries don’t always last long because they can’t compete with imported products that are cheaper than their products.And this is as a result of increase in the price of raw materials and lack of infrastructures
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government put a pigouvian tax on industries that cause pollution,enact a law against deforestation and encourage afforestation.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    This goal can be achieved if there is clean water and safe water for aquatic animals,that is if the water is not exposed contaminated with toxic waste and harmful chemicals caused by industries.Government should tax industries that cause this pollution in order to put an end to it.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This goal can be achieved if government put a check on bush burning and cutting down of trees.Also , government should discourage activities that lead to biodiversity loss.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    This goal cannot be achieved due to the high level of corruption and political instability inherent in the country.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    This goal cannot be achieved because of the Level of instability inherent in the country both politically, economically and otherwise

  138. Avatar Idoko Patience Uchenna. Reg. No. 2017/241111 says:

    Idoko Patience Uchenna
    Education Economics

    10: Reduced inequality
    SDG 10 is to: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”.
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.[6]:12 Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.[48] In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities.
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.[50][51]
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.[6] The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).[6] In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.[6]

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses[53]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.[54]
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.[6]:14 This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.[6]:14 Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion.[6]:14 This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.
    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.[55]

    Goal 13: Climate action
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.[57] The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.[58] By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people.[59] Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.[60] In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.

    Goal 14: Life below water
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.[63] Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.[63] Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water.[64] They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources.[6] One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime.[65] Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.

    Goal 15: Life on land
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource.[68] Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests.[6] This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture.[69] Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.[70] A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.[6]

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.[73]
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.[74] Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).[6]

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.
    The goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals.[76] Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.
    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target.[78] In 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income.[78] Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade.


    REG NO: 2017/249572
    EMAIL: deborah.ozuem.249572@unn.edu.ng

    Having looked at the first 9 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), its targets and attainability, we would be examining the 10th-17th goals and how achievable they are given the time frame.
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. This goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the allotted time frame because there are no policies or programs that is geared towards bridging the gap between the haves and haves not, the rich and the poor and so, the inequality gap keeps widening over time and by 2030, this gap would have widened beyond repair.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In Nigeria, we see that the segregation between the rich and the poor has resulted in settlements being divided in the city. We have the mainland for the poor/average class and the islands for the rich and affluent. With this kind of segregation, inclusive settlement for all cannot be achieved.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This is achievable through collective efforts of individuals and `government. People should be educated on the need and importance for sustainable consumption patterns. Practices like deforestation, wildlife consumption, etc. should be strictly regulated by the authorized agencies.
    Goal 13: Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impact. This is achievable through conscious efforts of the citizens. Deliberate bush burning, emission of dangerous gases into the atmosphere, etc. should be abolished or reduced to its minimum levels.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This incudes controlled use of seas, rivers and discouraging any act or practice that is detrimental to the water bodies. There should also be sanctions to penalize defaulters.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Just as stated in Goal 14 above, the same measures applies here if this goal must be attained by 2030. Authorized control of all river related activity, afforestation, reduced bush burning, land pollution, etc. should all be encouraged.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable institutions at all levels. When institutions are weak, justice, law and order, peace and security would not be obtainable in such society. With stronger institutions, these goals can be achieved and to strengthen our institutions, there is need for people orientation and enlightenment.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This still boils down to strong and independent institutions. For effective implementation and execution of policies, the right institutions should be put in place.

  140. Avatar Osuiwu Adimchinobi peace says:

    Prosper Boo:
    Goal 10: Reduced inequality
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption. Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population. The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway). In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10 Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns. This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”. Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion. This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.
    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.

    Goal 13: Climate action
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions. By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people. Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013. In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.

    Goal 14: Life below water
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.
    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs. Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species. Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet liveable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources. One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime. Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.

    Goal 15: Life on land
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.
    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.

    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests. This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture. Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland. A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.
    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030. Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.
    This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.
    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target. In 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income. Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade.

    The UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) is the annual space for global monitoring of the SDGs, under the auspices of the United Nations economic and Social Council. In July 2020 the meeting took place online for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme was “Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development” and a ministerial declaration was adopted.
    High-level progress reports for all the SDGs are published in the form of reports by the United Nations Secretary General. The most recent one is from April 2020.
    The online publication SDG-Tracker was launched in June 2018 and presents data across all available indicators. It relies on the Our World in Data database and is also based at the University of Oxford. The publication has global coverage and tracks whether the world is making progress towards the SDGs. It aims to make the data on the 17 goals available and understandable to a wide audience.
    The website “allows people around the world to hold their governments accountable to achieving the agreed goals”. The SDG-Tracker highlights that the world is currently (early 2019) very far away from achieving the goals.
    The Global “SDG Index and Dashboards Report” is the first publication to track countries’ performance on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The annual publication, co-produced by Bertelsmann Stiftung and SDSN, includes a ranking and dashboards that show key challenges for each country in terms of implementing the SDGs. The publication features trend analysis to show how countries performing on key SDG metrics have changed over recent years in addition to an analysis of government efforts to implement the SDGs.

  141. Avatar Ogbonna chika Philip says:

    Ogbonna chika Philip
    Education Economics
    300 level

    Analysis of the global goals also referred to as the sustainable development goals of goals 10 to goals 17 holds as follows,

    Goal 10 reduce inequality within and among countries:
    This can be seen by the participation in world affairs of various countries ranging from the developed to the less developed countries of which in the continent of Africa Nigeria represents as one. This singular act through the United Nation has bridged inequality gap among countries and that of within has been effective to the point that education is now been accessed by the poor as well as the rich, on gender much have been seen in women participation among the men in the social political environment to mention but a few.

    Goal 11 make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable:
    Here the global goal have been instrumental in seeing that the human settlement in terms of innovation in structures and adaptability in technology uses have been designed to accommodate all levels of life(social status) again on safe, resilient and sustainable cities efforts have been made to provide improvement in security through modern technology which have been built to accommodate the present needs as well as having regards for the future generations.

    Goal 12 ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
    Here efforts are geared towards ensuring that the member countries adopts a production approach and consumption approach that does not only cares for the present but also for the future days.

    Goal 13. Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impact:
    Here the global goals have been instrumental by its policies towards ensuring that climate changes some attributed to human causes and others are put to checks such as emissions of carbon 4 oxides in the atmosphere by the various industries and bush burning activities within local environs are minimally controlled.

    Goal 14 live in the sea and below the lands:
    Here emphasis is on ensuring that the aquatic bodies and creatures are not indiscriminately attended and made use of. Such activities like dumping in the seas, uncontrolled fishing and other water body activities that are likely to have negative effects on aquatic life its present use and future existence are put to concern and checked

    Goal 15 live on land:
    Here activities such as indiscriminate hunting of wildlife, trees cutting, collecting of soil particles for various uses have been cautioned for a wise use and application across the world so as to conserve the natural land creatures for the present use and future benefits.

    Goal 16 with peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice, effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels:
    Here the global goals is concerned about the societies with understanding and coexistence were views are debated in a manner that accommodate and frown at any forms of discrimination and exclusion. Irrespective of the status of member nations in time of difference and difficulties matters are allowed to be given fair hearing irrespective of what countries are involved. Institutions at all levels should be same in administration, standards and accountability through transparency is encouraged by the global goals policies, but the above is in Nigeria as at present is subject to individual judgements because to the writer Nigeria have done less and have not internalize it in the system.

    Goal 17 strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development:
    Here efforts have been placed for countries of the world to utilize the opportunity to domesticate in their respective countries laws an accommodation for partnership that could benefit the present and cater for the future to come. In places of deficiencies the global goals have provided for an opportunity to revitalize such sectors through healthy partnerships, much have been seen in Nigeria in the areas of education, trade and commerce, service providers and others.

    As to the level of attainment of Nigeria at each level of the above global goals much in expectation awaits the country as indices shows in recent happening a contrary outcomes in results. When compared to the time frame upon which the goals are expected to be met, an instance is in justice, inclusive and peaceful society and conservation of life on land, sustainable consumption and production patterns, safe and inclusive settlement that is sustainable and resilient for goals 16, 15, 12, 11 etc are grossly inadequate and may not be feasible as at elapse of the program. Therefore attention call is needed to awaken all involved to be up and doing so as to achieve a length what while.

  142. Okere success chigoziem
    Education Economics

    The Sustainable Development Goals contain 17goals of which we have discussed goals 1 – 9. Looking at goals 10 – 17 now, we have the following:

    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.

    Goal 11: This goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.

    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.

    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled.
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates that negative externality.

    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    I see this goal being achieved if Government can make the oceans, seas and marine conducive for fishermen by making sure that the water are not polluted. If the oceans, seas and marine are safe, it will give room for fishermen to fish more healthy and big fishes which will in turn increase their income, thereby reducing poverty in the country.

    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This can be achieved if different species of animal that are meant to serve purposes are not slaughtered on a daily basis just to satisfy our selfish desires. They can manage forests by cutting down irrelevant trees and allowing the ones that will be of benefit to us in the long run.
    In summary of this goal 15, it is necessary that different species of animal be left to serve their different purposes rather than subjecting them to what and where they are not supposed to be.

    Goal16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions: Nigeria is too corrupt to attend these attributes within the short range… It’s can only be achieved if they corruption among us is eliminated.

    Goal17; partnership for achievement of this goals: Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe our problem lies within and not outside us.

    In conclusion, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDG goal within the time frame unless a strong revolution take place.

  143. The SDGs include;
    Goal 10- reducing inequality among nations, this is unachievable with the current plague of corruption by our old leaders
    Goal11- make cities and human settlements inclusive and sustainable; our cities are not sustainable cause the money allocated to sustain it is always embezzled
    Goal 12 – ensure sustainable consumption, this would not be achievable because of the greed of our leaders who could not even distribute covid 19 palliatives.
    Goal 13- take urgent action to combat climate change – this could be achievable if laws are enacted and abided by to reduce the emission of co2 by large industries and reduce deforestation
    Goal 14- conserve and sustainable use the oceans and seas and marine resources for sustainable development- this goal could also be achieved if laws are put in place to reduce overfishing and these laws are respected
    Goal 15 protect and restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial eco system sustainably manage forest combat desertification – achievable if forest guards are put to regulate the forests and use of forest resources , for every tree that is cut down two should be planted in place
    Goal 16 promote peaceful and inclusive society and sustainable development- achievable if we learn to look past tribalism and nepotism
    Goal 17- strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnership for sustainable development-this goal is achievable Cos Nigeria is already doing well in partnering with nations abroad

  144. Avatar Chikeleze Chigozie Noel (2017/243815) says:

    The Sustainable Development goals
    Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
    Income inequality is on the rise—the richest 10 percent have up to 40 percent of global income whereas the poorest 10 percent earn only between 2 to 7 percent. If we take into account population growth inequality in developing countries, inequality has increased by 11 percent.

    Income inequality has increased in nearly everywhere in recent decades, but at different speeds. It’s lowest in Europe and highest in the Middle East.

    These widening disparities require sound policies to empower lower income earners, and promote economic inclusion of all regardless of sex, race or ethnicity.

    Income inequality requires global solutions. This involves improving the regulation and monitoring of financial markets and institutions, encouraging development assistance and foreign direct investment to regions where the need is greatest. Facilitating the safe migration and mobility of people is also key to bridging the widening divide.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    More than half of us live in cities. By 2050, two-thirds of all humanity—6.5 billion people—will be urban. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces.
    The rapid growth of cities—a result of rising populations and increasing migration—has led to a boom in mega-cities, especially in the developing world, and slums are becoming a more significant feature of urban life.
    Making cities sustainable means creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. Agriculture is the biggest user of water worldwide, and irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater for human use.

    The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are important targets to achieve this goal. Encouraging industries, businesses and consumers to recycle and reduce waste is equally important, as is supporting developing countries to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption by 2030.

    A large share of the world population is still consuming far too little to meet even their basic needs. Halving the per capita of global food waste at the retailer and consumer levels is also important for creating more efficient production and supply chains. This can help with food security, and shift us towards a more resource efficient economy

    Goal 13: Climate action
    There is no country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50 percent higher than in 1990. Global warming is causing long-lasting changes to our climate system, which threatens irreversible consequences if we do not act.

    The annual average economic losses from climate-related disasters are in the hundreds of billions of dollars. This is not to mention the human impact of geo-physical disasters, which are 91 percent climate-related, and which between 1998 and 2017 killed 1.3 million people, and left 4.4 billion injured. The goal aims to mobilize US$100 billion annually by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development.

    Supporting vulnerable regions will directly contribute not only to Goal 13 but also to the other SDGs. These actions must also go hand in hand with efforts to integrate disaster risk measures, sustainable natural resource management, and human security into national development strategies. It is still possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, aiming at 1.5°C, but this requires urgent and ambitious collective action.

    Goal 14: Life Below Water
    The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. How we manage this vital resource is essential for humanity as a whole, and to counterbalance the effects of climate change.

    Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. However, today we are seeing 30 percent of the world’s fish stocks overexploited, reaching below the level at which they can produce sustainable yields.

    Oceans also absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by humans, and we are seeing a 26 percent rise in ocean acidification since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Marine pollution, an overwhelming majority of which comes from land-based sources, is reaching alarming levels, with an average of 13,000 pieces of plastic litter to be found on every square kilometre of ocean.

    The SDGs aim to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification. Enhancing conservation and the sustainable use of ocean-based resources through international law will also help mitigate some of the challenges facing our oceans

    Goal 15: Life on land
    Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.

    Every year, 13 million hectares of forests are lost, while the persistent degradation of drylands has led to the desertification of 3.6 billion hectares, disproportionately affecting poor communities.

    While 15 percent of land is protected, biodiversity is still at risk. Nearly 7,000 species of animals and plants have been illegally traded. Wildlife trafficking not only erodes biodiversity, but creates insecurity, fuels conflict, and feeds corruption.
    Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security.
    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
    We cannot hope for sustainable development without peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law. Yet our world is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy peace, security and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. This is not inevitable and must be addressed.

    Armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development, affecting economic growth, and often resulting in grievances that last for generations. Sexual violence, crime, exploitation and torture are also prevalent where there is conflict, or no rule of law, and countries must take measures to protect those who are most at risk

    The SDGs aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence, and work with governments and communities to end conflict and insecurity. Promoting the rule of law and human rights are key to this process, as is reducing the flow of illicit arms and strengthening the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.
    Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
    The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. Official Development Assistance remained steady but below target, at US$147 billion in 2017. While humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters continue to demand more financial resources and aid. Many countries also require Official Development Assistance to encourage growth and trade.
    The world is more interconnected than ever. Improving access to technology and knowledge is an important way to share ideas and foster innovation. Coordinating policies to help developing countries manage their debt, as well as promoting investment for the least developed, is vital for sustainable growth and development.

    The goals aim to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation by supporting national plans to achieve all the targets. Promoting international trade, and helping developing countries increase their exports is all part of achieving a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair and open and benefits all.

    SDGs in Nigeria
    Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. At UNDP, we are building on our support through provision of technical support to the Office of the Senior Special Advisor to the President on SDGs (OSSAP) and line ministries in an effort to ensure that planning and budgeting for development activities in the country are done within the framework of the SDGs. Using lessons learnt from the MDGs era, we are working closely with the Government of Nigeria and other partners in ensuring that the SDGs are efficient and effective implemented and that resources are allocated to sectors of the economy that will yield highest dividend for the poor and vulnerable millions across the country.
    We have supported the Government of Nigeria in conducting the SDGs Data Mapping Exercise and conducting a Baseline Surveys whose results have been useful in developing baseline indicators for SDGs implementation, monitoring and reporting in the country. The baseline survey continue to be updated by-annually to reflect current situation and changing trends in the country. In addition to conducting various advocacy and awareness activities with several government ministries, departments and agencies, we supported initiatives aimed at promoting strategic engagements around the SDGs. For example, with our support, the government developed the Private Sector Engagement Strategy which provides for and recommended the establishment of the first-ever Private Sector Advisory Group on SDGs. We have also supported the establishment of SDGs Development Partners Forum which we also achor.
    We provide both technical and financial support toward ongoing efforts aimed at integrating the SDGs into national and State-level policies, plans and budgets. In support of Government’s efforts aimed at sharing its experiences so far, we are providing technical support towards the development of Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). The VNRs facilitate the sharing of experiences, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The NRVs will serves as a basis for anticipated regular reviews by the high-level political forum (HLPF) meetings held every year. The VNRs also seek to strengthen policies and institutions of governments and to mobilize partnerships.

    As the UN’s agency mandated to eradicate poverty, UNDP will continue supporting the Governments and people of Nigeria in tackling the new agenda and taking it forward over the next couple of years. We will continue to provide support to the as we all continue on this long path towards the SDGs promise- a promise of a just, equitable and sustainable planet – our common heritage; a promise of peace and prosperity for all.

  145. Avatar Okoye Amblessed Amarachi says:

    The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are planets sensitive and people-centered, this is because they place critical importance to issues that concern people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Goals 10-17 would aid us understand this better. They are discussed below:
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries- This goal is quite achievable if all countries of the world can change their view of superiority complex. If all rich countries of the world see other disadvantaged countries of the world as special with zero segregation. Hence a world sensitization on nation-equality is paramount.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable- This is achievable if people’s opinions of what the society should look like is taken into consideration. Also the human habitats should be made safe from all forms of natural and man-made dangers.
    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns- Due to over consumption and natural resource depletion and extinction, there is need for us to conserve these resources as well as enable their replaceability.
    Goal 13: Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts- All human activities that encourage climate change and ecosystem destruction such as deforestation, wildlife overuse, bush burning should be discouraged.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development- This is also intertwined with goal 12 above, there is need to discourage all human activities that destroy the sea cleanness and a heavy fine should be attached to prosecute defaulting citizens.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forest,combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss- This would be achievable if Planting of trees is encouraged. Also afforestation and biodiversity conservation should be encouraged.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable institutions at all levels- The justice system should one that is independent of the preceding government’s intrusion. There should be justice for all irrespective of social, economic or political status.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development- This is achievable if policy execution and implementation agencies and institutions do what is right by following the laid down rules without fear or favour.

  146. Avatar Uduma Ikechukwu Obasi says:

    Uduma Ikechukwu Obasi

    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 10
    SDG 10 is to: “Reduce income inequality within and among countries”.[46]

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 10[edit]
    The Goal has ten targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards targets will be measured by indicators. The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce income inequalities; promote universal social, economic and political inclusion; ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination; adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality; improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions; enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions; responsible and well-managed migration policies. The other three targets are “means of achievement” targets: Special and differential treatment for developing countries; encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries; reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances.
    In 73 countries during the period 2012–2017, the bottom 40 per cent of the population saw its incomes grow. Still, in all countries with data, the bottom 40 per cent of the population received less than 25 per cent of the overall income or consumption.:12 Women are more likely to be victims of discrimination than men. Among those with disabilities, 3 in 10 personally experienced discrimination, with higher levels still among women with disabilities. The main grounds of discrimination mentioned by these women was not the disability itself, but religion, ethnicity and sex, pointing to the urgent need for measures to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.In 2019, 54 per cent of countries have a comprehensive set of policy measures to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people.

    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 11
    SDG 11 is to: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 11[edit]
    SDG 11 has 10 targets to be achieved, and this is being measured with 15 indicators. The seven “outcome targets” include: Safe and affordable housing, affordable and sustainable transport systems; inclusive and sustainable urbanization; protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage; reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters; reduce the environmental impacts of cities; provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces. The three “means of achieving” targets include: Strong national and regional development planning; implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction; support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building.
    The number of slum dwellers reached more than 1 billion in 2018, or 24 per cent of the urban population.[6] The number of people living in urban slums is highest in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. In 2019, only half of the world’s urban population had convenient access to public transport, defined as living within 500 metres’ walking distance from a low-capacity transport system (such as a bus stop) and within 1 km of a high-capacity transport system (such as a railway).[6] In the period 1990–2015, most urban areas recorded a general increase in the extent of built-up area per person.

    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 12
    SDG 12 is to: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 12
    The 11 targets of the goal are: implement the 10‑Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns; achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources; reducing by half the per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and the reduction of food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses[53]; achieving the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle; reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices; promote public procurement practices that are sustainable; and ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development. The three “means of achieving” targets are: support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity; develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts; and remove market distortions, like fossil fuel subsidies, that encourage wasteful consumption.
    By 2019, 79 countries and the European Union have reported on at least one national policy instrument to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.[6]:14 This was done to work towards the implementation of the “10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns”.:14 Global fossil fuel subsidies in 2018 were $400 billion.[6]:14 This was double the estimated subsidies for renewables and is detrimental to the task of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions.

    To ensure that plastic products are more sustainable, thus reducing plastic waste, changes such as decreasing usage and increasing the circularity of the plastic economy are expected to be required. An increase in domestic recycling and a reduced reliance on the global plastic waste trade are other actions that might help meet the goal.

    Goal 13: Climate action
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 13
    SDG 13 is to: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy”.[56]

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 13[edit]
    The targets cover a wide range of issues surrounding climate action. There are five targets in total. The first three targets are “output targets”: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters; integrate climate change measures into policies and planning; build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. The remaining two targets are “means of achieving” targets: To implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and to promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

    The decade between 2010 – 2019 was the warmest decade recorded in history. Currently climate change is affecting the global community in each country of the world. Its impact affects not only national economies, but also lives and livelihoods, especially those in vulnerable conditions.[58] By 2018, climate change continued exacerbating the frequency of natural disasters, such as massive wildfires, droughts, hurricanes and floods, affecting more than 39 million of people.[59] Over the period 2000–2018, green house emissions of developed countries and economies in transitions have declined by 6.5%. The emissions of the developing countries are up by 43% in the period between 2000 and 2013.[60] In 2019, at least 120 of 153 developing countries had undertaken activities to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.
    Goal 14: Life below water Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 14
    SDG 14 is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 14[edit]
    The first seven targets are “outcome targets”: Reduce marine pollution; protect and restore ecosystems; reduce ocean acidification; sustainable fishing; conserve coastal and marine areas; end subsidies contributing to overfishing; increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources. The last three targets are “means of achieving” targets: To increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health; support small scale fishers; implement and enforce international sea law.

    Oceans and fisheries support the global population’s economic, social and environmental needs.] Oceans are the source of life of the planet and the global climate system regulator. They are the world’s largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species.[63] Oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water. They are essential for making the planet livable. Rainwater, drinking water and climate are all regulated by ocean temperatures and currents. Over 3 billion people depend on marine life for their livelihood. However, there has been a 26 percent increase in acidification since the industrial revolution. Effective strategies to mitigate adverse effects of increased ocean acidification are needed to advance the sustainable use of oceans.
    The current efforts to protect oceans, marine environments and small-scale fishers are not meeting the need to protect the resources. One of the key drivers of global overfishing is illegal fishing. It threatens marine ecosystems, puts food security and regional stability at risk, and is linked to major human rights violations and even organized crime. Increased ocean temperatures and oxygen loss act concurrently with ocean acidification and constitute the “deadly trio” of climate change pressures on the marine environment.

    Nusa Lembongan Reef
    One indicator (14.1.1b) under Goal 14 specifically relates to reducing impacts from marine plastic pollution.[55]

    Goal 15: Life on land Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 15
    SDG 15 is to: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 15[edit]
    The nine “outcome targets” include: Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems; end deforestation and restore degraded forests; end desertification and restore degraded land; ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems, protect biodiversity and natural habitats; protect access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits; eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species; prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems; and integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning. The three “means of achieving targets” include: Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystem and biodiversity; finance and incentivize sustainable forest management; combat global poaching and trafficking.

    Humans depend on earth and the ocean to live. This goal aims at securing sustainable livelihoods that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The human diet is composed 80% of plant life, which makes agriculture a very important economic resource. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources. Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for millions of species, and important sources for clean air and water, as well as being crucial for combating climate change.
    The proportion of forest area fell, from 31.9 per cent of total land area in 2000 to 31.2 per cent in 2020, representing a net loss of nearly 100 million ha of the world’s forests. This was due to decreasing forest area decreased in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia, driven by deforestation for agriculture.Desertification affects as much as one-sixth of the world’s population, 70% of all drylands, and one-quarter of the total land area of the world. It also leads to spreading poverty and the degradation of billion hectares of cropland.] A report in 2020 stated that globally, the species extinction risk has worsened by about 10 per cent over the past three decades.

    Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 16
    SDG 16 is to: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

    This section is an excerpt from Sustainable Development Goal 16[edit]
    The goal has ten “outcome targets”: Reduce violence; protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice; combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms flows, substantially reduce corruption and bribery; develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity; ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms. There are also two “means of achieving targets”: Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies.

    Reducing violent crime, sex trafficking, forced labor, and child abuse are clear global goals. The International Community values peace and justice and calls for stronger judicial systems that will enforce laws and work toward a more peaceful and just society.
    With more than a quarter of children under 5 unregistered worldwide as of 2015, about 1 in 5 countries will need to accelerate progress to achieve universal birth registration by 2030.Data from 38 countries over the past decade suggest that high-income countries have the lowest prevalence of bribery (an average of 3.7 per cent), while lower-income countries have high levels of bribery when accessing public services (22.3 per cent).

    Goal 17: Partnership for the goals Edit
    Main article: Sustainable Development Goal 17
    SDG 17 is to: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”.This goal has 19 outcome targets and 24 indicators. Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.

    With US$5 trillion to $7 trillion in annual investment required to achieve the SDGs, total official development assistance reached US$147.2 billion in 2017. This, although steady, is below the set target.in 2016, six countries met the international target to keep official development assistance at or above 0.7 percent of gross national income.Humanitarian crises brought on by conflict or natural disasters have continued to demand more financial resources and aid. Even so, many countries also require official development assistance to encourage growth and trade.

  147. Avatar Udeh Rita Ezinne says:

    Udeh Rita Ezinne
    The 17 SDGs goal are:: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
    Goal 10 to 17 will be discussed below
    Goal 10 Reducing inequality: this goal is all about ensuring equal rights for both male and female. Given the time frame I think this goal of reducing inequality will be achieved because currently women are being allowed to participate in some activities unlike before.
    Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: this goal is about making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This goal can achieved if individuals will work together in other to keep the society safe . Given the time frame the goal might not be achieved in Nigeria because our security system is not strong enough.
    Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and production: Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. This Goal is achievable in Nigeria if industries, businesses and consumers are encouraged to recycle and reduce waste. It is still possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature
    Goal 13 Climate Action: The goal aims to address the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and invest in low-carbon development. It is possible, with strong political will, increased investment, and using existing technology, to limit the increase in global mean temperature. While this Goal is not achievable in Nigeria given the time period.
    Goal 14 Life Below Water: The SDGs aim to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidification. This Goal is not achievable in Nigeria
    Goal 15 Life On Land: This actually means sustaining terrestrial habitat. This goal is achievable in Nigeria if government will impose a law against land degradation, desertification, biodiversity loss and also individuals should be enlightened on the need to safe guard the environment. I strongly believe if this is done this goal will be achieved.
    Goal 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: the aim is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective Accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Due to the high level of corruption in Nigeria this goal has not been fully achieved yet but I believe Nigeria will achieve it if everyone can be transparent.
    Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals: The goals aim to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation by supporting national plans to achieve all the targets. Promoting international trade, and helping developing countries increase their exports is all part of achieving a universal rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair and open and benefits all. This goal has been achieved as Nigeria has been in partnership with other countries.

  148. Avatar Onah Hope Nnenna says:

    Onah Hope Nnenna
    Email: onahnnenna123@gmail
    Dept: Economics

    Having looked at the SDGs goals from 1 to 9, we will continue from 10 and know if they are achievable or not in Nigeria for that specified year ( 2030)
    Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
    I will say that this goal can be achieved if citizens , be it men or women, can receive equal considerations when it comes to the issue of job recruitment, governance and other opportunities. There should not be partial treatment in the country If we want to accomplish this goal by 2030.
    Reducing inequality among countries can be possible if free trade is introduced coupled with comparative advantage.
    Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable
    In my own opinion, this goal can be achieved if the Government can provide a strong security services that will make cities safe and sustainable. Also, the citizens have roles to play in order to create a conducive environment for themselves. They can do that by making sure they create their own community security and making sure that their environments are clean .

    Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
    I don’t see this goal being achieved in Nigeria by 2030. The reason is because, in terms of consumption, Nigerians only know and care about consuming every edible that comes their way. That is, they hardly save for the future. In the production pattern, Nigeria lacks the necessary equipments that can faster production.
    Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it’s impacts.
    Yes , this can be achieved if the government controls the rate of carbon dioxide being spilled.
    The government can restrict the quantity by penalising anybody that creates that negative externality.
    Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
    I see this goal being achieved if Government can make the oceans, seas and marine conducive for fishermen by making sure that the water are not polluted. If the oceans, seas and marine are safe, it will give room for fishermen to fish more healthy and big fishes which will in turn increase their income, thereby reducing poverty in the country.
    Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
    This can be achieved if different species of animal that are meant to serve purposes are not slaughtered on a daily basis just to satisfy our selfish desires. They can manage forests by cutting down irrelevant trees and allowing the ones that will be of benefit to us in the long run. In summary of this goal 15, it is necessary that different species of animal be left to serve their different purposes rather than subjecting them to what and where they are not supposed to be.
    Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all level.
    It can be achieved if citizens have the mindset of maintaining peace and order. They have to know that peace is the ultimate . And the government can provide access to justice by making sure that any body that disobeys the law if maintaining peace and order shall face the law.
    Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
    This can be achieved if every country is given the opportunity to showcase their talent. That is, each country should be allowed to participate in production to know the area they have absolute advantage on.

    The SDGs contain 17goals of which we have discussed goals 1 – 9. Looking at goals 10 – 17 now, we have the following:
    Goal 10: This goal talks about reducing inequality of which had started in Nigeria and us actually achievable as women who were not given a status in the economy can not have a say in some matters concerning the economy. So I for one, say that this goal would be fully achieved by 2030 when the goal is meant to elapse.
    Goal 11: This goal talks about building sustainable communities an cities that are free for individuals to live in and be safe. Individuals themselves have a role to play in that they also have to learn how to keep their communities clean and neat at all times as this habit would make the safe. This actually and sincerely might not be achieved in Nigeria given the limited time as even as at now, we have unclean environment in the areas where we live, we don’t keep our surroundings clean enough to actually achieve this.
    Goal 12: This goal emphasizes in good consumption and production pattern. Nigeria has tried a little in this aspect but she could do more. This issue is or has been looked into but has not yet been fully achieved as we still have some consumption and production patterns that we haven’t explored yet.
    Goal 13: This goal is about our climate change. This has been looked into in Nigeria but hasn’t been fully resolved yet as there is emission of carbon dioxide by industries and this literally affects the ozone layer, green house and the others which in turn affects our health as citizens. Nigeria if focused could actually achieve this by the year 2030.
    Goal 14: This goal lays emphasis on sustaining the life below water. That is, whatever living creature below or in water should be taken care of very well and be endangered like some species. Nigeria has actually tried but no effect has been seen.
    Goal 15: This is talking about the issue of protecting life on land which is where we all reside. Nigeria has looked into this aspect and still issues like crude oil spoiling a certain area as well as the surroundings is still on the rise. If the government is able to implement some laws against this as well as enlighten the citizens on what happens as well as the causes of this issue, I believe that this problem would be tackled by the year 2030.
    Goal 16: This goal talks about enforcing leave, justice, and strong institutions. That is the rule of law should be enforced, justice shouldn’t be delayed as justice delayed is justice denied. There also should be appropriate strong legal institutions that would help carry this out but the present Nigeria does not happen to have all these as there is already enough corruption and this vice can only be stopped or alleviated by we the citizens and that is when we start to respect each other and the law which is the constitution.
    Goal 17: This last goal like the MDGs is talking about global partnership on how to achieve these goals. Nigeria has actually collaborated with other countries on issues concerning her and her citizens. I believe that if there is a rise in the global partnerships, Nigeria could at least grow out of all these problems.

  150. Avatar Okoronkwo Emmanuel Ositadinma (2017/242433) (Economics) says:

    The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

    Though the goals are broad and interdependent, two years later (6th of July,2017) the SDGs were made more “actionable” by a UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. The resolution identifies specific targets for each goal, along with indicators that are being used to measure progress toward each target.[3] The year by which the target is meant to be achieved is usually between 2020 and 2030.[4] For some of the targets, no end date is given.

    To facilitate monitoring, a variety of tools exist to track and visualize progress towards the goals. All intention is to make data more available and easily understood.[5] For example, the online publication SDG-Tracker, launched in June 2018, presents available data across all indicators.[5] The SDGs pay attention to multiple cross-cutting issues, like gender equity, education, and culture cut across all of the SDGs. There were serious impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on all 17 SDGs in the year 2020.

    In this work, Goal 10 to 17 will be discussed extensively.

    Goal10; Reducing inequality: inequality can only be reduced when there is reorientation among children, youths, adults and the political class. When we see ourselves as one, government appointments will no longer be based on tribalism and effective allocation will be assured.

    Goal11; sustainable cities and communities: the cities and communities can be sustained if and only if government provide conducive environment for investment and innovation by providing the necessary social amenities and provision of strong security system free from corruption.

    Goal12; Responsible consumption and production: it’s is actually a detrimental attribute of every government administration in Nigeria to go for CBN overdraft to finance their administration, but the truth remains that those money are shared among the politicians. The oil sector that makes Nigeria economy giant of west African economy has been underutilized and our little refineries are ineffective, hence we can’t effective produce the so call oil. Political giants and people that are well to do builds refineries abroad leaving their home country to suffer. Untill all this is address Nigeria won’t have a place in the world development not even in 2030 but in the future.

    Goal13; Climate action: this is unattainable for Nigeria with the time range. This is because the government has never taking into cognisance our geographical nature talk more of checking the climate to ensure sustainable existence.

    Goal14; Life below water: this emphasizes of aquatic habitat. It has not been heard that Nigeria government is implementing any progressive measure to ascertain the sustainability of aquatic habitat. Therefore this is not obtainable in Nigeria

    Goal15; Life on land: it speak of terrestrial habitat. In Nigeria, the major concern of every government is the oil sector, but they fail to look into terrestrial ecosystem and this will not us at all.

    Goal16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions: Nigeria is too corrupt to attend these attributes within the short range… It’s can only be achieved if they corruption among us is eliminated.

    Goal17; partnership for achievement of this goals: Nigeria has been in partnership with other nations of the world but yet we remain helpless, therefore I believe our problem lies within and not outside us.

    In conclusion, Nigeria cannot successfully attain all the SDG goal within the time frame unless a strong revolution take place….

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